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Ravensblood Forest Who Are You, Really? - Printable Version

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Who Are You, Really? - Alison - June 24, 2019

for @Annaliese <3
Days. No, months. How much time had passed? "Home" had been left behind what felt like years ago at this point, although it would be more accurate to say it had been about one. It never was a home for her, Alice did not belong there. Mom and Dad had their hands full with the new litter when she left, there was no room for attention between all the kids.

Where the russet female belonged was still a mystery, not that she minded. There was plenty for her out here. Her paws led her to a forest with trees that towered above, higher than any trees she had seen. Something about it was ominous, yet she welcomed it.

RE: Who Are You, Really? - Annaliese - June 25, 2019

Dainty and light upon her feet, the woman is an odd mix of muscle and grace—much of her still needing to fill out and grow into her proper size. Alas, Annaliese returns once more to the Wilds, having survived the winter travelling southbound for awhile. She had been a fool to travel during such harsh conditions at such a young age, alas the yearling has hardened with new experiences.

Her pace softens, though the ice of her eyes stays strong—observing the strange trees that litter the area. At first she paid them no mind, but upon closer inspection the way they weep what appears to be blood fascinates her. Drawn to them, fate decides to play a cruel game—her trot slows, until she halts with her head lifting high. Blue eyes stare upon a familiar face, and at first she cannot believe a sister stands before her.

Alice. She almost questions it, but she knows it can be no one else.

RE: Who Are You, Really? - Alison - June 26, 2019

A voice called from behind pulling her from the ever brooding thoughts. At first, she didn't recognize it, but those piercing eyes were enough to raise memories. Last she had seen them Anna was just a kid. Technically the girl still was, but how she had grown.

She wanted to damn herself. Of course, as soon as her thoughts wandered to her family, blood had to rear its head. There was nothing really wrong with them, but they weren't the people for her. That's why she left. Her gaze narrowed as her own icy stare met her sister's. Annaliese. Finally left mom and dad, hmm?

RE: Who Are You, Really? - Annaliese - June 26, 2019

Confirmed, Annaliese stares at a figure of the past. Funny how despite such long distances, two sisters meet for the first time in months. Her tail squishes, guard hairs beginning to rise. Irritation strikes her in the face of her sister, who abandoned them. Abandoned her.

Yes, she replies. Her tone dripping with malice, and her next word ought to have been “obviously”. I left last winter. ‘And survived.’ It is to prove her strength. They’re doing great, by the way. Not that you, or they, care. They didn’t need either of them, for they continue to have litters to bolster Hunter’s Slope. Annaliese’s destiny, too, lay elsewhere.

RE: Who Are You, Really? - Alison - June 26, 2019

She didn't need to ask to understand the look she was given. Perhaps she shared more than just looks with her younger sister. The snark was heavy as Annaliese spoke of their parents, and she was right. She didn't care, but good for them for doing well.

A short roll of her eyes was given in response to her sister's attitude. That's nice. She had left last winter which meant she wasn't out here for long, but she did make it through the hardest months at a young age. Definitely a Bel. So what brings you here?

She threw on a smile and tilted her head to the side, and while the gesture might have been "warm" her eyes clearly showed otherwise. She was watching her, calculating, and judging.

RE: Who Are You, Really? - Annaliese - June 28, 2019

Much of Annaliese wishes to bite, to hurt in some manner that Alice actually understands what she has inflicted on her in her youth. And yet, she remains standing where she is—a distance away from the older Bel with eyes narrowed. The temptation to roll them hard to resist.

I came here and survived during winter, ‘so this place is mine. You’re the one intruding.’ Annaliese might not know her sister well anymore, but she does not trust the false warmth she radiates in that moment. Why are you here?

RE: Who Are You, Really? - Alison - June 28, 2019

Normally she would have pushed her facade further, but when her sister's response echoed that of her previous statement her frown practically slid off to shatter on the ground. Yeah you already said that. News flash, I've survived winters alone too. Perhaps Annie here wasn't as bright as she gave her credit for, or just too childish for her tastes still. If she wanted to play territorial she had no issues showing her where she belonged.

Straightening with a new demeanor, Alice cocked her head at her sister. I go where I want. Part of the Bel thought she should play nice. After all, Annaliese was still young and she too left their parents. Maybe they would be stronger as a team, even if she hated the thought of babysitting.