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The Sunspire she was givin' them - Printable Version

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she was givin' them - OG Magpie - July 23, 2014

Hunger clawed at her belly, but the juvenile insisted on refusing any attempt to feed her. She had heard stories of wolves that had grown sick and died of food contaminated by herbs, and Magpie suspected there was something very sinister hiding behind the kind words of her captors and their insistence that both she and Leaf eat something. She had squatted over the latest bit of regurgitated meat they brought her and pissed on it to show them exactly how she felt; if she were going to eat, she would eat from the carcass as grown wolves did. She was a babe no more, and fully capable of chewing her own food.

And it would be unlikely she ate meat off bone even if they did offer it. She would not be forced to become dependent on these wolves. Magpie didn't know how, but someday she would escape, and then she would eat... Still, the hunger was there, and the tall grass was something she could forage for herself. After a moment of indecision, she crept over to a patch of tall grass and began to chew at its ends.

RE: she was givin' them - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 23, 2014

The food he had retched up for Magpie was ignored, it really hurt him that the pup wasn't eating. Pups meant a lot to him the only reason he had wanted her was to keep her safe from Fox's insanity but if he could not keep her safe from herself he didn't need to keep the pup.

Ferdie took the duck eggs Stormcloud had found, and jaunted past Magpie bringing them to the waters edge and washed them carefully rolled them gently across the ground probably looking like the fool backing up and rolling the egg with a fore paw but he didnt stop until they lay at Magpie's feet.

Ferdie then backed up and lay down attempting to make himself less imposing. Did you want a story while you eat? He asked keeping his head upon the ground regarding the 6 month old.

RE: she was givin' them - OG Magpie - July 23, 2014

Magpie's green eyes watched the dominant male move through the clearing, defiance burning bright inside them. She continued to chew the tall grass quite pointedly, as if to prove to him that she didn't need his help to eat. Chomp, chomp, chomp, she gnawed at the grass as noisily as she could. I can chew my own food, see? If she had still been home, amongst the Corvidae, she would have been brought along to hunts and taught the way of the wolf, rather than have food vomited back up in front of her as if that were still the most appetizing way to dine.

Her gaze still remained impassive as he rolled two objects toward her in sort of an awkward shuffle-dance, and she stopped chewing the grass to look down at them. She knew birds lay eggs, but she had never really understood what they were, or how delicately they must be handled. Although she didn't understand she was meant to eat them, her curiosity was ignited, and she tapped one with a paw as the male mentioned something about eating — too hard, for it burst into a gooey mess. She wrinkled her nose, startled, and looked at Ferdie. Eat this? Magpie couldn't imagine.

He was laying down, now, and despite the mess she had just made, Magpie's ears perked at the mention of a story. After a moment, she laid down with some distance between herself, and both the eggs and Ferdie. She began to groom the egg yolk from her paw, pretending to be intensely focused on the task, but her ears remained tuned to his voice.

RE: she was givin' them - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 25, 2014

Ferdie was glad at teh very lest she was getting a minute amount of nutrition, he crawled forward slightly and nudged the egg gently it rolled and wobbled across the ground until it touched Megpig and settled unharmed. Ferdie then drew back into his original position. He would have the release the captives very soon if they would not eat, he wanted to protect them, not kill them with their own stupidity.

Humm... Ferdie's voice was deep and thoughtful as a story story came to him

A kind wolf whom understood the circle of life very well knowing each creature no matter the size played it's part for this He loved all creature even the ones he had to take and eat. One day this wolf saw a bug floundering around in the still waters of a puddle. He decided to save by nudging it from the water with his nose, but the bug stung him. The wolf tried again to nudge the bug out of the water, but it stung him again.

Another wolf passed by seeing this, and told him to stop saving the bug that kept stinging him. But the wolf said: "It is the nature of the bug to sting. It is my nature to love. Why should I give up my nature to love just because it is the nature of the bug to sting?

