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Blackwater Islands educated guesses - Printable Version

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educated guesses - Graeae - June 06, 2019

Based on the assumption that Graeae and Naiad end up joining Tempestad.

There was something that Graeae desperately needed to admit but that she knew she’d never have the courage to say: water is kind of terrifying. Of course, Naiad loved it, so Graeae would often times try to force herself to do the same, all the while thinking up every way that it could kill her. Drowning was typically the main theme of each method, though with a different twist each time. 

Needless to say, living in the middle of a body of islands wasn’t something that would normally sound too appealing. For one, making the journey inland was easily one of the most nerve wracking things that Graeae had ever had to do. And two, there was water everywhere. If you couldn’t see it, you could hear it; if you couldn’t hear it, you could smell it. She feared that even if they moved back to the shore, the sea salt will have mauled her nostrils so horridly that she’d never smell anything the same again. 

The worst part about all of this? Graeae was bored. She wandered aimlessly, hoping that someone might cross her path.