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Moonspear Never Ever - Printable Version

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Never Ever - Charon - May 16, 2019

It was difficult to part with @Speedy after their little resort together. Although the hormones had mostly subsided the feelings still lingered. Charon did not love her, and felt that if pups would come from their union it should be his right to do as patriarch of this mountain, when his mate could not. But it was not quite that time yet, and experience taught Charon it was a lot easier to lie until time did come. Charon had rolled and preened his fur until the remnants of Speedy's scent were gone.

And just as quickly as he had gone many weeks ago, Charon returned, King of the Mountain as he had always been. A howl announced his return as the sun started to set and he made his way through the forests at the mountain's slopes towards the rendezvous site, glad to find that the season's scents had settled at last. He decided that he should find @Hydra soon, so that they could both realise that they had been silly because of the hormones and make up. Of course, @Amekaze was still on that list too, although he was more upset with her than with Hydra. His daughter had always been a rash creature and Charon loved her dearly, forgave her easily, but Amekaze was the reason for all of this mess. Speedy and Hydra would not have come into season if Amekaze was the strong Alpha Female that she was supposed to be still, and if she had had her season instead. The mountain needed pups, but now there were two eligible females to provide it with such, rather than the one strong one that it should have been.

Still, he also loved Amekaze and that made it difficult to talk to her. She would never believe him if he told her that that was her duty and that he thought she had failed in it. There was no use in trying to convince her of that. But he needed to get over the bitterness he felt towards her in some other way, still, so that they could see their grandchildren -- and possibly new batch of children, if it took, for Charon was still convinced that they should be born, half-royalty and all, and they should be raised by Amekaze and he as though their own -- grow up.

RE: Never Ever - Amekaze - May 16, 2019

They had found some semblance of an almost-normalcy here, and she had remained steadfast in her guard and watch as it started to fall into a routine. Hydra's season had faded (likely to be seen through), Zafina's illicit whelps dealt with, and Charon remained notably absent. Accordingly enough, her bitterness towards him and his acts of disrespect aimed at her only became a festering wound, one insulted by his continued leave that was far too suspicious for even her. She didn't trust any of it.

But, cavorting with her sons and daughters over their slopes and game trails had quelled her aches enough to not have them burden her on the daily, not any worse than they needed to, anyway, so it was these moments she built herself upon. If anything, not having Charon there made it easier on her morale; she didn't want the constant reminder of what he desired from her, not when she was perfectly content without--now more than she had ever been after their argument, feeling fit, just absent that whole seasonal affair. And, in Hydra's potential litter, she had her (almost) assurances that her blood could remain even without the cost to her so directly.

So where she might have patrolled their darkening forests with him near, as she had comfortably done for some time over and over again, it was her daughter who flanked her now as their winds carried his howl. She said nothing as she veered a route towards him, and the inner sanctums of the Spear.. knowing what may await them.

When she spied him, her tail rose to a sharp arc and her nose flared after his scents--wanting an explanation therein. Have fun? she asked as she stepped closer, no greeting or warmth towards him to be had as it took more effort than that to still the snarl she held back.

RE: Never Ever - Charon - May 16, 2019

It was Amekaze who found him first. Might as well be. Charon turned to look at her when she greeted him so coldly. Unlike the cool expressions on her face, his expression wasn't cold at all. No, he said, his eyes shimmering as he looked at Amekaze. I hated every moment. It was her fault, in Charon's opinion, that it had all come to transpire, but even as she stood before him looking cold, Charon could not be angry at her. It wouldn't be any use.

I'm sorry, I couldn't be around with an that was going on. With her... Heat was one thing, but his own daughter's another entirely. I'm sorry that we left on bad terms, Ame. Charon frowned as he looked at Amekaze and he stepped towards her, clearly intending to close the distance between them. Charon's face had regret written clearly on his face. For the fight. For being away for so long. I missed you.

