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Arrow Lake I ponder of something great - Printable Version

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I ponder of something great - RIP Kavik - May 17, 2019

With his mind set, he had left his den and sleeping family long before the sun rose, which was not uncommon for the alpha, but today he had not been on his way to patrol or check their food stores; he had a different plan in mind. Kavik had crossed the borders and headed south towards the closest mountain pack, the one whose lake was filled by his creek. It was that very creek that he followed down and around the curve of the mountains, keeping his pace as quick as he could manage without tiring himself. He didn't leave the territory often, the birth of his children and his ever-increasing responsibilities keeping him from being able to stray too far. But his pups were older and in good hands with their mothers, and he couldn't help but feel like he was running out of time to find some kind of solution to their growing problem. 

The sun had been up for a while by the time he neared Diapora's borders, but it's place in the sky told him it was still morning. Kavik stopped at the edge of the territory, the border easy enough to scent even before he reached it. Never one to waste time, he lifted his large, inky muzzle to the sky and called for the leaders. They were long overdue for a conversation.

RE: I ponder of something great - Mahler - May 18, 2019

if he had met kavik before, mahler did not recall. the mornings belonged to his own devices; these days, only blodreina needed to be visited, as the other children of diaspora had grown to move and follow the adults in their lives. as with the other two mothers, the former sea-wolf and her daughter would receive regular visits from mahler until she had rejoined the pack.
he had spent the early hours bathing, grooming his tangled pelt upon the bank until it gathered with a curling luxuriance upon his body. not a vain creature, mahler nevertheless took pleasure in his hygiene, and was quite refreshed when he emerged from the lake to seek a cache. thus fed, he would have gone off on patrol had it not been for the summoning howl of the swiftcurrent leader.
mahler approached with reliable alacrity, slowing only when the great dark wolf was in sight, and drawing close with an affable set to his bearing as his lilac eyes searched for the reason the other visited this day.

RE: I ponder of something great - RIP Kavik - June 14, 2019

His call was soon answered by a man he assumed was one of the leaders here, his body language making the alpha think his assumption was correct. Kavik nodded his head in greeting. I am Kavik, one of the alpha's of Swiftcurrent Creek. I'm looking for the leaders here, he began, wanting to make sure he was speaking to the right wolf. I know our packs have had some...disagreements in the past, but I think it would be advantageous for everyone if we formed an alliance.  He watched the presumed Diaspora leader as he spoke, looking for any signs that what he proposed would be accepted or denied.

RE: I ponder of something great - Mahler - June 20, 2019

kavik. he was impressive, humbled upon their borders but not weak; diplomatic in his brevity. mahler liked him at once, but kept his own features impassive until the man had finished speaking.
a long pause followed, wherein mahler considered that there was no scent of constantine anywhere to be found. this relaxed him somewhat, but the proposal itself was an obstacle to the vision held by himself and his kill-brother.
the gargoyle, however, was conciliatory as well, and straightened after a moment. ”i am mahler. diaspora has no need for alliances, but i am interested in vhat it is that sviftcurrent can offer us, vere ve to entertain yours.”

RE: I ponder of something great - RIP Kavik - June 25, 2019

He dipped his head in response to the Diaspora wolf's introduction. He explained that they had no need for an alliance; Kavik had thought that once too, never devoting any of his time before now to getting to know his neighbors. He thought it was a mistake, and could give many reasons why, but it wasn't his place. Mahler seemed interested regardless. We could offer bodies to help hunt the herd of deer that frequents the mountains and the valley below, the alpha began. And, we could offer aid if your pack ever found themself at war with another. He paused for second before adding: Our territory borders the mountains, and we see a lot of strangers come and go; we could offer you more eyes on the mountains and more loyal wolves guarding them from anyone that might want to cause trouble. Surely those things were enticing to the man.

RE: I ponder of something great - Mahler - July 11, 2019

mahler might have accepted, had he been the sole leader of diaspora. there was little reason to deny kavik's offer; it was well-thought and intelligent, taking into account the needs and strengths of both packs. for a long moment he was silent, but it was not in further contemplation of the dark man's offer. 
it was consideration of how to suggest these things to stigmata. the ironstar was resistant to many things, and foremost among them was change to his vision of how diaspora must be led, must rule the mountain range.
in time, however, mahler lifted his chin, nodded at kavik. "i vill bring your offer to my brother," he murmured, a light of goodwill sparking briefly in the hard lilac of his gaze.

RE: I ponder of something great - RIP Kavik - July 29, 2019

Kavik dipped his head. I would appreciate that. he glanced around. I should begin my journey home. Thank you for your time, he said, taking a step back. You know where to find me when you have an answer. He wouldn't be pushy and come back to check in; they could take whatever time they needed to discuss things. He had planted the seed and he could only hope something grew from it.

He turned to walk away, pausing to turn back to the other leader. It was nice to meet you, Mahler. Unless the other man had anything else to add, Kavik would turn and head back towards the creek.

RE: I ponder of something great - Mahler - August 03, 2019

he dipped his head. "a pleasure. i vill come." silent lavender gaze followed kavik as the man departed diaspora, and he was a trustworthy enough sort that mahler did not feel obligated to ensure he left the territory.
instead, the man turned upon his heel to seek out a nursing mother, and perhaps tarry in her presence and that of her children for some time before he sought out another patient.