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Stavanger Bay All this time - Printable Version

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All this time - Nerian - July 22, 2014


Nerian sat by the bay's edge staring out at the setting sun, Her tail curled around her feet. she concentrated on her breathing trying to clear her mind of any and all thought. Meditating would be the word for it

however she was failing miserably as it, her thoughts returned to God and to Ragnar way to often for her to be at peace. she sighed again as her mind begged to make a scenario where she and Ragnar would be ok....

She marked that thought and attempted to clear her mind again she marked the thought and attempted to clear her mind soon though her min turned to how her God wanted her live and how she was living, she had retreated into her self shut down no priestess should be this recluse.

Nerian sighed again marking that thought and planing on returning to it later she set her eyes on the horizon and attempted to clear her mind watching the colours ink the clouds the heavy clouds meant there might be rain soon, rain meant she didn't have to water the plants and that mean the doe's would be seeking shelter in the trees rather then grazing the open grassy area's.

GAHHHHHHH!!!! Nerian screamed and circled kicking a stone into the water with her back paw. she couldn't shut her mind down today. I HATE YOU!! She screamed into the bay.

Not feeling any better for her outburst she dove into the water like a crazy duck and held her breath as she dove under the surface of the salty bay.

RE: All this time - Ragnar - July 28, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
The sun was setting and Ragnar, ignorant to the altercation that had passed between his slave and his wife remained focused on things similar and as equally as important. The mysterious appearance of whom he assumed to be his blood son by Sveið: Bragi. The math didn't lie and while it could have been argued that Bragi could have very well been by Váli's seed it was unlikely given how much it was Ragnar he resembled instead. As it stood, there was very little of the famous shield maiden in his build or coloration. Instead of donning her fur of cream he had inherited Ragnar's icy platinum silver, and even his eyes too. The only thing he found utterly fortunate in the boy's arrival was that his mother had seemingly dropped him off with no intentions of staying. At least, that was what Ragnar was able to gather from the boy's reluctant words of it. He was troubled and the repeated images of the All-Father dreams haunted him. Something was coming for him: a change. Whether it was good or bad Ragnar could not currently tell and that was what bothered him the most. Grim images did not always equal something bad; at least not in his culture.

Thinking of the mother of his only blood child got only served to remind him of the chance he had had and spurned with Nerian. The undeniable affection he felt for his slave and the perfect solution for wanting both women. For loving all three of them. Thistle, Nerian, and Sveið. Ragnar had not forgotten what Thistle had made him vow, and yet Ragnar could not see where he was wrong in wanting to love them both: Thistle and Nerian, of wanting and begetting sons upon them both. Ragnar knew the core reason as to why he could not release Nerian from her slavery, had known it all along only to deny it in the face of himself and Thistle because he had made a promise to the fawn colored woman he called his wife. Ragnar had long since known that he was selfish. He wanted both women...so why couldn't he have both? There was plenty of space in their current den for Nerian to move in as well, and more than enough of Ragnar to go around, if his past ways were of any indication.

There was a noise, a scream having once been pent up and allowed to escape the vocal chords it had once belonged too. Ragnar had scented Nerian and had began to subconsciously follow the trail that led to her, though he deluded himself into thinking it was because he was going to finally give her, her freedom. He had shrugged through branches and bramble in time to hear her scream 'I hate you' though if it was meant but not meant for him, or at the bay he couldn't be sure. He only knew when she dove into the water and did not surface that he dove in after her, grasping her scruff and intending to yank her head above the surface and her body to the shore intending on using more force if she fought him.

RE: All this time - Nerian - July 29, 2014

The waters did nothing to cool her temper; she continued to hold her breath enjoying the feeling of her lungs burning for air. She was not trying to drown she just wanted to test her self, test her own limits, test her own control over her own body in her own way. There was nothing she had control of in this life, not her path, not her body, not even her thoughts. Something had to give.

