Wolf RPG
Whitefish River Come on to me, come on to me - Printable Version

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Come on to me, come on to me - Jinx - July 23, 2014

@Hawkeye Set after Jinx leaves OS (behind the scenes), but before she encounters Saēna.

Ouroboros Spine had rejected her in some fashion. The wolves themselves had hung about, not voicing their distaste for her to her face, not that she had the capacity to understand them. She had forgotten all the fundamentals of society, including sociability and the fact that she was a leader. Nevertheless, the sick beast had still been able to understand their body language and, despite having left the corpse of gentle Itsuki behind, she had taken the hint.

Not with any amount of grace, though. The animal that she was, having left behind the person that she was, stormed through the flatlands like some kind of stark raving lunatic, snarling at midair, snapping her jaws, and all the while dripping foam and saliva. Her hackles were raised into a permanent ridge as her senses were assaulted with the neurological damage of the rabies, leaving her powerless to defend herself against the hallucinations and the mounting paranoia.