Ferdie stopped the story then and thought of Fox and this whole situation, this captive thing was just not his nature, he was going against what he was as much as he wanted to save this pup he was harming her in the process Ferdie frowned and lifted his head. Perhaps it is time to take you and Leaf back to swiftcurrent creek. Even keeping them for this short time sent the clear message that the Sunspire wolves were not going to roll on their backs and take the abuse Ferdie Von Pelt had proved his point. Fox has not come back, I want to see you healthy, it was my intent to protect you not harm you, or have you harm yourself

Ferdie Von Pelt stood and howled for the pack @Jace @Red @Kodokuna @Amekaze @Leaf @Vienna @Fang

When they gathered he'd have to decide who was going with him to return the captives and who was staying. Jace was most certainly staying here in his condition, as far as Ferdie was concerned Jace was grounded, but now he need a capable wolf to stay with him to defend the pack lands

I totally forgot the juveniles, dunno how I could but I did *Hides head in shame* @Nightingale @summer

RE: she was givin' them - Fang - July 25, 2014

Fang was busying himself with some nonsensical business about the packland when the summon rang out. No doubt something else to do with the ongoing issues with the 'nearby pack' he assumed. A sigh rolled out as he managed to trot his way to Ferdies location.

Sure enough he came to the clearing where the two young wolves were being kept, as he trotted up to the scene he managed to lower his head towards the vain male, probably not nearly enough as would be expected from a low ranking member, but the fact was this entire situation had left a sour taste in the half-breeds mouth, and whatever respect he had for his leaders and their decision to capturing these "vicious enemies" ended at the loyalty he felt he owed, and nothing more. He simply sat on his haunches, the less than impressed expression asking "what now". is this the part where you kill them to scare off the others? The unspoken thought was accompanied with another small huff as he lifted his head to observe what was sure to be an interesting event, at the least.




RE: she was givin' them - Amekaze - July 26, 2014

The dark female answered when summoned, and she arrived on the scene with a slow jog. She focused on Ferdie first of all, then glanced towards the captive girl and Fang (who looked unimpressed). Amekaze was privately nursing her injuries from her altercation with the trespassing Danica, but none were serious enough to hinder her permanently.

She found she was one of the earliest ones here. Others would hopefully be soon to follow. Amekaze wasn't feeling like lingering for long, although she was highly interested in the subject matter she suspected to follow. It had been a curious time for Sunspire lately, between injured wolves, captives, and trespassers and all else. Their alpha surely had much to say.

She dropped her gait down to a relaxed walk and approached Ferdie to lick underneath his chin, deferring to him peacefully. With her brief greeting done, she settled somewhere off to his left to wait for others to filter onto the scene.

RE: she was givin' them - Vienna IA - July 26, 2014

Vienna's ears perked up at Ferdie's call and she rose quickly from the place where she had been napping. So far she had been somewhat avoiding the captives... She wasn't a fan of conflict and really want sure how she felt about the entire situation. Besides, they would accept no help. That much was plain to see.

Now however her alpha called and she must answer. She ran to the location, stopping a small ways away and sitting down. She would hear what he had to say, and hopefully it was what she expected of a wolf with his character. She had no reason to believe differently; there wasn't a trace of rage within him. She was curious as to what he planned to do with the captives and hoped this meeting would shed some light on that.

RE: she was givin' them - Jace - July 26, 2014

jace shifted from where he sat and stepped forward a grimace on his face and bile in his throat att the pain that shot up his leg and into his chest. He licked the wound across his muzzle that refused to close and began a slow limp to the clearing where Leaf and little magpie were. As he rested the wound to his muscles or tendons or what have you were slowly healing, but the pain was as of yet sharp.

Jace stared at the male he had yet to meet, a little irritated at his lack of respect, though it was there not enough he thought,but that was for Ferdie to decide, so he continued past him to sit by Ferdie pausing to brush his muzzle across his sister's shoulder, nudge Ame, and give Leaf a small smile. He sat down then lay down his chest and leg far to sore to sit he had given Ferdie a lick to the chin, but now he just wanted to rest.