RE: Never Ever - Hydra - May 16, 2019

Her anger and her hurt was palpable, and as she emerged from the woodwork, letting him see and regard her mother first, her ears were thrust forward and her head was held high. His words were not missed, and Hydra grew all the more angry. There was no need for any of that, she began slowly, if you had brought her back here. But you kept away, alone, with her, there was no accusation in her voice, but she was matter-of-fact. You did not trust me, or mother, And such a thing came full circle now as she steeled herself. If she is with child, she will leave, she commanded.

RE: Never Ever - Amekaze - May 16, 2019

Her eyes narrowed over his answer, although the rest of her stayed as dispassionate as the frustrations rippling beneath her surface would allow--especially with the root of so many of them standing there in front of her, towing a very fine line already with a look like that on his face. The ire in her heart gave a twist then, seeing him after the fact of everything that had landed them here; he could say all he wanted, but to her, those in-betweens and what he didn't outright say, might be all the more valuable.

Deciding not to remark on that, he gave her more to consider as he admitted to his weakness in leaving in the first place. That didn't earn him much favor--could he not be bothered to control himself? Was his daughter's heat that offensive? Something in there did not sit well with her. She knew, too, why it would unnerve those basal instincts. She hadn't liked it on principle at first either--that had been her role, her right.. but Hydra had, and she had not so she had adapted and found the vantage point in the situation that she did approve of. It had not been enough to send her fleeing from the mountain in the first place, though. Are you? she asked, watching, allowing him closer towards her as she didn't move or shift otherwise. She sincerely doubted he was sorry for any of it, though the part of her that aligned so well to him wanted to feel otherwise badly. You seemed plenty sure of yourself then, even in insulting me, she said, looking him dead on. She had not forgotten that she had been hysteric, not seeing it clearly, and all manner of whatever else to her while he threw a right tantrum, complete with storming off just because she wouldn't get pregnant for him or blissfully raise his kids with some other random cur.

After her dark daughter said her piece, Amekaze felt the barely contained anger leaking through and it was oh-so-tempting to stoke that flame right here and now. Hydra was still slighted by how they had parted, and in her eyes despite not seeing the situation in real time, perhaps rightfully so. Charon had not left any of them on good terms, it seemed.

Her nod was small, but true, to back up the words: he didn't trust them, not by those actions, or the mountain they all stood upon. She would have been safest here, she said in addition, curious to hear the justifications for that one that Hydra pressed for. Was she meant to believe he had stowed away with a female in season to no consequence? In his care, alone? Did he really think so lowly of her? She was beginning to wonder that, and this realization was unsettling--even if he missed her, she feared the words were more hollow than he led her to believe.

RE: Never Ever - Charon - May 16, 2019

Hydra came out of seemingly nowhere. Charon turned to look at her, though honestly he wished he could be here with Amekaze alone right now. At his daughter's words, Charon answered: You are my Beta and I trust you, but I am your father and Alpha. I had made the plan, and you defied me in front of family and subordinates. You must understand why I could not let that pass. Only after that Amekaze had called for them, but then it'd been too late. Maybe if her call had come minutes earlier.

Amekaze did not move and Charon closed the distance between them. He pressed his nose briefly to her cheek before withdrawing again. Things were said in the heat of the moment on both ends when we argued. I won't let that ruin over half a lifetime of great things. He looked at her with a frown that seemed to imply, please don't let it. At Amekaze's notification about Speedy, Charon said: At the time I did not want to be on the mountain with Hydra's season, so this seemed the best choice. Your call did not come until after. Charon did not care about all of this questioning and found his patience thinning. He didn't understand why they would be this way; he could throw enough things in their faces, too, but chose not to -- for now.

