Wolf RPG
Do Greenlights given to pack concepts ever expire? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Do Greenlights given to pack concepts ever expire? (/showthread.php?tid=34366)

Do Greenlights given to pack concepts ever expire? - Strand - May 09, 2019

Even if plans change and the pack doesn't pan out and characters go elsewhere, is the pack still green-lit at that point or would the leader character have to resubmit it for green lighting again?

RE: never mind - delete this - Indra - May 09, 2019

Green lights do not expire! As long as the greenlit pack concept is identical and the leader has been active for thirty days before starting new founding threads, the “shelved” pack concept is good to go. :)

I’m going to edit the title of your thread btw, just so that others can find it in the future. This is a fairly frequent question!

RE: Do Greenlights given to pack concepts ever expire? - Strand - May 09, 2019