RE: she was givin' them - Summer Ostrega - July 26, 2014

*Barges in* 8D

Summer was never too far from the captives' den those days. Having not found himself a suitable den in the area, he didn't really feel particularly compelled to return anywhere when it was time for him to rest. So, he obeyed a drive of a different kind, and kept himself near to the spring-eyed girl and her fiery red friend. He wondered often if Jace or Ferdie ever realized he was there, lurking in the shadows, waiting until their backs were turned so he could steal away to say hello. He assumed they probably did, but more likely they had bigger things to worry about than their newest pup's little infatuation--even if it was with the "enemy".

When Ferdie's call rent through the air, Little Levi hesitated. He hadn't specifically been called, but he wasn't that far away already and he knew exactly where everyone was being gathered. He struggled for a moment trying to decide what to do. He clearly was not invited to this gathering, and obedience to authority told him that meant to stay away. But on the other hand... Her face that day they had captured her hovered clearly in his mind--that face of fear and confusion. The boy's little heart ached. Before he realized it, his paws were taking him away and he was slowly approaching the wolves that had already gathered.

As he was, Summer slung his head low, ears folded almost apologetically against the back of his neck. His sunny gaze drifted across the faces that had already gathered. As they landed on Fang, he felt his hackles prickle slightly, for Jace's gaze upon him was one of warning. Turning his attention again, he crept up to Jace and Ferdie on his belly, whining softly and nosing at their chins in acknowledgement and apology of his potential wrong-doing by being there at all.

Once his show was over, his attention flitted right to Magpie. He gave her the briefest of smiles before he strode over and placed himself far enough from her so as not to look too suspicious to his packmates, but also near enough that he hoped she knew he was there for her.

RE: she was givin' them - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 26, 2014

I'm going to go ahead and ignore posting order here since this has become a pack meet

So No Posting order

First I need to OOCLy apologize for forgetting the two younger pack members, @Nightingale and @Summer and secondly I would love to see @Kodokuna and @Red to show up as I had positions for them to take up :D
Just received word Red's player is on absence wish her luck on her exam's :D

Ferdie Von Pelt raised his head, Enjoying the respectable licks he received, from most of his pack. His gazing fell fleetingly on Fang, though the male clearly did not agree with the goinging on these past few days, the fact he was here showed some respect, so he let it slide for now. His gaze fell on Ame and he winced, she was injured he could not bring her to Swiftcurrent creek with him though bringing a wolf that left them too would have been satisfying in it's own right. He might yet take her anyway, excuses to be in her company was far and few between. Ferdie inclined his head slightly to Vienna knowing taking her while forcing Jace to remain behind might infuriate Jace.

He needed to leave wolves at home and take some with him to escort. Ferdie's gaze edged toward Jace and he frowned unhappily Find Nightingale, work on healing up. He murmured to Jace. Ferdie chuckled at Summer and gave the pup a good nuzzle and wuffed into the back of Summer's ear before Summer moved toward Magpie,
He could not bring Summer with him, and he was sad this would be Summer last few moments with Magpie, he had not been blind he knew Summer had been infatuated with Magpie, for some reason the names Romeo and Juliet popped into his mind. But Ferdie could not risk keeping them here any longer.

Thank you, Ferdie started his speech with respect toward his pack; His voice deep and met to carryso that the wolves not here yet might still hear. I have heard Fox has not returned to Swiftcurrent Creek and Leaf and Magpie here have not been eating, It has never been my intent to harm them or visit war upon Swiftcurrent Creek or Us. I wanted Fox to stop in keeping Magpie and Leaf here I was hoping to drag Fox back so that we may end this one-sided war once and for all.

Since neither thing is happening, We must return these two but I can't allow any harm to befall them. if they return home harmed somehow, we could be blamed. I am hoping that when I return them I will be able to get a word in edgewise, though so far that has never been the case with Swiftcurrent Creek
Ferdie looked pointedly at Jace then returned his attention to the pack members before him

So even though I go in peace with Leaf and Magpie unharmed I can't guaranty my safety, I need back up and I need wolves to stay here to continue to protect our home.

Ferdie shifted and puffed up his chest a little his voice taking a more commanding tone
Jace! Vienna, Summer and Nightingale must stay here.

