Wolf RPG
Lone Star Mountain Stand in the rain - Printable Version

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Stand in the rain - Serem - June 17, 2019

Tagging @Sunny and the pups @Valiant and @Aeryn Dated for whenever they take their trip...this hurts to write honestly

She barely knew the she wolf but @Aliac had confided in her the last wish before she died and she knew she had to try but first she would give the woman a proper burial in the least. She went as close as she could to the pack she had told her she was from and began to dig. Flinging the dirt with her paws in every direction as she unraveled the earth beneath her.

RE: Stand in the rain - Sunny - June 18, 2019

He had informed Elysium of the trip he would be taking to Swiftcurrent Creek and swiftly corraled the pups, leading them deeper into the mountains promising them adventure under the promise that they would follow his directions. So they climbed the peak of lone Star mountain, taking the easier smoother trails formed by erosion and the use of sharp hooved mountain goats. Once they got high enough to have a view but not experience the chill of the frozen cap he picked up a hideous scent, one of fresh death. The change in air pressure had caused his nose to get all screwy and he couldn't recognise the underlying scent, even so he lead the pups forward with caution. Stepping through brush and small trees he spotted a female digging, the only part of Aliac visible to him being the unfortunate sight of her beautiful face, one eye partially opened and peering into his broken soul.

He stared his face transforming into a startlingly blank expression. He shoved the pups back and growled softly "What have you done to her?" he tried to be strong but it came out in a gravelly, trembling tone leaving him there an open andbvulnerable man caught in the throes of agonizing heartbreak.

RE: Stand in the rain - Serem - June 18, 2019

She had made a final dig in the dirt when the male and three pups appeared. So the female was telling the truth, now these babies would be without a mother and she knew the feeling all too well. “You must be the woman’s mate she talked about...I did not do this I merely found her dying.” She started slowly and in a saddened tone. ”She wanted me to tell you that she was coming home... she spoke of a bear attack and she became deathly injured passing out only to awaken in a foreign place with an unknown female.. she was healed but not enough when she set out on her way home. That’s when I found her...bleeding out on the ground.”

Serem found a new feeling in her heart...regret and remorse. “She wanted you to know that she loved you and she loved the pups...I’m so sorry. She asked me to tell you that she didn’t want her children to grow up hating her and that she was on her way back to them and you... but it seemed life had other plans..I..I’m sorry for your loss.”

RE: Stand in the rain - Minnow - June 18, 2019

She was curious to see what her dad was hiding from them she pushed and shoved past her siblings and her fathers legs and saw her mom. Her tail wagged as she ran to her not caring about the other she wolf. But she stopped wagging her tail as she nudged her mom. “Mommy?” She even tried nipping her perhaps that would work. She looked over to her dad with sad eyes. “Daddy? Mommy won’t wake up.” 

The little one started getting upset as she pawed at her moms tummy. “Mommy wake up!” She screamed.

RE: Stand in the rain - Sunny - June 19, 2019

He was numb to the information given. He knew he should break down, sob, scream his pain to the world but instead he just let the information sink deeply into his mind. "She shouldn't have run off to begin with" the cold words woke him up and he choked down a sob, eyes fierce and bright with pain as Minnow rushed toward the body of his dead wife. He slowly moved after her and lowering his muzzle, he tugged her back gently but firm enough to silently instruct her not to go forward again. "She won't wake up Minnow...She's not sleeping. This is death. We won't have her anymore" he couldn't avoid the topic any more but he tucked her against his body "I can't help you understand this right now. I can't make the pain go away for any of us. Nobody can...this is a lesson that everyone learns eventually" one day he'd tell her of all his loss, one day he would explain just how bad the world could be. Perhaps if they knew of the darkness they could protect themselves from it. "We need to go....We need to go see Dawn and then go home" tears dripped down his face as he began to pull away only to turn and move to Aliac's body. He slowly lowered himself to the ground and kissed the cold fur at the top of her head "You didnt belong here...you were too sweet, to nice. I hope you're somewhere painless" he whispered and pressed his face deep against her fur for just a few long moments before standing up. He looked to Serem "Would you mind if we stayed and helped buried her? Said goodbye?" he asked and then turned to look at Aeryn and Valiant, silently asking if that's what they wanted.

RE: Stand in the rain - Serem - June 19, 2019

The little girls reaction broke her heart and she couldn’t help but let out a small whimper when she saw the girl yell at her mother to wake up. She was then asked by the male to stay. “Well it’s not my place to say no. “