Something grabbed her and yanked her upwards out of the water, with out realizing it she gasped her air, taking in a mouthful of water just as her head broke the surface and a waved splashed her face.
The world crawled to a halt and she went limp, she knew this grip it still burned in her skin like a permanent brand upon a farmer's cattle.

Neiran didn't fight, she moved willingly with him and once upon shore she waited for release. She lowered her head below his and hacked and coughed up the mouthful of water he had caused her to take in.

What was that for? She croaked between coughs sparring him a glance and wishing to Freya she hadn't. His large form now soaked and matted on her behalf, was more silver then white now, the platinum tips clumping together, he almost seemed to glow. She sucked in a reflexive breath as her eyes took in his muscular chest his display of strength having just pulled her from the water like she was nothing but a mere bunny kit.
Nerain prayed to god was wasn't going to die right then, and her reflexive breath was now followed by more coughing and hacking, she threw up a small mouthful of salty water, Her prayer had been answered to a degree. She cleared her hoarse sore throat and winced. Nerian lifted her gaze to his and she waited for Ragnar to answer her question, thoroughly confused by his actions just now. More coughs threatening to tickle the back of her throat

RE: All this time - Ragnar - July 30, 2014

I'm not sure if you maybe wanted to bump this up to after her talk with Thistle since I was going to have Ragnar broach the subject of the polygamy relationship to her. xD

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
Nerian did not fight him as he pulled her first to the surface and then the shore, terrified that she had been trying to drown herself and unable to let her go, to let her do that. Whatever bond that had been formed between Ragnar and his stolen woman of God was not something he could erase he realized as he pulled her to the shore, gently but firmly, releasing her scruff, side billowing out with each heavy pant despite that she was considerably smaller than he. Neither, he knew, could he continue to run from it. It was Fate — they were Fated and whether it made or broke his life he didn't know. He watched her with anxious eyes as she began to cough and hack up the water she had inhaled though he was unaware that she had inhaled it at the surprise of him. "Nerian," He breathed her name as she continued to cough up the water she had inhaled.

Her croaked out question, coming in between coughs and hacks had the scarred Scandinavian's brow furrowing in confusion as it dawned on him that maybe she hadn't been trying to kill herself after all. He was weary of that consideration given the circumstance knowing only what he had heard and seen and nothing more. "What do you mean?" He asked but didn't wait for an answer. "I couldn't let you..." Ragnar couldn't even bring himself to finish it, cutting off the rest of his sentence with a heavy pant as she vomited up salt water. "I don't want to find out what I would do without you." The Viking whispered, tired of warring with himself over the two women who belonged in his life, both by his side. He loved them both. It was that simple ...and that complicated.

RE: All this time - Nerian - July 30, 2014

I would only add thoughts of Thistle to the first post so sure bumping it up to after that would be fine. :)

Her name was soft on his lips, She had heard it this time, Nerian not priestess.... Nerian's feeling were so mixed up it felt like a cement mixer exploded in her head and her skull ached. She knew she should have eaten some Feverfew this morning.

"I don't want to find out what I would do without you."
Nerian's ears flicked forward on her skull, her maw parted slightly her eyes wide Ragnar said words that she thought she'd never hear from him. She stared at him like a doe caught in headlights until she could not longer hold back the coughs, The third round of coughs seems to clear everything out.

Nerian closed her eyes and ran her tongue along her lips before opening them to peer at Ragnar. She couldn't explain what she had been trying to do, since she wasn't sure herself beyond the fact she was not trying to kill herself.
Ragnar .. I.. Nerian was at a loss for words, and so it seemed was Ragnar. Her voice dropped lower just slightly I was meditating. Something Thistle said to try
The thought of Thistle made the corner of her lips curl into a smile, She had, had the chance to see Thistle in a new light, met the femme on a new level, Nerian missed the company of females more then she realized. The thought of 'Thistle God' broke her resolve and Nerian chuffed softly But somehow I think I was doing it wrong.

