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Whitefish River Such Small Scenes - Printable Version

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Such Small Scenes - Tobias - June 02, 2019

for any pledged to Kaistleoki! Time for Tobias to meet some packmates B) Takes place a day or two after the founding howl
In the days that had passed since his recruitment, Tobias had spent his time getting to know the area around their little camp. With the river nearby, it seemed his new diet would mostly consist of fish, although he didn't really mind. There were still plenty of rabbits and other woodland creatures around if he wasn't in the mood. Evergreen sure had held up his end of the bargain. As things stood currently, he had access to plenty of food and shelter over his head at night. The only thing missing now was companionship.

If Tobi was going to be truthful, it wasn't that there were no companions around, it was more that he had simply not interacted with them much. The timber wolf had seen groups of two or three talking and working in the past few days, but he had taken a more solitary approach while he gained his bearings. Now he was confident enough that he would be content staying here to actually get to know those around him. The only question was, who would be his next companion?

RE: Such Small Scenes - Síff - June 03, 2019

she would've been back already so have a lonely gurl <3

The healer settled in as the pack prepared for foundation, absorbing herself in the tasks of building a pharmacopia lest she become listless and slide back into the darkness within. The encounter with Vangard had shaken her to the core but she held on. Falling apart would do no one any good, especially not @Evergreen whom she owed so much. 

With a bundle of herbs clenched in her speckled jaws, it was the waif who answered his inward question. Dark eyes widened a tic in surprise as they lifted to light upon the man of woodland coloring, mahogany meeting green briefly. 

Unable to speak with a mouthful of plant matter, the scarred dove chirped softly around the bundle, tail swaying with friendliness.

RE: Such Small Scenes - Chai - June 03, 2019

Have one more! <3

Slowly, Chai was settling in to her new home. She kept busy, as she felt there was still so much to do to truly establish Kaistleoki. Much of her time had also been spent thinking. Not on the past, but on the present. She knew that trades were encouraged here in this pack. Her desire to pursue one was alive and well, but the problem she faced was she didn't know what route to take. Certainly not a warrior. A scout, possibly? Shaking her head with a little sigh, the earthen and flame wolf decided she would have to sit down and talk with Evergreen.

But that could wait. With this new beginning came new opportunities for her, and Chai was eager to mingle and get to know the wolves she would be living alongside of. Shadewood had been different; everyone seemed to do their own thing and in time, even she shied away from socializing. That wouldn't happen here - Chai knew this was where she was meant to be. 

Freshly wrapping up a quick round of the borders, she made her entrance, spotting two of her packmates in the immediate area. Rusty ears swiveled, her icy eyes filling with recognition at the sight of Liri, whom she had met only once before. Already, her tail had begun mirroring the beat of the white female's. Then...she saw Tobi, a man of deep earthen hues. He wanted a companion? How 'bout two? That pace of her tail doubled. Happy but still very much awkward, she was at a loss for words. Her soft eyes darted hopefully between the two. How did these introductions go again?

RE: Such Small Scenes - Tobias - June 05, 2019

Sorry for the short wait catchin up on classwork before the term ends!
It seemed as if he had no need to look far as a woman approached him with a chirp, various leaves and plant matter hanging from her maw. However, the herbs were not the first thing to draw Tobias' attention. His eyes quickly took note of the scars, but refused to let his eyes linger (that would just be plain rude) and reconnected his gaze with the woman before him. Tobi gave a quick nod in acknowledgment and a charming smile as he returned the greeting, Ma'am--

Before the male could continue he noticed a movement from the corner of his eye and turned his head to see another woman dressed in reds approaching who looked just as excited to be in their presence. Again, he offered a smile and tilted his head down happy to pick up the silence. My apologies for overlooking you Ma'am, I don't suppose you ladies are apart of Evergreen's band? I'm hoping to introduce myself to more of my future packmates. It was a silly question given their scents, not to mention he had seen some familiar faces walking about, but one could never be too sure.

RE: Such Small Scenes - Síff - June 06, 2019

Her neck dipped, plants placed tenderly upon the earth, straightening to greet him but cut short by the arrival of Chai. 

Liri had yet to truly speak to the forest nymph, beyond words of passing, but she was rather fond of the girl already. There was something inherently youthful about her - even if it was clear that she was a woman grown. She was a fresh breathe of spring air, much needed cheerfulness after a life spent in horror and grief - even if Olvida could only remember such pain in her dreams. 

Thus, she greeted the mirthful fae with a kind, welcoming smile - tail wags increase in tempo. 

She turned back to Tobi, answering him with, "Aye, I was the first of his recruits and Chai was shortly after."

"Some call me Liri, others Olvida. You may call me either - or something entirely new if you'd wish,"
she offered with a gentle tilt of her freckled crown. 

She was coming to learn her identity had less to do with her name and more to do with her being - it mattered not what they called her, so long as it was packmate.


RE: Such Small Scenes - Chai - June 10, 2019

Having only seen Liri once, yet never exchanging words with her, Chai was left still feeling a little shy, as she tended to be with strangers. She had yet to build up her self confidence. It was something she needed to work on...but how would she go about doing it? What would work? Either way, the aura Liri gave off just from sharing the same space with her, was an entirely positive one. Some unseen force, like a magnetic pull, told the youthful girl she may trust her completely.

She could only wonder what she had been through during her lifetime. All those scars...the missing leg. There had to be a story behind each blemish on her body. Chai didn't judge...didn't stare. It was one's character that made all the difference to her. Hence why she left Shadewood and Cry behind. Something wasn't right. It unsettled her, made the pit of her stomach roil and twist on itself. She obeyed her instincts and fled, putting ample distance between him and that place. 

Despite being addressed second, Chai took no offense and merely shook her head with a warm smile. "No harm done." She took two slow steps closer, gradually integrating herself with Liri and her new pack mate. "I'm still settling in...You can call me Chai...or anything else, if you'd like." She didn't mind nicknames, so long as they were in good taste. "What may we call you, Sir...?"

RE: Such Small Scenes - Tobias - June 11, 2019

"Some call me Liri, others Olvida"

How interesting. Nicknames aren't uncommon, but two completely different names were a different story. Maybe he could ask further later. The other woman, Chai, also mentioned that she did not mind whatever name he might choose for her. How could he refer to her as anything else? The best way to refer to a lady was by her name, or title. The name's Tobias, ma'am. I'll call botha y'all whatever ya prefer, but until then Chai, Liri, it's a pleasure meeting the both of you.

The timber colored man dipped his head in a bow with his introduction before moving on. Evergreen mentioned this pack was structured around specialties if you don't mind me askin', what are ya aiming to be here? Green eyes flicked to the scar ridden wolf once more with interest. I'm sure you have quite the stories being one of the first to stand by Evergreen.