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Swiftcurrent Creek we'll paint it red to fit right in - Printable Version

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we'll paint it red to fit right in - Scimitar - July 23, 2014

@Shadow - set before Fox's disappearance, etc.

The sun shone down, warming the male’s pelt as morning kissed the Creek lands. Scimitar had not yet claimed a den of his own – somehow, it was a task he had still managed to avoid.. though now with his sister within the ranks, it was something he would perhaps look in to – they could den together.

Lifting himself from his sprawled position of relaxation, the male gave a leisurely stretch as a yawn escaped him, stirring a rumbling sigh from him. With one final roll back of his shoulders to wake himself up, the large male lumbered along the creek edge, debating on checking out the pack cache for a quick bite to eat before making his way to the borders.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Shadow - July 24, 2014

Shadow yawned slowly as he poked his head out from his den and sniffed the air, he shook himself before trotting out his den and towards the creek. He had purposely found his den here, because their pack's namesake provided him both food and a fresh source of water which he was grateful for. Even though eating the same fishy taste of fish could be boring sometimes.

As he lapped up water from the creek, he pondered whether or not to check the pack's cache for food. He tossed that thought away, he would hunt on his way to check the borders.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Scimitar - July 27, 2014

On his way to check out the pack cache, his eyes instead found the silver male called Shadow. Scimitar was not well acquainted with the male, though he was often about when pack matters were at hand. Thus far, the dark agouti male had no qualms regarding him.. and even considered him an asset.

Uttering a gentle bark to gain the attention of his comrade, Scimitar's strides pushed forward to close the distance between them, his eyes regarding the other with friendly interest. "Shadow, right?" He uttered the question as he finally got closer, tilting his muzzle slightly to the side to determine whether or not the male would want company or not.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Shadow - July 27, 2014

Shadow paused as he heard a bark, he turned to see a dark agouti male. Scimitar. He had heard of him from the other wolves the he'd met, he hadn't really met any higher ranking wolves except Bazi. He tilted his head questioningly, wondering what was it that Scimitar wanted, or perhaps he just wanted to be friendly.

He stopped and waited for the other male. So he knew his name. Shadow was surprised, he didn't expect Scimitar to know. "Yes, and you're Scimitar right?" his tone friendly as he answered the other wolf. "What brings you here today?"

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Scimitar - July 28, 2014

One ear flicked in response to the other’s questions, confirming this with a nod before falling in stride beside the male who had stopped. The question that followed spurned a hint of amusement in the Frostfur male as he regarded his new companion. “I was on my way to stop by the pack cache before patrolling the borders,” he offered with a light shrug, wondering why the other was suddenly questioning his company – perhaps Shadow was not as sociable as Scimitar had originally thought.

Giving a nod in the direction, his eyes drifted away for only a moment to study the horizon. Sunspire loomed heavily in the background of their landscape, and the thought filled him with apprehension. His initial idea had been to perhaps coax Shadow along with him to patrol together – but a new plan formed his mind instead. “Care for a spar instead?” His eyes directed back to the male before him – a friendly spar might just be what he needed to rid himself of his nerves.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Shadow - July 28, 2014

Shadow pulled his lips back in a hearty grin, it had been a long time since he sparred with someone and he was looking forward to one. Even though he was probably a bit rusty. His eyes gleamed.

"I'm in." he replied, pawing the ground in front of him with nervous energy that ran through his veins. He was ready for this.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Scimitar - July 28, 2014

His companion readily agreed, and a small smirk tugged at Scimitar’s lips. The silver male rounded to face him, readying himself for the battle that would ensue. It was liberating to be able to train with his pack mates – while he questioned Swiftcurrent Creek at times and longed for Neverwinter Forest, despite Luka, he had never felt this kind of companionship since his birth pack.

His own figure tensed, his paws shuffling further apart to gain a better balance. Eyeing his opponent, the agouti wolf gave a nod of readiness before lunging forward – the battle would begin, and only then did he let loose a low, but non serious growl.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Shadow - July 30, 2014

So Shadow won the spar, no need to continue the spar right? Sorry I'm new to sparring. :)

Shadow readied himself as the other male let loose a low non serious growl. Scimitar lunged forward, reaching forward with his jaws to grip the side of his neck. He dodged Scimitar's jaws and while doing so tried to snap at his forepaws to try to unbalance the other wolf. Scimitar attempts to shift away but still received a bit of the attack.