Nerian waved her tail behind her and moved slightly closer to Ragnar tucking herself under his chin as a chill made her skin shiver Thanks though, I never knew you cared She whispered into his wet chest. She knew he cared about his slave, she knew he had needed her to help move the pack and claim the land, she knew he promised to protect her, in that thought she winced. He had protected her when he thought her in trouble just then. All he and ever done was keep her close but at an arms length, let her know that his desires lay else where would Ragnar even want to share her as Thistle suggested. This whole situation was infuriating to Nerian and if she were a free wolf she'd run screaming from her feelings and never stop.

RE: All this time - Ragnar - July 31, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
His Priestess stared at him wide eyed and shocked giving him the impression that she could not quite believe the words that had came freely and truthfully from his lips. A small 'v' formed where the skin and fine fur crinkled as his brow furrowed in confusion at her explanation that she had been meditating. He had never known too many people beyond Nerian to meditate and he had never seen her meditate like that. With his heart still thrumming in his ears, the rushing subsiding slowly as she continued to cough up the water he unknowingly caused her to inhale his ears slicked back to his skull, holding still when she neared and tucked herself under his chin, the touch of her skin like a forbidden and intoxicating thing. A small gasp of air escaped the scarred Scandinavian's lips, filling his lungs with her scent as he inhaled and accepted her touch. He would not pull away from her again. He did not want to chase her off and a small part of the silver Viking feared that she would not want him after his previous continued rejections; but he pushed those thoughts away and focused on first telling her what he wanted.

"If I hadn't cared I would not have stopped Vali the day I stole you, or the other times after that and I am sorry for leaving you in Odinn's Cove...I thought you would have run back to your Priestess," He did not realize that her and him were tethered. Whether it was by their Gods, the Norns or just because he had taken her in and cared for her and wanted her. They had been over that though and selfishly Ragnar was glad she had found him. Glad that, time after time, she still came to him. "I am sorry I rejected you before," Ragnar spoke honestly, shifting his body slightly wishing she would look at him instead of hiding against his chest for this. "I did not want to, you have no idea how hard it was." Not just when she was in heat but the time before, too. "I want you to be my wife, Nerian," Rather, his wife number two but wife and mother of his children, still. "The choice is yours. You can tell me no." Ragnar assured her and though 'no' was not the answer he wanted he would live with it if he had too.

RE: All this time - Nerian - August 01, 2014

I hit a road block but lets see where this takes us...

Nerian paused, it was as Thistle had said, but it still felt strange. The name Vali ticked her like a time bomb. Nerian tucked her head into his chest tighter and and sobbed a few times. Her time alone in Odin's cove felt like nothing more then a nightmare, a distant memory her mind slowly blocked out, it never happened, never happened her mind cried, Nerian drew a deep steadying breath and wiped her eyes across his shoulder to remove her salty tears in his already damp salty coat.

Ragnar... Nerian's mind slid back to the day she first saw Ragnar again... She had two questions to ask, and in asking the second question, he would know how far from the first she was slipping... If I give you my heart, You don't mind sharing it? she lowered her face showing him the cross that was there for all to see for all time. And... She gave pause but asked anyway against her better judgement Would Frigga be happy with you marrying a slave?

She did not say No but nor had she said yes, she was still not convinced this was some sort of cruel dream. Would the Loki/Devil of her vision/dream truly be trying to lead her to ruin?
Would the path of the 'Ragnar God' lead her away from heaven, and if so would Valhalla then be open her. She was unworthy now, somehow she had to make herself worthy of some sort of afterlife or suffer the fact then when she died so would her tale; forever snuffed out never to be thought of again.
But in trying to appease all Gods was she in thruth appeasing none of them? Was she really any different then Thistle whom only wanted to appease both she and Ragnar. Thistle would still go to what afterlife she was deemed worthy of, Nerian didn't have that luxury, and in that respect should she not get every ounce she could out of life since this was it....