RE: Never Ever - Arcturus - May 16, 2019

arcturus was not first to respond to his father’s proud howl, which sounded like a clarion over their stony rooftops. the boy was relieved — his father had been gone much too long, and he was eager to chase away the loneliness he had felt in charon’s absence. 

he was too slow to intercept his father first; Amekaze and Hydra were present, and even from his vantage arcturus could see tension rent the air between the trio. he cleared his throat and bounded down the slope towards them, cutting off the tense reunion by lending his overjoyed presence to them. father, you’re back. he exclaimed, ignoring the coldness that seemed to seep from the pair of females. he had more important matters to talk about than a woman’s stupid heat — in some ways he was just like his father, in that he had little patience for things he did not believe were important. it had been weeks the heats had made their claim upon the mountain, and the boy was sick of listening to and hearing about it. 

 revui and i found yami. he announced, deeming this was clearly more important than whatever reason his father had been gone. arcturus was sure, that whatever the reason was, his father had done what was best. she does not care to be part of our family anymore. 

this, to arcturus, was a graver matter than the tiresome subject of female fertility. patiently, he glanced to Charon, looking to read whatever emotions showed upon the patriarch’s muzzle.

RE: Never Ever - Hydra - May 16, 2019

Hydra shook her head. One did not hold grudges as she did and forget so easily. I told you my plan. I told you that I would escort her back, with Revui. You did not like that, and so I then offered to take her, alone, and escorted by those I knew would protect us. You among that number, she pressed, which begged the question: so why not come back? Not only did you disrespect me, but you also insulted my mate, and your sons, and her mother, too, but Amekaze was here and could speak for herself, and she trusted her to do so. The standard he set before all that day had opened her up for disrespect; Revui and Arcturus had both ignored her command for the first time that day, and perhaps they would do it again. He explained it was due to her heat, and she bristled at that, but dipped her head relenting to this point, at least. For a moment, she seemed to soften. Hydra loved her father, but she felt as though she meant so little to him, and the threat of that caused an ample amount of strife.

The hurt his absence had brought, and the choice he might have made during it, had caused her belief in him to falter. Did he love her? Would he protect her as he protected Speedy that day? He saiid he had trusted her, but he did not show it in his actions. Already she had come to the thought that this woman would now come first to him; he had proven it. He was willing to put his teeth to his flesh and blood to do so. She had seen it. And if they had children, they would ever be a threat to her own. 

Arcturus approached them, all chipper and cheery. Hydra had one ear upon him, and one upon her father. There could be no peace between the three leaders unless this was resolved, and Hydra so wished for it to be remedied; she did not enjoy this any more than their father did. If she had to fix it with her teeth, she would, though for family she had more patience than any stranger. Completely ignoring the words of her brother as he saw fit to do to her in a moment far bigger than the runaway (and showing him in fell swoop what she thought of that), she lashed her tail. More patience, true, but it was wearing thin. Why bring the irrelevant up in a time like this? They could get to that, if Arcturus wanted to sour the reunion further with dismal news. 

If your protection of her failed, and she is with child, Hydra said, they will not be welcome here. Her ears pricked forward. If this was challenged, then she could abide by his rule no longer. She had trusted him that day, and she wanted to trust him now—but she knew him. Knew him enough to know that he would not protect anything that was not his own. 

Did he care to be of their family anymore? 

There was brighter and better news, she suspected, as a wave of nausea clutched her. This she did not attribute to pregnancy, in not knowing its symptoms. I will need you to spend all of your time bonding with and protecting your grandchildren, if there are any, she edged in, daring to let a shard of light poke through the heavy cover of cloud. At last, she got to the heart of it. All of this was not to attack or offend him, but to defend what she foresaw; her father knew her enough to know that all she ever did, she did for love, for her family. Those around her were what mattered most; she simply wanted to know they were not alone in that. 

Was that so unfair?

RE: Never Ever - Dirge - May 17, 2019

The timing of the return was unexpected by his estimations, to say the least. There was no particular haste taken to come and receive Charon's return on his part either; Dirge knew as well as anyone on the mountain that the odds of walking into literal storm were decent. He would approach it like he did most things, with a particular nonchalance and curiosity. The rift that had been left in the wake of the season and boiling tempers would not be so easily sewn shut.

A clamor of voices guided him in as he neared the rendezvous site; he heard Charon's voice and then Hydra's, the subtle tones of Amekaze only to be joined by a more eager one belonging to none other than Arcturus. The yearling's input netted a faint smile across his lips, a surprising innocence in a matter that surely still went over his head. From the brush and shade, he laid eyes on the group as he pieced the situation together but did not yet interrupt anything.

