Wolf RPG
Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Printable Version

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Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Red Wolf - July 22, 2014

Red was, once again, here. Here in this aspen forest, with all the pleasures a wolf could want. All the pleasures… except that of a pack. The coywolf supposed she could simply request that the Sunspire move here. They would be slightly farther away from Swifcurrent, which might appease Fox and her idiots. But… this thought didn’t make her happy. Selfishly, all she could think of was that she wanted her own pack. She wanted to run her own pack. She wanted to be an Alpha. This thought alone was enough to cause her head to shake. She was a submissive wolf, meant to be in the bottom rungs of the pack, not the top. Unbeknownst to her, it was not unheard of for a previously submissive wolf to suddenly become dominant, if the right situations occurred.

Red sighed, lying down beside an aspen tree. This time she had decided to head away from the lake, keeping to the outer areas of the territory. The lake was gorgeous, yes, and provided the forest-dwellers with water to drink and fish to eat; however she was getting tired of being in one place all the time. She had felt it was time to explore other areas of the forest. Soon enough, though, she had grown bored being here all by herself, and came to rest beside this tree.

Futilely, she hoped someone might come along and join her…

RE: Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Meldresi - July 22, 2014

I just realized something. Our locations are complete opposites of each other AND they are almost directly in line with each other. Mine is at the bottom of the map, in between Big Salmon Lake, Greatwater Lake and Otter Creek. XD

Little did she know that directly north of her, there was another forest being discovered. While the woods she was exploring was dark and gloomy, the one up north was bright, cheerful, and once a year, golden.

Exhausted from exploring the vast woods, the priestess turned north back to the meadows. She was not willing to return to the Spine, not while Jinx was still mad and foaming. She skirted the territories of the packs who resided in the valley, heading farther north to see what lied ahead.

After an hour, she began to see tall green trees with white trunks nestled in the shadows of the mountains. Since she hadn't seen nor heard of the land before, she pressed forward, curious. But near the outskirts of the aspen wood she saw a small reddish creature. A fox? No, she recognized this one. The silent coywolf.

RE: Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Red Wolf - July 22, 2014

Pretty much, yeah. Lol. I don’t think our characters will be seeing much of each other. Red kind of hates Blackfeather… She’s scared of it. Lol. XD Also, is it okay if I assume that they exchanged names at some point?

Red’s ears perked up a moment before she was consciously aware of her visitor. She lifted her head, eyeing the newcomer a bit suspiciously. The black-pelted wolf smelled like a pack she did not know of, and that made the coywolf instinctively nervous. Red wagged her tail a little, trying to signal that, whatever this female wanted, she was friendly regardless. And then her body relaxed once the other wolf took another few steps forward. It was Meldresi — thank the Gods. Red, despite becoming braver and more dominant every day, did not want to be caught alone with a wolf who meant her harm. So why did she keep coming here by herself?

She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts before her friend approached. The coywolf stood, barking a hello, her tail now wagging furiously. She trotted up to Meldresi, had a sudden urge to nudge the female’s snout as a sign of goodwill, and then immediately decided against it. The two might have been friends, but Red could tell there was something… off about the female… Though, she couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. She instead simply sat down, waiting for news or a greeting or any such thing. Vaguely, she wondered what Meldresi was even doing here, so far from that scary forest to the south.

RE: Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Meldresi - July 22, 2014

Sorry for the short post. DX

Red trotted towards her, tail wagging as she barked a hello. Meldresi gave a little smile to the hybrid. "Hello there." she greeted the smaller canine. Her tail wagged in return as she regarded the smaller, quiet wolf. Her gaze went from her to the aspen forest behind them. "What is this place?"

RE: Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Red Wolf - July 23, 2014

It’s okay. ^_^ Also, congrats on reaching 100 IC posts! I’m not far behind! Wish me luck!

