Wolf RPG
Big Salmon Lake our only light in paradise - Printable Version

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our only light in paradise - Carys - July 23, 2014

Patience was the key, the key to everything she knew. Whether it came to pass with the chilled water that fell from the heavens to the task she had at hand, chocolate milk color eyes focused on the slowly approaching creatures. They first had to get use to her fur covered legs entering their environment, the seemed immune to the oddities in this new world. These marine creatures were use to the liquid that would speed up in areas that it collided with a stream, seemingly unaffected by the shift in water when she placed only her front paws in the vast water. The child had to refrain from shivering, any sudden movement would scare them away.

Their scales tickled along their newly acquainted pillars, their movements no longer expressed caution. Now was her time, her eyes on the larger silver devil that was positioned just to the left of her front paw. Pain staking slow movements caused her jaws to hover just a millimeter above the moving liquid, the fish oblivious to her actions. Again she looked at the large creature; he was well within his prime. A pick for any female fish to be proud of mating with but this year he would be unavailable, he would no longer know the joy of passing on his legacy.

Swift action came as her fangs entered the falls before any of the other fish could register what was going on, digging into the slimy flesh of her prize. To add to the affect of her catching the one she had spied just an hour ago her paws lifted out of the water to land back on solid, not shifting ground. The bull of a marine creature thrashing in her jaws, tearing his wounds oven further but in an effort to escape. Taking a few more steps back from the water the child slowly placed the fish on the damp patch of grass before closing her teeth along the gasping fish’s head, biting down swiftly to end his life without further agony. Shaking her body the spice colored girl rid an abundance of liquid from her coat, shivering at the unkind nip of the gentle breeze. It was only then she remembered the strange arch she passed to get here, she would have to back there.

Growling, her stomach reminded her the reason she stood in such frigid moving waters for so long. With a hardy thud on the damp ground she landed on the growling part of her to dig into her prize, the salty flesh something she savored. The taste she enjoyed, though only reminded her of the day she was taught how to hunt in such a unique way for her small stature but then again it was because of this technique that she was still alive.

RE: our only light in paradise - Kaname - July 24, 2014

He had to get away. Away from his sick alpha and his dying Beta. He would return when all was clear, but for now, he needed to leave to ensure his safety. A part of him longed to find Cara, so he could take her away too. He was protective of her, perhaps because she was so young? Or maybe because he loved cared for her? Whatever the reason, it was angering him that he couldn't find her. Where was the little yearling?

Regardless of where she was, he didn't have to worry. Cara was smart, she could get out of a situation. Hell, she might be lingering up in Rising Sun Valley for all he knew. She would be fine. He, however, needed to find a safe haven for a few days until Jinx died. Yes, he had to accept that Jinx was suffering from the maddening disease that killed almost every creature it touches within a matter of days. But even if she died, he wouldn't abandon Ouroboros. Maybe he could rise to power instead?

The dark assassin flopped by the shores of Big Salmon Lake, thoughts running rampant through his brain. He needed to calm down. Rela-

The sound of splashing nearby made him depart from his slowly calming brain. He glared at a young wolf, paws deep in the water, holding a fish triumphantly in her jaws. Kaname didn't move, not willing to depart just because of one distraction. He could still lay down and take a little nap couldn't he?

RE: our only light in paradise - Carys - July 25, 2014

The taste of metallic flavored salt, the blood of the fish was nothing compared to any warm blooded mammal she could have took her chances at but it was a flavor she enjoyed. The slick and unique flavor of the creature’s flesh was something she craved, he was truly a prize worth savoring. The only thing she was not too keen on was the tangy palate that the scales had; her tongue was not the happiest of things to skim over the shimmering skin that first caught her attention. He was not just silver though, his body was once the pride of his heritage. Black stripes down his side with a hint of pink, a delicacy. Freshwater salmon was always one of her favorites when it came to her choice of fish in the sea, so she enjoyed every bit.

Happiness filled the child as she ignored the world around her, though that action was not that hard with the crack in the floor many feet ahead of her. The roar was deafening but she was starting to get use to it, the sound becoming a soft rumble over her tearing of salty flesh. Her curled tail skimmed over her back as it moved in contentment, she never had a marine creature this big since she entered this strange territory. Even when her mother had taught her how to use this technique they mostly caught fish that were small and yellow and blue as well as the moss colored bass, and when they caught this delicacy he was never this large in size!

But everything is always so short lived in the life of a lone canine, silence and contentment invaded. A hesitant sound came from her left side, it seemed like a shuffle in the grassy area rather close to her. The cinnamon child moved her pearl colored teeth from her prize, her warm chocolate gaze falling on a man that could only be described as a shadow. A quiet whine of surprise came from her lips as her abandoned her task of eating the prize she caught, her rust colored ears falling to her exotic shaped skull.

She was going to courteous; quickly her wet paws touched the scaled marine creature. Her teeth came to the midsection of the prize, snipping it into two large pieces before nosing a piece towards the stranger. Softly she gave a whine, unsure if it was alright to speak before her voice cracked from misuse. "Hello.."

RE: our only light in paradise - Kaname - July 27, 2014

His icy blue eyes opened slightly as the cinammon-furred female approached him, fish in jaws. He sat up, eyeing her warily, but blinked in surprise when she broke the fish in half, nudging one part to him. He leaned forward, taking the fish in his jaws and dragging it back to him. The assassin sniffed the fish, observing its scales. Salmon, naturally. This was Big Salmon Lake, it was naturally assumed that some of the specimens would be around here.

"Thank you," he said before taking a bite into the fish. He wasn't too into aquatic prey, but he appreciated the flavor. Swallowing the piece of flesh, he looked back up at the young girl. "Hello to you too, miss."