He wondered, instead, whether what he had heard in snippets were true. Perhaps all went according to plan and there was nothing to fear, leaving a certain patriarch a white knight, but he had his doubts. Such outcry wouldn't have been warranted if there was even a shred of doubt, and Dirge too knew the burn of carnal desire, knew the struggle of deciding whether to give in or get out. It was a delicate situation and because of that, he lingered on the sidelines and out of view. But certainly not out of earshot.

RE: Never Ever - Amekaze - May 20, 2019

She slid a slow glance between the two of them as they picked at their last encounter in better detail now. Ame knew Hydra's viewpoint from that situation, and Charon painted his presently too, unsurprisingly with his word as the perceived law then. Given the circumstances, and the timing, she was quicker to side with Hydra on some of these finer details because her actions would have been similar. But she had that question too: why not come back? That was awfully suspect to her, for paired with all of his blatant disrespect towards her lately, she couldn't say she would be surprised if he had willingly run off, shirking all of them--her--in the process. A part had to wonder if he even realized any of it.

Speak only for yourself, I stand by everything I told you then, she said, direly serious. Her mind had been clear, and she did not appreciate his assumptions upon her even now--his blindness when it was her behalf. With this, it was for the best that he did keep his touch brief, but she let it be despite still feeling the sting of it deep down. You could have h.owled back. At least, her nose dipped an inch, watching him to see if he could even fathom how shady it all sounded to be from him. She couldn't view it as some noble mission to protect alone, just him, and a female rank with heat. She saw worse, and though she had kept a particular bond to him, it bothered her to have him be so careless towards her just because she was not what he wanted right now. Do you realize how it seems? To leave on that note, then this--where I get to hear about it all secondhand from others who you shooed away, and did not bother to follow through with me, even.. with a quiet, slighted ire, she searched his face. Ame wanted him to make her believe, but could he?

She had told him she didn't want to raise his whelps from another. Not here, and not now--especially not without any input from her on who--and what told her he hadn't just gone ahead with that idea in the first place? Or had at the very least considered it strongly. His attitude wasn't making her feel very trusting; and Hydra's warning rang crystal clear. She hoped he heard it too and nodded slow. It wouldn't be the first time she had chased off someone on the mere suspect of illicit matings, and being his didn't grant automatic immunity as far as she was concerned.

They had never raised those of another here, and she didn't want to start now. Not with the real possibility of Hydra's first litter, and them deserving of all the mountain's attention--if not her own, which didn't seem likely enough for her to count on any longer--not after this, it was even more difficult to want it any longer.

Which, Arcturus cut her thoughts short with his arrival. Her furs gave a ripple, and she flashed him a look to say not now and will into him a sense of later, please too. This was the last thing she needed heaped on top of an already shaky situation and frankly, not a distraction she wanted between them now. While it was good they had found her to confirm she lived, and she was grateful they had--it was definitely not her main concern now, especially knowing she turned her back on them willingly now. Fine, but later I want to hear more, her emphasis clear towards her son. She has not been part of this family for some time now, the dark mother grated, for that was all of that she could humor for now as her mistrustful glare returned to Charon after the mention of his potential grandchildren when she realized he could be a bigger threat to them than she wanted to believe.

A long-gone daughter was the least of her concerns right now. Yami had chosen her path without them all in it. So be it, even if she didn't like it. But it was just another burr in her side at this point.
awkwardly trying to get back to the swing of it after being so away, yeeek ;o;

RE: Never Ever - Charon - May 21, 2019

Hydra went on to tell Charon all the things that she felt he had done wrong, and he was growing quite sick of it. He wasn't here to be belittled by his own daughter and Beta, and he felt utterly betrayed by his mate. Instead of backing him up like a partner should, she just stood there and blamed him too, as if none of the many years spent by each other's side meant anything to her. A glimmer of that hurt showed in his eyes, though he tried to keep his face cool. As Hydra said that any children of Speedy would not be welcome here Charon had to bite his tongue to keep himself from interjecting -- she was not the one to decide that -- but then his son conveniently showed up anyway.

