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The Dark Brotherhood - Printable Version

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The Dark Brotherhood - Meldresi - July 18, 2014

@Keith Sorry for the wait!

She had found him, the one her goddess had sent her to find. Already she was basking in the pride of the Webspinner's dark delight. It was a rare emotion and she must savour every moment of it she could. The priestess could understand what Mephala was planning for her, a cult here in the Teekon Wilds, to reek havoc on the others. Sweet glorious chaos.

The boy was wild and hard to manage, but she convinced him to meet her to discuss what she had in mind. She waited in the Neverwinter Forest, a place that suited her doctrines. Dark, gloomy, hiding things in the mists. A perfect place to start her goddess' new foothold? Perhaps.

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Bane - July 19, 2014

Shall I say this happened the same night of the encounter with Julooke?
EDIT (1/22/2015): Removing tables.

The night had been long and bright, and the moon got deeper in Keith's skin with every second that passed. Dazed by the effect of the orb, the prince agreed on meeting a dark female in the Neverwinter Forest who had stopped him from taking a female's life earlier that night and mentioned something about a goddess of darkness. Unable to resist his impulses and following the intrigue that the priestess had ignited in him, he followed her scent through the thick mist of the night.

He was almost invisible in the fog, and quiet like the flight of a tyto. He creeped through the forest stalking the female, watching her moves for a while before emerging in front of her with a cold look. he said nothing, he stayed still like a rock.

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Meldresi - July 19, 2014

Yeah, that's fine. :)

The white male appeared in front of her, though she had been aware of his presence for a while now. He gave her a cold glare, which she equated with her own calm stare. For a while she locked eyes with him, but then she spoke, breaking the silence.

"I told you about my goddess, correct?" She began, keeping her distance. "She came to me tonight, instructing me to find you. She has a purpose for this...condition of yours."

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Bane - July 20, 2014

The female held MoonBane's gaze for a moment and then broke the silence. She started talking about her goddess again, and he responded with a short growl, "get to the point" he said annoyed by the female's mince words.

She said her goddess had a purpose for his condition - condition? the only condition he had was that he wanted to rip her head off for stepping between him and his female.. "And tell me, Meldresi.." He started with a fake smile, "What does you goddess know about my.. Condition?"

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Meldresi - July 20, 2014

She was stepping on thin ice. This moon-mad wolf could kill her at any moment if he wished. The priestess had to lure him in. With what then? She thought back to the dream. He wasn't always like this, this part of him was suppressed and only unleashed under a full moon. But what if he could be like this always? Strong, powerful, without restraint. That could be it.

"She knows that you are not always this way. That for every other night when the full moon is not shining, you are trapped in a weaker mind." She wasn't sure if he was aware of this, but the promise of it could be seductive. "Mephala wishes to make you like this always. The only payment is that you devote yourself to her. If you do that, then you could take anything you want. Food, land, power, women." She played to his demands. Of course he was itching to have a woman, ever since he saw the female in heat. And what else would men want anyway?

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Bane - July 20, 2014

Uhm.. I don't know if it's appropriate but he's horny so.. (should we throw a Mature tag on this?)

The dark female surprisingly knew about his susceptibility to the full moon, and Keith didn't like that. He didn't like the way she was talking to him, he didn't like that she knew this about him, but they agreed on something: Keith was weak. He growled softly, warning the female that he didn't like her tone, she was wise to keep her distance with him, one false move and he'd rip her throat off.

The preistess then said that her goddess wanted to release him from his imprisonment, to free him from his subordination to the moon, and he wouldn't deny that it was a very interesting proposal "Don't you say..." he said lifting his head. He gave a few steps straight towards her, to the point were their noses almost touched but he turned left and walked around her in a circle, she already had his interest and attention but if he was gonna do this she at least had to earn his trust.

"Let's make a deal M'lady" he said with a mischievous smile, "I'll devote to you.. but you'll have to take me first.." with those last words he stopped at her right side and approached his snout to her neck to breathe in her aroma, he would take his chances with this one since the last one didn't turn out so well, and to be fair, this one was really beautiful.

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Meldresi - July 20, 2014

*looks at Keith's profile* *sees age: 1* OH MY GOD. MILF ALERT! (Meldresi is 5.) *turns on the sirens*

Meldresi met his gaze as he stepped forward, reading the hunger inside of those colorless eyes. She had to convince him to join. The white wolf circled around her and she followed his movements warily. He offered her a deal: if he joined her, then she would have to allow him to mate with her. It wasn't the worst thing she had done, this she could let happen with no problem. She had Blue Vervain and Hoary Vervain stored in her den. Once this was over she could take a poultice and be fine. The priestess leaned into him as he sniffed her neck. "Fine," she purred. "Go on then."

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Bane - July 20, 2014

OMG hahaha I didn't know she was so old!
This reminds me of something... but no matter how hard I try I can't recall what it is! >_>
I think we could expect something like this from [size=xx-small]Melisandre[/size] Meldresi... right? xD
I'll try to drag this a little bit longer before fading to black or something so it counts for exp and that stuff.. (10 posts min.)

The Priestess agreed on MoonBane's terms and leaned in to him. Even though she was way older than him she was strikingly beautiful and the raving male wasn't capable of denying something to himself, he wanted her badly.

He leaned even closer to her face and slowly whispered in her ear "I said take me..." they were on his terms now and that's the way he wanted it to be, he didn't need that to happen, he was gonna accept anyways, but he wanted to have some fun first.

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Meldresi - July 20, 2014

LOL. XD *this took me forever to write because I am not good at pr0nz.*

She chuckled softly at his demanding tone. "I am getting there." she replied playfully. The black-furred priestess rubbed her body against his sensually as she moved underneath his chin, curling her tail around his muzzle. She turned then, placing her muzzle by his ear and nibbling gently.

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Bane - July 21, 2014

Feel free to fade to black or whatever should be done in these situations..
This thread was a lot of fun, thanks :)

"I am getting there." she said playfully and rubbed her body against his. He closed his eyes and sniffed her pelt once again, if there was one thing that MoonBane enjoyed it was women. She then started playing with her tail and then with his ear, he chuckled in satisfaction and impulsively turned and lunged on an attempt to lay her down in the ground.

He liked to feel dominant, even when he had asked for her to do the job, he couldn't resist the temptation to take yet another female. "You're lucky not to be in heat.." he said quietly but with a heavy breathing voice.

RE: The Dark Brotherhood - Meldresi - July 21, 2014

Fading to black here. I'll archive it soon. Thanks!

She squeaked in surprise as he lunged at her, pushing her down to the ground. The priestess regained her senses as he whispered heavily into her ear. She smirked, raising her hips up into the air and wiggling them seductively. "Come now, let's not worry about that." Inside she wanted to get this over with as fast as possible, but a part of her was looking forward to this young man's efforts. Who knows? Maybe this moon-mad side of him would be better than his perverse leers indicated.

Fade to black