RE: All this time - Ragnar - August 02, 2014

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
He didn't feel that Nerian had wiped her tears on his scarred shoulder due to the dampness of the platinum silver fur there already wet. What Ragnar did feel was the motion of her skin against his, her face against his broad shoulder, the electricity of her touch, warming his skin the cool kiss the dampness had left in it's wake. "Sharing with your God? I will share it with your god," Or I will steal it from him. Ironically, their situation had changed. Ragnar was still as selfish as he had been but he wanted Nerian, he loved her and he would share her with her God if it meant he could have her. Or he would steal her heart from her God. He didn't believe in her God and therefore he wasn't frightened of him. It never once occurred to Ragnar that she wasn't speaking of her God and even then as long as it wasn't another man. That he would not do and if any male went near either Thistle or Nerian he would likely tear their throats out. He wanted to be the only man in their lives that was mortal, at least.

"It is not uncommon for us to marry our slaves. It enriches our culture and makes stronger sons. Frigg will protect you as a wife no matter what you were or what God you worship. My Gods are not so demanding, Nerian," Ragnar spoke his assurances softly, desiring her to say yes. "If you are my wife you will be a free woman. I only could not give you you're freedom because I couldn't let you go. I am selfish and you are my slave, my Priestess and I care for you." If he didn't he would have treated her as most treated slaves, he would have allowed Vali to do whatever he wanted to her. "I hope that one day our Gods will become friends." It was a thought he had had numerous times but now seemed like the perfect time to say it.

"If you will marry me I would like to learn a prayer so that your God protects our children, too." He wasn't trying to pressure her but he wanted her to know he was willing to accommodate and willing to share.

RE: All this time - Nerian - August 03, 2014

Holy crap I started reading the bible for inspiration and WoW lets just say, not very helpful, Buddhism is looking pretty good right about now. I have tried to respond to this 4 times now and none felt right.

Nerian sighed shakely and stood up, Everything she wanted was right here before her, but was it coming at a cost, for a price that was to high for her to pay. Was someone else going to have to pay the price, and was she willing to ask that wolf to do so.

Nerian walked away from Ragnar, she turned her back to him and bowed her head to the ground, touching her lips to the soil she murmured to herself or to a god, but which god only she would know. Nerian placed her paw over the spot her lips had touched and then sat down with her back still to Ragnar. She closed her eyes and pointed her muzzle straight up, Ragnar would be able to see the cross albeit up side down, any good christian would know that was a bad bad sign. Ragnar would hardly know and Nerian would not have seen it to que in on the 'sign'

I don't Know Ragnar She spoke to the sky. It sounded like he would not free her unless she married him and remained bonded to him, The title of Wife was most definitely more acceptable to god then slave. And If she endeavored to make Thistle happy every day for the rest of her own life, could she make it up to her? Could she ever be a wolf as selfless as Thistle Cloud?
Nerian stood and turned back around to face Ragnar I'm torn, I wish I was a wiser wolf. Instead you have before you all that I am.
Nerian didn't cuddle into him this time, didn't ask for more then she was given, she turned her head to the right and sucked in a deep gulp of air holding it in her tiny chest only exhaling when her lungs burned for air and begged her too. Her thoughts were all jumbled and she had hoped she could hold them still, like she could hold her breath, and yet that did not happen, her thoughts tumbled like waves on a beach.
Nerian found her voice spoke before her mind was ready. Her heart tired of waiting.
It will take time for me to find to right prayer to give to pups should 'our' gods see fit that I bare any at all... She opened her eyes and looked into Ragnar's eyes pleading for that to be the right answer, pleading that everything would work out and that the basket in which she had set the eggs did not break.

RE: All this time - Ragnar - August 04, 2014

It is really hard to type with a paper cut on the pad of your thumb and you're trying not to use it so it heals. xD I also went ahead and updated their titles since I'm assuming her answer was a yes, lol.