As Shadow bent his head down, Scimitar tries to grab his scruff and push him to the ground. He attempts to roll out of the way but was unsuccessful, fluffing out his fur he got off the ground and tried to push the cinnamon male onto the ground. Scimitar staggered but soon regained his balance and tries to push back with force.

Shadow crouches down and avoids the push, while doing so he attempts to grip Scimitar's forelimbs and knock him off balance. His opponent dodged it and attempted to make him lose balance. Shadow crouches down and rolls away, successfully dodging Scim's attack. Then he tries a new trick and rears up on his hind legs, placing his paws on the agouti male's shoulders and tries to press him onto the ground.

Scimitar twists away and pulls back, Shadow staggered but regained his balance while the other male attempts to grab at his forelimbs, Shadow pulls back then tries to gently grip his neck to unbalance and push him down. Again, the other male twists and leaps away from his jaws, as he got back on his paws he plows forward to knock his full weight onto him.

Shadow successfully twists out of the way then as Scimitar lumbered past, he tries to nip at his forelimbs again. The cinnamon male attempts to shuffle away but lost balance and fell, as soon as he did, the silver male moved forward to pin him down, panting slightly but smiling.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Scimitar - August 06, 2014

It was a dance between the two males, and with every twist he made, his jaws would usually snap upon empty air. Shadow was a step ahead of him in almost every manner, and the adrenaline that pumped through his veins only ignited this realization with each unsuccessful attempt to knock his opponent down.

He wouldn't have the chance though. Shadow gripped him and that was when the large cinnamon male would fall. His opponent took the opportunity, and he was pinned to the ground. A smirk befell him then, and as he stilled, his eyes sought out the silver male -- not in bitterness, but with jovial congratulations. "Should have warned me you were a tank," he rumbled, waiting for the male to release him.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Shadow - August 06, 2014

Shadow grinned and released the cinnamon male. "Not really," he muttered though his platinum eyes were alight with victory, the spar had loosened his muscles and made him felt more alive that he had ever felt. Training with packmates was something that the ashen male enjoyed more than ever, though real battles had a different feel to it.

"You're a great fighter though," he said to the other male, smiling widely. "The pack is lucky to have you." The pack was lucky to have Scimitar but the same couldn't be said for the silver wolf, or so he thought.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Scimitar - August 11, 2014

Last post for me! Thanks for the thread!

Shadow released him and then offered a noncommittal response to the praise. Rolling swiftly to push himself back up, Scimitar gave a hefty shake of his pelt, allowing the dirt that had worked its way throughout his cinnamon pelt to fly away. His tongue lolled out as he stilled, his eyes seeking his companion before giving a derisive snort. "We'll need to do this again -- especially with everything happening with the Sunspire," he muttered, though he did not dwell on the darker topic.

Moving his muzzle forward to touch his nose to the male's cheek in quiet thanks, the agouti male was quick to move away once more, but not before stretching his hind limbs. "Care to do a patrol around the border?" The ease of conversation reminded him of his old friend Luka, and while he felt a pang at the lost interaction with the dark male, he was relieved to perhaps find another acquaintance at the Creek. Without waiting for any other word, Scimitar began loping in the direction of their marked borders, certain that the greyscale male would be at his side momentarily.

RE: we'll paint it red to fit right in - Shadow - August 11, 2014

Just getting my last post in. :)

"We'll need to do this again -- especially with everything happening with the Sunspire," True, he agreed but the agouti male did not dwell on that subject for long. "Care to do a patrol around the border?" Without waiting for another word, Scimitar was off towards the direction of their marked borders. Maybe today they'll find an intruder or two to chase, though that was probably not good news, the silver male needed another fight to get rid of his, well, energy.

The ashen male began trotting towards Scimitar, moments later catching up beside him.