Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath Down the rabbit hole - Printable Version

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Down the rabbit hole - Alula - May 26, 2019

She hadn't the slightest idea what was happening and couldn't even begin to process it. She had found some mushrooms and eaten them and here she stood an hour later watching the dirt spiders do ballet for her pleasure."Mazo manase yunoks tutkema!"  She giggled and tried to execute a spin, the whole world spinning with her. "Weeeeoooo" she squealed as she fell and rolled over a few times, staring into the trees as they made funny patterns, entrancing her. "Ive seen the world true"  she whispered as she zoned out, her whole body humming with energy.

RE: Down the rabbit hole - Gryffin - May 27, 2019

Gryffin lumbered about with the sleep from her nap still running in her veins, her whole body still completely exhausted. She didn't quite know where she was, just that her high was wearing off and she needed more. It was a bad habit at this point, an addiction even, to escape herself and the loneliness that came with roaming these plains. Most of her waking hours were spent in a state of blissful highs and those that weren't were spent seeking for a way to be. She was tired of being alone with herself. She missed having others around, having others to be herself with. After all, there is only so long someone can be alone with themselves before they go mad. Perhaps she was just a little mad.

Moving through the trees in swift, confident limbs she carried herself much differently than most saw her in the day. The girl froze mid-step, grey-flecked ears swiveling in the direction of where the Tsis came. Maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her as it had before but still she followed, the loneliness held in her heart calling her to it. Emerging from the edge of the trees she stood tall, everything about her radiating a smooth confidence. Electric blue eyes bored into the small, black body of the other wolf on the ground, almost amused as she watched her.

Stepping closer her voice was a honey-smooth alto tone now that she was sober, one that would wash over any and everyone that heard her. "Tau buti manase istesi, nors nenx vi manase vi j'us." Studying the new girl with great interest Gryffin let out a soft chuckle, almost a rumble from her chest, noting the habits of the other. They seemed all too familiar. Perhaps she herself had been seeking a high? With a head tilted she still stood at a respectful distance, switching tongues comfortably in this state. "What are you doing out here, darling? Someone such as you should not be alone.." She couldn't help but laugh again, blue eyes holding a mix of curiosity, amusement, and faint concern.

RE: Down the rabbit hole - Alula - May 27, 2019

She hadn't moved from her sprawled position on the ground, not even when she heard someone approach. She couldn't fathom the idea of someone here hurting her, not at the moment anyway. She had closed her eyes and she swore she could feel the individual energies of each and ever plant, every creature...she just hummed with life. Then whoever came toward her spoke and she smiled, giving a cry of delight at the Tsis. It was so new to her, the language she had kept a secret being used so freely. It meant so much to her, especially knowing that this concerned female was family too. "Nu buti nenx vune" she said simply and slowly rolled to her bbelly.Alula peered at the female and the wing markings on her back did spectacular things for a few seconds "Am Alula Sahira" she introduced hesitantly trying the last name out. It felt so right and her tail wagged in a pleased way. She clearly was high as a kite with no idea what was happening. "Can you feel it here? The energies? Feels good" she laughed with delight and rolled to her side languidly.