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
If Ragnar would have know Nerian's inner thoughts he would have assured her that she didn't need Thistle's permission and that this was not coming with any sort of cost. It was a good thing she hadn't brought it up to him because he likely would have went on some rant about not understanding why women made things so damned complicated. He loved both of them, he would give them both children and his love. Why was that so wrong? Why did that have to come at a price? At least his All-Father understood even if Ragnar got the distinct feeling that no one else did. The scarred Scandinavian watched as Nerian turned away from him and let his eyes trail the length of her spine noting as her head tipped towards the sky, moving forward a step when she responded with an 'I don't know'. "Nerian, Frigg and Freya will protect you," He attempted to reassure her, believing in what he said to her. His gaze settled upon her own gaze as she turned back to face him, speaking that she wished she was a wiser wolf. "You are wise, Nerian. I see and know nothing to be lacking in what I see and what I cannot see before me."

Ragnar ghosted closer to her, diminishing the distance she had put between them desiring the opposite of distance currently. Nerian spoke once more, about it taking some time to get a prayer. Ragnar took it to be a yes. "Our children, Nerian," He corrected her in a husky murmur as he met her gaze, reaching out to brush his muzzle against hers, tongue gliding against the silken fur he found there. It was an affectionate and heated gesture as he, if she would allow him, peppered kisses down her jaw only to cease as his lips lingered near her closest ear. "I know you will, Odinn told me so." Nerian would go into another heat cycle before the end of this year and he would not reject her again, for this time he would have no reason to. "Will you and our children bear my name of Loðbrók?" He inquired of her softly, wanting his blood children to bear the name the most.

"As my wife there is some things you should know," Ragnar began pulling back enough so that he could hold his Priestess' eyes. "I want you to stay in the Jarl's den with me. You are my wife now, just as much as Thistle and it is your right and what I want ...it is big enough for all of us," She didn't have too but he'd rather she did. "Because I do not wish to keep secrets and because it will come about someday when the children are older but Thistle's litter are not mine. Even if none of us tell them they will be smart enough to put it together by comparing themselves to the children to come." As his wife, Nerian deserved to know. He would not keep secrets from either woman.

RE: All this time - Nerian - August 08, 2014

Nerians eyes closed as he moved closer, she didn't pull away, couldn't pull away if she wanted to. It was like she was drawn to him like a magnet. A warm tingle moved from his touches and toward her brain, easing a calm over her, she quite enjoyed the fuzzy feeling. It was almost like she was drunk but she hadn't eaten and drank anything to account for it, only felt and smelled Ragnar. This was a heady feeling and one like nothing else she had ever felt before even with her sisters back home. She thought she knew love but now she knew attraction and possibly seduction.

When Ragnar started to pull away Nerian would not allow it she lifted her head and placed her muzzle next to his, leaning against him, if she could have in that moment been inside him she would have placed herself there. mmmmmm... yes. She sighed softly Yes to it all Taking his last name would in the eyes of her god truly name her his wife, and the children will have what names he picked out. She leave that task to him.

Nerian closed her eyes again as she listened to him speak, he spoke way to much, he always did. The endorphins in her brain causing the warm fuzzy feeling were slowly backing off, Ragnar was keeping no secrets though Thistle had already shared this information with her Thistles will likely go to heat first and she has requested she give you the first litter, our heats will eventually sync; especially if we are to live in that close of proximity.

Nerian never thought about his reaction to that; as she turned her head and tasted his cheek her tongue slow and gentle, barely there. Never having gotten the opportunity to touch and taste him quite like this before, She took the opportunity with great pleasure. Tiny kisses worked her way to the cup of his ear where she nipped lightly, fleetingly, barely touching his skin, butterfly kisses along the back of his ear. her breath warm across pelt. The fire she felt between them seemed to dry them off faster, leaving Ragnar to taste only sightly salty, a delectable additive.