Before Charon could respond Arcturus came bursting in, and he seemed the only one here happy to see his father. Dirge showed up too, though he remained wisely on the sidelines. Arcturus' change of topic was wildly out of place, but it was still something that Charon wanted to hear. What? Amekaze and Hydra went on to tell him that now was not the time, but Charon wanted to hear it nonetheless. What happened to her? Why did she leave? But there weren't any clear answers, not right away, and Charon decided to shelf the subject for now.

He turned back to Hydra and Amekaze and said: This mountain had stood for many years and never has anything been able to force this family apart. I will not let anything do that to us now, especially stupid things like hormones or what comes of it. So what that you bred without my permission, Hydra -- you are my daughter and I will be happy to hold my grandchildren in my paws nonetheless. Even though they should be killed by the same laws that you apply to Speedy's. Then he turned to Amekaze. So what that other females have come into heat because you did not -- it doesn't matter to me, Ame, because I love you and this is our mountain. It always will be mine, and yours, because we are partners -- no one else's. Charon looked at mate and daughter imploringly, staying calm and finding back some of his confidence again. He would not stand here and answer Hydra and Amekaze's questions because he just wanted to fix things, rather than break them further apart as they seemed to want. Didn't they see that?

RE: Never Ever - Arcturus - May 21, 2019

arcturus felt pushed aside, his words dismissed — a part of him felt his fur ruffle in indignance; this was way more important than bickering about something as stupid as women and their heats!

he was about to speak up again when he caught the glint in his mother’s gaze, followed by a quiet entreaty in her tone. his mouth shut fast: he was a dutiful son, and would not defile the command and of his mother. thus stifled, arcturus stood to the side and silently fumed, thinking all the adults were stupid for lending so much importance to something so painfully shortsighted.

RE: Never Ever - Amekaze - May 22, 2019

Although she wondered many of the same things Charon asked about their long lost daughter, she scowled at him as he voiced them now--daring him to use that as a way out, which thankfully he did not get the chance to outright. She could wait on them just as she had said, and Arcturus took her word for it--earning a softer look, but one that hardened immediately with speckled fur back in her crosshairs. She hated that he had come upon this, and had to get caught up in it too.

As her mate spoke on, she was not entirely convinced and felt the irritation rise anew up her neck as he called Hydra's acts without permission; She had mine, she interjected. Unlike Speedy--not that she ever attempted to gain it, and you would know this had you not needed to flee the mountain like a sex-deprived savage, she glared pointedly at him, her implications clear that this was another reminder towards what Hydra warned against. Speedy had not come to her, and as far as Ame was concerned, who bred and who did not was a matter left to the females first. Those left with any sense in their minds and bodies were why they couldn't run resources dry and overpopulate--because surely, any greedy set of dick and balls could willingly procreate without care of what came to it.

He went on with words of love, and of no one else's.. which she was loathe to believe of him right now. She might be all his, but could she say the same of him and honestly believe it? This all was awfully quick to blow the dust right off the last time she had even posed suspicions towards him. Your blame is misguided once again. It is not that another female went into heat, it is that a greedy, desperately weak and untrustworthy male sequestered her away from the rest of us and expects me to think nothing of it? It will not be welcome here, if so.. she warned too, even after he seemed content to brush it off because true, in the past they had never squabbled like this and they had always been a one litter mountain, one of their family--not only his

If it had to be that way, she had wanted better. More able to include what she wanted, and decided. Not just him where it had to be at cost to her like this and where they did not strike a balance. You insulted me first, then our family, and this mountain, then come crawling back telling me you love me.. I thought you were better than this, all of it--how dare you expect me to just look past all of that because you tell me this now after? Her hackles rose and her tail arcing with it.

kit said i could post ahead x:

RE: Never Ever - Dirge - May 30, 2019

He thought he knew a snake oil salesman when he saw one, and apparently he was not the only one. Amekaze's words cut through whatever feeble shield and deflect Charon sought to rise; he felt his own hackles prickle at the thought of what could happen next, anticipating just what else could possibly come spilling out of the bespeckled patriarch's mouth that would salvage a scene already so sour. It was validating in its own right to know that he had been at least somewhat right in his thoughts, to see a dichotomy between a proud leader and a petulant man set on recovering from a tantrum. No amount of saccharine words would save him, Dirge thought, but there was little for him to comment on.