Red turned to look behind herself at Emberwood, which was the name she had decided to use for this aspen forest. What was this place, her friend wanted to know… Well… That was a good question, come to think of it. What did Red think of this place? Over time, it had become more of a home to her than the Sunspire was. And the more wolves she brought here (or she found wandering here, in the case of Meldresi), the more certain she was that she was destined to have a pack in these woods… Eventually. She was definitely not ready to leave Ferdie and the others just yet, especially since she hadn’t even recruited anyone. She couldn’t come here all by herself and expect a pack to simply… appear. That would be the worst kind of wishful thinking.

In the end, she simply turned back to Meldresi and barked. Then she trotted away deeper into the woods, and turned to look at the she-wolf over her shoulder. Her message was clear: Wanna come?

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RE: Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Meldresi - July 24, 2014

Thanks! And good luck! (hog all the open threads you can!)

Red had not answered her with a definitive answer, as was expected. The coywolf was not one for words, from her understanding. Instead, she looked towards the forest, got up, turned back to her and barked. She understood the meaning in an instance. Want to come? it said. The dark-furred priestess stood, following the quiet coywolf. "Sure, lead the way."

This forest was a huge contrast to the gloom and silence of her forest back south. It was so alive and vibrant. Though she preferred her Blackfeather, she had to admit that this place was nice. Red obviously liked it more than Blackfeather; it was not a place for everyone.

RE: Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Red Wolf - July 27, 2014

I’m sorry all these posts are so shooooort! :(

Red, like so many times before, decided immediately to bring her dark friend to the lake. Everyone she had ever invited into Emberwood came out soaking wet, it seemed, but it was the perfect introduction to this place. She decided that if she did end up making a pack here, the lake would be their meeting place, and she’d probably end up with a den close by for easy access, as it was the biggest source of water here.

As they walked along, the coywolf spotted a deer moving lazily through the trees away from them. Its back was turned, so it did not smell them or see them yet, which was a good thing. Red’s eyes flicked towards Meldresi’s. Her ears went forward towards the creature, and then twisted around towards her companion. Her question was clear: You wanna take it down? She was fine with either decision, but she thought it’d be fun to hunt. It would make this place really start to feel like home…

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RE: Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Meldresi - July 29, 2014

She followed the young coywolf, moving through the bright forest. Her indigo eyes wandered across the aspen woods. Birds chirrupped, fluttering around from tree to tree. Her ears pressed back and her eyes narrowed. The brightness was getting to her, as well the constant noise. She wasn't used to it, that was all.

The priestess stopped when Red paused, watching something from a distance. Her eyes wandered to her, spying a deer in the distance. The coywolf turned to her, silently asking if they wanted to hunt. Meldresi nodded in response, her eyes sweeping the landscape in order to find the best way to hunt the lone unglate.

RE: Emberwood [Discovery Thread] - Red Wolf - July 30, 2014

Thank you for teaching me the word “ungulate”! Yay for new words! Also here’s this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_wolf#Hunting_and_feeding_behaviours, which is where I’m getting some of the info from. One last note, I’m going to be “powerplaying” the deer, so to speak.

Red also took a moment to view their surroundings. Having to avoid running into trees would slow down both the hunters and the hunted, so they would have to be careful about that. But Red also knew that there was a lake in the center of the woods. Hopefully they wouldn’t have to chase the creature that far, but if they did, it would come to their advantage, as they might be able to trap the creature between themselves and the water. With these things now in mind, the coywolf turned her head a bit to signal to Meldresi that she was going to begin the hunt.

Wolves typically had a few stages of hunting: locating prey, stalking, encountering, rushing, and chasing. And, of course, killing. Sometimes a few of those steps were skipped over, depending on the circumstances. These instinctive steps in the “dance”, so to speak, were ingrained in Red’s brain, so she began the stalk automatically, sneaking up behind the deer as quietly as she could, like a wraith in the trees. She didn’t check to see if her partner was following, as she didn’t expect Meldresi to do anything but follow.

However, only a few feet into the stalking, the deer’s attention was caught somehow, and in a moment, it was fleeing. Red dug her back legs into the soil and sprang forward at a dead run, trying to aim the creature towards the lake. She barked over her shoulder at Meldresi to say, Follow me!

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