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Phantom Hollow her whip of cricket’s bone, the lash of film - Printable Version

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her whip of cricket’s bone, the lash of film - Megara - June 01, 2019

She feels sluggish as of late, not her normal self. Sluggish and sans appetite; she has not engaged in a patrol in some time, and barely has enough energy to mark even small portions of the border. But there is no coughing or sneezing, no discharge, so she chalks it up to old age rather than some sort of sickness she is loath to spread to the pups. They should be safe from her—for now.

Megara travels to the whelping den, eager to see her great-nieces and nephews. It has been too long, and they are all growing like weeds. She croons softly for @Venamis, @Lumiya, @Zan, and @Revan, tail beating gently against the ground behind her.

At her paws is an old, polished antler, perfectly preserved over the seasons, glowing a soft ivory in the pale evening light. A toy for the future leaders of the Melonii. May they grow healthy and strong.

RE: her whip of cricket’s bone, the lash of film - Venamis - June 03, 2019

Despite having sprung ahead in terms of early development, it was his speech that remained withheld. Venamis breathed no words for anyone, not even the suggestion of one, instead relying on body language to communicate with those around him. He would stare quietly and coolly at his parents each time they encouraged him, before he swiftly tired of their efforts and turned away.

He certainly was a stubborn child.

The dark spiderling was lounging in the evening sunlight, roughly preening the downy obsidian furs at @Zan's throat (which he only really did for an opportunity to nip at the tender flesh beneath). Just as he tensed, preparing to deliver the bite that was sure to rouse the aggression he hoped for, the croon of an adult distracted him entirely.

Ears lifted in surprise, Ven abandoned his mischief-making and gathered to his paws. With an excited yip he trotted forth with a happily wagging tail to greet their visitor, but his attention was quick to turn toward the prize that lay at her feet. Venamis eyed it possessively, reaching out to fix it firmly between his fangs before any wicked sibling could steal it from him.

RE: her whip of cricket’s bone, the lash of film - Zan - June 09, 2019

Zannah had been loafing in Venamis' company, relishing the sensation that his preening produced. Amid the grooming session, a croon sounded, and the dark spiderling's attention was redirected. She sat up, studying the direction where the call had come from with a curious gaze, and soon found that it had been Megara who had called their attention.

Despite Zannah's unfamiliarity with her great-aunt, she had noticed the prize that laid at Megara's paws. Almost immediately after the discovery, Zannah was all the more interested in her relative's unexpected arrival. Pushing herself onto her paws, Zannah clumsily toddled after Venamis. The two siblings had been lounging for some time, and her legs had fallen asleep in the process; she moved much slower than she normally would.

When Zannah did arrive at her Venamis' side, he was already reaching for her antler. "THAT'S MINE!" Zan barked sharply in an attempt to distract him, her ears pressing forward and her tail standing as she watched her brother. When she realized that her attempts were in vain, Zannah then reached out for the antlers with her tiny fangs bared with a fire in her eyes.

RE: her whip of cricket’s bone, the lash of film - Megara - June 09, 2019

Venamis comes first, the little inkblot, roused by her call. She smiles as he seizes the antler, only to frown once more as Zannah emerges with a jealous cry. That's mine! The crone rises a little unsteadily to her paws, swaying slightly, fixing eyes of indigo fire on the two squabbling pups.

You can take turns, Megara says firmly, nodding at the antler. Or play nicely together. Venamis arrived first, Zan; it is only fair that he gets to play with the antler first. Pups didn't really take all that well to logic, but Megara figures it is worth a shot. At any rate, she is happy to see that Damien's children appear healthy, if not altogether happy-go-lucky.

RE: her whip of cricket’s bone, the lash of film - Venamis - June 12, 2019

Unsurprisingly, a sibling moved in to demand that she have access to Venamis' latest prize. The youngster turned his head just enough to observe Zannah's approach from the corner of a pale eye, attempting to shield the antler from her sharp glare. While he was interested in gnawing on it, it was suddenly made all the more wonderful to have possession of it now that he knew his sister wanted it for herself.

With Megara's gift firm between his baby fangs, he was prepared to challenge her announcement and scrap with her over who had dibs with a little warning growl. Thankfully their great aunt supported Venamis' claim, to which he lashed his tail triumphantly as he shot his obsidian littermate the most arrogant of grins. He watched her with intrigue, eager to see her sulk or cry as she often did when she didn't get her own way.

Content with this effortless victory, Venamis proudly tilted his chin upward and sneered as he padded a short distance away to settle among the grass. There, he intended to remain in Zan's line of sight so she could watch him thoroughly enjoy this latest offering from the adults.