Still, it wasn't quite enough that it would hold him back; he hung off the repeated inferring that some grievance had been filed on Hydra's part. He loosened himself from the still greens, departing their relative safety for the open timber that clutched them all. There was nothing welcoming about what brought him forward; the words on his tongue were honed like a sharp blade searching for purchase needlessly. His gaze met the scarred visage as he slowly made his way in, and he found his voice.

”You've talked a lot about asking for permission without asking for it yourself,” he chimed in. ”Or was it easier for you to ask for forgiveness while the rest of us soldier through on our own? Perhaps if your priorities had been in order you could have dissuaded your daughter, as you so highly disagree with her decisions. You weren't here to have a voice when it was wanted most—why?” For a family so keen on thrashing those that had abandoned them—and perhaps rightly so—he felt he knew which tune to play. They had been abandoned and for what? A vacation? Fear of the unknown, the future? No, he believed it more than that, knew it to be more than that, and sought those answers. Charon had claimed not to care about Dirge not that long ago in churlish tongue, and he wondered if he would feel that way now.

kit also said i could go on ahead too

RE: Never Ever - Charon - June 11, 2019

considering all the new stuff going on i figured i'd just have charon leave, but if anything needs to be edited or if y'want me to delete after all to post first Kit, please let me know.

Charon was getting tired of all of their words. He stared Amekaze in the eye and reminded her, We are still a pair. when she said that Hydra had her permission for breeding. Honestly, Charon was tired of having to defend himself and he was tired of them listening to nothing he said. It felt to him as if they just wanted to hang someone, and that someone was going to be him. It did not matter whether he told them that he loved them or cared for them, or whether he would be angry at them for not trusting him.

The more they talked, the more clear it became to him. Then Dirge chimed in with his pathetic story and asked 'why' he wasn't here. Why it would make no sense for any of them that he would be gone from the mountain during his own daughter's season was beyond Charon, and he wasn't going to stand here and defend himself. You know what? I'm tired of standing here taking your shit. It's clear that it matters nothing what I even say to you. You'll just stand here and accuse me when you are the ones who did not trust me. You want your scapegoat? Fine! Continue your little meeting of 'Fuck Charon' without me! Without another word Charon turned away from them. He could feel the blood flow to his head in anger but he would not do anything he regretted now.

RE: Never Ever - Amekaze - June 19, 2019

She stared him right back, quite content to match the intensity for she was having no arguments on the validity of Hydra's permission with or without his. But, a pair? Ame almost scoffed. She hardly felt like one, at least not beyond a duo in unrest lately. He wasn't acting very up to par with her, so she was loathe to be very forgiving. To her, this went both ways. Then act like it, she grated right back before he could so graciously announce that he was hearing no more of their bullshit.

Although she heard him out, her irritation rose her hackles into spikes. Lowly, she growled as he neared his conclusion then turned away from them.

Awfully tempting, but she carefully stilled herself then and rearranged her tensions that rose with the sight of his retreating form. For now he could just turn his back on them and march off, indignant, once again--for he did no wrong, remember? With her nose up at him, she let him go, and slid a heavy look first to Hydra, then Dirge, and exhaled. It was all on the tip of her tongue, and with ire nearly boiling over, she didn't like any of Charon's parts in this lately. His effects on her, all push and no pull, were wearing her down and she had a ominously growing sense that he was going to force her to act soon.

A part of her thought to tell the pair left with her something, anything, but she ultimately decided not to after one last nod to them and she was turning off on her own way. Not at this moment--although they surely deserved more of an explanation, and she did hate that they had to be so involved and present in this. For now, she needed to withdraw and Dirge and Hydra were free to their own again. Only roughly, she tracked after Charon, but did not plan to go straight to him any time soon.