RE: All this time - Ragnar - August 08, 2014

I actually read that female dogs have two heat cycles in a year if they don't get pregnant during the first one so in actuality, Nerian would go into heat before Thistle because Thistle can't go into heat before March (I think) but Nerian will go into another heat before the end of this year. :-)

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
Ragnar let out a soft groan when he felt Nerian lean into him, the brush of her smaller muzzle against his soft and warm. He wished fervently that she would go into heat again in that moment, no matter that he realized that was a ridiculous wish, so that he might prove to her that she would bare him sons. That did not mean, however, that he couldn't show her the ways in which a man loved a woman that her God could never do. Technically, Lodbrok wasn't a last name simply being a nickname he had earned once upon a time but it was a little more personal for the children since technically neither of his wives would have a last name if he had not bestowed the name 'Lodbrok' upon them. "Lets not speak of this to Thistle. It is just a name but she might become angrier at me for it," Although in reality it was his name to do with what he wished. In reality, it was more than 'just a name'. It was something that Ragnar had earned. It was an essence of determination, ambition and pride; something he wanted both of his wives and children to bear with some kind of pride until they earned their own.

"You will go into another cycle of heat before the year ends. Thistle will not go into heat until spring of next year," And frankly he did not want to wait until after he had gotten Thistle pregnant to get Nerian pregnant. She had not presented this request to him (that Tokio can remember) and therefore he would do what he wanted until it was discussed with him considering he was just as much apart of the relationship as the two women were. If not a little more invested. "I don't care when either of you go into heat first, or who bears the first litter, but I know you will first and I promise I will not reject you this time. There will be many litters and there is more to our relationship than babes." He did not want either woman to think that was all they were to him: a baby making machine. If that was all he wanted he wouldn't have asked either of them to be his wives and would have taken any female that consented that was in heat without forming relationships.

Ragnar fell silent at Nerian's barrage of kisses, feather light and fleeting against the heated skin of his damp fur, his skin growing hotter beneath the damp heaviness of his silver coat, a fire beginning to pool in his stomach as she continued her ministrations upon his skin. "Nerian..." The Viking purled at his Priestess wife, almost a plea to continue and to allow these touches to delve into something more.

RE: All this time - Nerian - August 08, 2014

That they do usually six months apart or so; one in winter one in spring/summer. Our show bitch went into heat just before Christmas and I spayed her just as she was starting to show possible signs of heat in early july. She was not in heat though.

Nerian paused when Ragnar asked her not to speak of it to Thistle, in one breath he said 'no secrets' in the next he asked to keep them... She lowered her head when he spoke of her heat, She would ask Thistle Cloud because if it meant something to Thistle that meant it would mean something to Nerian. Thistle was already being so selfless that someone had to think of her. Even if that got her in a great deal of trouble with Ragnar, maybe she would find away to leave during her heat and hide in a cave somewhere. Dammit she was going to have to show Thistle Cloud she loved her somehow.

Nerian swallowed when he spoke her name, how could she deny this male anything; when he could make her bones melt with the barest word. She shifted and stood up bushing her side along his, a move she had done to him often but this time the electric air seemed to intensity the sliding movement of their damp pelts. Nerian moved down his right side pausing only to lick and then nibble gently where his tail met his body only then did she run her body up along his left side tucking her head into his neck. She wanted to feel all of him, she wanted as much contact as she could get with him without being brushed aside yet again. She feared this might all crumble into nothingness that this was all just come cruel dream was was going to wake up from alone and confused. She would have to stay in the jarl den just to remind her self every day that this was reality and not some prison her mind made up for her.

Nerain slowly lifted her head from under his chin and tentatively and yet lovingly ran her tongue along the underside of his jaw and lips, her touch fleeting and yet persistent. A soft moan almost escaped her throat her eyes closed she murmured not realizing the words left her lips. [size=x-small]Please be real [/size]

RE: All this time - Ragnar - August 09, 2014

I was thinking we could tastefully fade to black and sort of have this one wrap up with your post (this will be the last for me) and have another thread?! :D Also you have my permission to powerplay Ragnar in your post as needed. :-)

<style type="text/css">table.ragnar {background: #ffffff url("http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/theder/ragnardertable_zpsefab268a.png") no-repeat top center;}</style>
Whether it was because he was the Jarl or because he was an assertive man he had no intentions of asking permission on who would get pregnant by him first. He was not very expert when it came to female heat cycles beyond knowing that they drove him absolutely mad but he fairly sure that he would have to wait until at least March of next year until Thistle went into heat because she had had children and he kind of like the idea of having winter pups and summer pups. It would give him time to spend with the newborns while not neglecting his other children as well for they would be old enough to realize that newborns needed a good bit of attention. He couldn't help but think that if he'd taken her when she was in heat and begging him too she'd be round with his children by now. Soon.

