Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle La respuesta a tu pregunta es no - Printable Version

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La respuesta a tu pregunta es no - Catalina - May 02, 2019


It was immense change in scenery as she looked upon the water before her opposed to the trees that she had became accustomed to. Catalina looked around and took in everything. Since returning to teekon perhaps she could gain So friends or perhaps a pack.

RE: La respuesta a tu pregunta es no - Cephaloryn - May 09, 2019

hope you don't mind sense it's labeled as AW.

He had stayed on the isle, doing whatever he could to help @Strand (assuming she asked anything of him) and secure him a place without trouble on the island. It still soothed him to be back on it. The sound of the waves beckoned him forth from the heart of the island. Perhaps it had been for good reason too. There, on the edge of their island, stood a stranger. Reddish and peppered.

It was without concern that he moved towards her. While his posture was not aggressively, he was not openly welcoming of their presence. Wary perhaps. Who are you? He called out in a rather monotonous way.

RE: La respuesta a tu pregunta es no - Strand - May 09, 2019


Strand was late to the party, as usual to be honest. She and Rokig had not spent all that much time together, but she was thankful for his presence all the same. And look, now he was doing her duties for her. Man. She really needed to get on that shit. She broke out into a limping trot to catch up to the two of them. Her shoulder had completely healed long ago, but the limp had stayed, and it would stay with her for life. She didn’t mind. The limp along with the scar made her look like a badass.

’Who are you?’ Rokig asked the female.

Strand grunted and stood at his shoulder, showing a united front. At the same time, she tried to keep her stance neutral. If they could potentially recruit the female, she didn’t want to scare her off.

RE: La respuesta a tu pregunta es no - Catalina - May 10, 2019

Catalina knew that wolves had been present here but she didn’t know the territory. Here she was met by two wolves standing before her. Had she stumbled onto a packs territory?

One spoke asking who she was. Catalina relaxed her posture slightly. “Name Catalina.” She said only pausing s few seconds in between as she hoped she gathered the right words.

RE: La respuesta a tu pregunta es no - Cephaloryn - May 10, 2019

It did not take long for Strand to appear by his side. For that, he was grateful. He understood that she called this island hers and so it should be her to decide what to do with the visitors they ever received. Or to at least guide him on what she wanted done with them.

The response the islanders recieved from the stranger seemed rather choppy. He would not fuss though, the answer to his question had been provided. Catalina. He would file it away in case anything came from this encounter. His head turned to cast a look at Strand, a softly raised brow.

What do you want to do?

RE: La respuesta a tu pregunta es no - Strand - May 28, 2019

Catalina. Well. With nothing at all to go on aside from the woman’s name, Strand huffed in frustration. “What are you doing here, Catalina?” she demanded. “Have you come to join my pack?” What else was she to ask the woman who had given only her name in broken speech? “What skills do you have?” she added after a moment of thought. If the woman was useless… well, she wouldn’t turn her away, but she wouldn’t think highly of her, either. She glanced at Rokig with a look like, This chick, right? Then she turned back to the woman to see what she had to say.