Ame! Fang! you are with me
Ferdie would have rathered take Kodokuna with him over Fang but with her not here yet and time being of the essence Ferdie Had no choice.
Ferdie looked at Jace issuing one more verbal order You can send Kodokuna if she gets here soon enough, Red should stay and protect the pack

Ferdie Von Pelt moved past Summer offering the youngling one more sad nuzzle before ushering Leaf and Magpie toward home

Creating a thread in Swiftcurrent Creek ...Thread coming up in 3. 2. 1. here:)

RE: she was givin' them - Jace - July 26, 2014

Jace frowned but he had figured he'd be staying and though he was loathe to admit it, it was actually a relief, as it was very hard to walk right now. He dipped his muzzle to Ferdie in deference. He would stay and not argue at all about it. He listened wondering who else Ferdie would take, glad his sister wasn't going, very glad. She was not a conflict oriented wolf and he would worry about her later. He tilted his head then and spoke softly but so all could hear. seek out Bazi Ferdie as unpleasant as it maybe, she is listening and willing to work with whomever to get the captives gone from here, and she has told me herself that Fox is no longer welcome at the Creek. Steer clear of a male named Scimitar, he has given me these we exchanged words first and perhaps we shouldn't have I take blame to these as well he is formidable, but you could probably beat him, and Tuwawi might listen as well I believe she is tired of the whole thing, pretty sure Bazi told me that too or at least hinted to it. Then he fell silent and lay his head to his paws, with ears perked forwards listening and waiting.

RE: she was givin' them - Fang - July 27, 2014

As Ferdie began to explain his motives the halfbreeds attention piqued, he admittedly was not well versed in the vain males ideas or reasoning. The admission to return the captives unharmed and before they self-harmed did return some faith in his opinion of his alphas integrity. His Golden eyes looked at the members, the small handful here didn't leave him terribly confident on who was going. Stifling a sigh he resigned himself to the likelihood he would be getting dragged into this return quest.

When Jace mentioned Bazi a small chuckle escaped Fang. He couldn't help but recall his encounter with the white she-wolf. As his amusement left he looked at the others, his thoughts drifted. He wasn't going to voice anything and wait for the command he was likely to receive



RE: she was givin' them - Vienna IA - July 27, 2014

Vienna heard with great relief that the captives were going to be returned home. Her relief was intensified in Ferdie's request that she stay behind with Jace and the others. Her hope had been that their captives would see the light, come to know that a true pack stuck by your side no matter what rather than turning tail, and would therefore join them. Instead they had remained loyal to their (in her opinion) cowardly leader and refused all care. It made her sick inside to see them refuse food for so long. Ferdie's decision made her respect him all the more.

She would prepare for their return by perhaps seeking out some of the more common healing herbs. Her skill was not great but she had some knowledge. They may need them after this. She would also force her brother to sit still long enough for her to look him over.. A few of those wounds looked nasty and may need something to not be infected in the near future.

RE: she was givin' them - Amekaze - July 27, 2014

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Others followed, although they were not a complete gathering just yet. However, Ferdie was quick to the point and she exhaled slowly, pleased. She lent him her ears in full.

Her expression stayed stoic although she regarded this news with mixed feelings. First, Fox had gone missing from her pack. A curious twist but one she was not shocked by considering the cowardice she had shown already. Any respect she may have still had was squandered. However, this meant that they could not use their captives to obtain her: the one Ame truly wanted to see here, kept against her wishes and perhaps met with a far uglier treatment than what they gave their two now.

The girls were just... well, she did not know how to phrase it, exactly. They were safer here if only they possessed enough sense to realize this. To her, it was for their own good -- certainly better than a pack with leader that abandoned them the second she finally opened her eyes enough to see all her mistakes.

Nevertheless, she took in the full extent of Ferdie's words and felt due satisfaction when he said she would be accompanying him to the Creek. While Amekaze knew the importance of their defense, her interests were tilted just enough in favor of the offense -- showing the Swiftcurrent that they were strong, too. She believed she was a good creature for the role, too. She would mind her manners, but the second Ferdie gave the word (if it came to it), there would be no hesitation in bringing something ugly to the scene.

The eta nodded silently. Jace's words were made note of and she then took to motion a few paces behind Ferdie to begin their escort to the Creek.