Ragnar held still when Nerian moved and stood, the feeling of her side moving along his causing the scarred Scandinavian to let out a soft noise of content. He wanted to feel more of her than just her side, though. He desired more intimacy than that, his body beginning to burn slowly with the fires of desire. Yet, Ragnar had to remind himself that she had sworn an oath of celibacy previous and that her first time deserved to be everything his words had promised. Ragnar considered how experienced he was at it and felt with no small measure of confidence that he would be able to deliver on that promise to her. The Jarl let out a short gasp of breath when he felt Nerian lick and nibble at the junction of where his tail met his body, his weight shifted as the fire raced from his stomach further south. Dirtied claws dug into the soft, pliable earth under paw, raking against it with no amount of gentleness as she slid the length of his body on his left side then, her head pressing against his neck.

His Priestess Wife's kisses were tentative and yet Ragnar did not miss the loving undertone of them upon his jaw and lips in her hesitancy. He was trying to be patient, trying to let her discover him at her own pace, understanding that this was new to her and probably forbidden. Or perhaps becoming his wife threw everything previously forbidden out of the window? He did not know how her God worked despite how she reminded him often. Nothing was forbidden to him by his Gods. Her kisses were fleeting against him but relentless in their ministrations and it was with great effort that Ragnar moved his head at her soft moan and whisper, his patience waning at the small noise and in his desire to prove that there was nothing more real than him at that moment. "Let me show you how a real man worships a woman," The only thing he had spoken up to that point and the last words he thought would be necessary. He planted a small series of kisses on her jaw, down her throat, nipping softly, gently at the damp fur there before he circled her, being sure that his body never left contact with hers until he was standing behind her, nipping gently at her spine, and then her thigh as he stared at her, admiring the strong yet delicate curve of her spine with desire and need. Restraining himself, he waited for her.

RE: All this time - Nerian - August 12, 2014

I had to re-delve back into the creation of Nerian and see her reaction, I forgot she had scars.

All tangible thoughts left Nerian there was nothing for Thistle, or god or the gods or Freya or of anything at all it was as if all her years of meditation had finally paid off ten fold allowing her to soak up this moment with no thoughts to interrupt it. She'd mediate for 100 more years just for one more moment like this. Her body hummed in response to him Nerian's movements and reactions slowed eager to make every second of contact last, every kiss and touch sear into her soul. Nerian's body became pliable under his touch bending to his will fitting against him like a glove.

His voice seemed gruffer to her his words taking a few more minutes to register in her mind then normal, a warm fuzzy fog had intoxicated her brain, refused to let conscious thoughts in.

Nerian turned her head so that she could look into Ragnar's eyes, then her own eyes widening in surprise as his words suddenly became clarified by his position. Her mouth opened with quickened breathes escaping her. Didn't she need to be in heat for this? Was she still in heat? Wait no... she didn't none of them were....

Nerian shuttered.. she remembered how valiantly she fought to save herself from Váli How only her cries for Ragnar had ever stopped him but she received redirected attacks instead, the pelt upon shoulders hid many scars, which she had treated herself so that they were minimal except the one the had received the day she had been aided in her escape to find Ragnar. That one had been treated on the run and so it was more raised in the shape of teeth hidden only by it's width, size and ragged shape unless one looked for it anyhow. That night she had collapsed on her side tucking herself into a fetal position as she was drug around by the shoulder until she had been forgotten, until Váli had been distracted.

This was not then, this was what made 'then' worth it. Nerian closed her eyes and exhaled, releasing her apprehension and fear shifting gently she pressed her hips against his chest, begging him to claim her. Ragnar... She whispered barely peeking from below her heavy lidded eyes Make me your wife before all the gods and all the world.