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Moonspear Outsider - Printable Version

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Outsider - Moriko - June 25, 2019

Moriko stood outside of the outskirts of the Moonspears territory. The wind ruffled through her fur as she narrowed her eyes, trying to look as far into the distance as she could, thinking about her options as she sat down, still as a statue. The only thing that made her different from a statue was her white fur blowing with the wind. She let out a soft howl, almost as if she was howling with the whistling of the wind. Soft and eerie.

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - June 25, 2019

if not for the soft howl that wandered over the stony keep, arcturus might not have known a new soul ventured near their borders. incensed by a heightened sense of protectiveness given hydra’s freshly whelped brood, the dark male made quickly for the summons.

he was met by a stilled form, with pale unkempt fur and two mismatched eyes. arcturus swept his gaze over her in measured silence, canting his muzzle. while the moonspear guard’s expression was neutral, his posture remained protective. can i help you?

RE: Outsider - Moriko - June 25, 2019

(June 25, 2019, 02:50 PM)Arcturus Wrote: if not for the soft howl that wandered over the stony keep, arcturus might not have known a new soul ventured near their borders. incensed by a heightened sense of protectiveness given hydra’s freshly whelped brood, the dark male made quickly for the summons.

he was met by a stilled form, with pale unkempt fur and two mismatched eyes. arcturus swept his gaze over her in measured silence, canting his muzzle. while the moonspear guard’s expression was neutral, his posture remained protective. can i help you?

"I am a foreigner, a traveler, I mean no harm.." She sniffed the air a bit, letting her ears rest a bit from their alert position, trying to show her neutrality. She examined the other wolf, his demeanor as well. She truly meant no harm. She rose up slowly, taking two steps forward, small ones though, not too close and not too intrusive.

"I am alone. I have no home and no pack." She let her body lower itself, allowing the dominance to the other wolf. "I appreciate your presence."

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - June 26, 2019

there was a subservience that clung to the woman before him, which elicited a slow unraveling of the moonspearian’s brusque guise. glancing her over with a flick of his yellow eyes, arcturus learned she was a loner seeking entreaty into their fold. 

his scowl did not slake, despite this. it was not an easy time for any soul in this mountain, and arcturus weighed this information tensely. what is your name, and why us? he expected an honest answer, and so fixed his cold gaze upon her with scrutiny.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - June 26, 2019

(June 26, 2019, 08:55 AM)Arcturus Wrote: there was a subservience that clung to the woman before him, which elicited a slow unraveling of the moonspearian’s brusque guise. glancing her over with a flick of his yellow eyes, arcturus learned she was a loner seeking entreaty into their fold. 

his scowl did not slake, despite this. it was not an easy time for any soul in this mountain, and arcturus weighed this information tensely. what is your name, and why us? he expected an honest answer, and so fixed his cold gaze upon her with scrutiny.

She let out an exhale with her nose. She remained calm, not having anything to hide. She looked at him with a serious gaze, her blue and green eyes both staring into him. "I am called Moriko, after the forests..And I respect the nature of your large family.."  She called packs that she respected "families" because they functioned as such.

"What do they call you..?" She looked at him, nose pointed towards him. "You have fur like the Winter night sky.."

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - June 28, 2019

the woman gave her name freely, yet the bearing lance of her gaze caused the mountaineer to stiffen. his fur rifled lightly and he met her gaze evenly, ears swept forward — he found the eye contact queer, and knew not what to make of it. 

he knew even less what to make of her compliment, and brusquely brushed it off. you stand on moonspear. i am arcturus. if we let you in, who is to say you will stay loyal to us? arcturus had seen enough of wolves and their fickle nature. bitterly he wondered how long it would take before she too left the mountain forever.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - June 28, 2019

Arcturus dateline='[url=tel:1561728112' Wrote: 1561728112[/url]']
the woman gave her name freely, yet the bearing lance of her gaze caused the mountaineer to stiffen. his fur rifled lightly and he met her gaze evenly, ears swept forward — he found the eye contact queer, and knew not what to make of it. 

he knew even less what to make of her compliment, and brusquely brushed it off. you stand on moonspear. i am arcturus. if we let you in, who is to say you will stay loyal to us? arcturus had seen enough of wolves and their fickle nature. bitterly he wondered how long it would take before she too left the mountain forever.

She rolled her shoulders a bit, stiff from her journey, finally now sitting still. 

“I will- If I have a family I will stay loyal to them. Integrity is important, I say my words only if I mean them..”

She paused for a moment before responding again, listening softly to the whistling of the wind.

”I am hoping whilst trying to see through me you will realize the solidity in my words. I wish not to further only myself, but fellow pack memebers as well.”

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - July 05, 2019

there really was no right answer for arcturus: he searched her features, his expression hard.

moriko's response was not overwhelming -- but in truth, how could it be? she was a stranger. he did not know her, nor what she could or could not deliver.

he shrugged his shoulders in response. "alright, then. hunt with me." he would judge her worth through her ability to communicate and hunt alongside her peers. gesturing towards the territory that flanked moonspear, arcturus moved off at a slinking trot in search of prey.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - July 10, 2019

Her ears perked up as she began to follow, trotting along side him, searching her area. 


She sniffed at the air, trying to pick up the scent of an animal to become their prey. She took into account that the weather was cool, because of the wind, so most animals wouldnt be around the water trying to stay cool... only to get water. The wind did helo carry the scents of animals though

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - July 12, 2019

she was a stranger, so arcturus kept a sly gaze upon her as they went inland. moonspear was home to many rocks, and hunting there would be poor — so, he headed towards the sloping plains where they were unlikely to encounter anything but wilderness.

arcturus set the pace at a brisk trot: here he tested the She-wolf’s endurance. his strides were long and efficient, carrying him with a practiced ease that came only from careful fitness. at length he found a beaten path where the scent of doe clung to the air. he looked to Moriko once in silent communication, then continued onwards at a crouch.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - July 13, 2019

Arcturus dateline='[url=tel:1562989513' Wrote: 1562989513[/url]']
she was a stranger, so arcturus kept a sly gaze upon her as they went inland. moonspear was home to many rocks, and hunting there would be poor — so, he headed towards the sloping plains where they were unlikely to encounter anything but wilderness.

arcturus set the pace at a brisk trot: here he tested the She-wolf’s endurance. his strides were long and efficient, carrying him with a practiced ease that came only from careful fitness. at length he found a beaten path where the scent of doe clung to the air. he looked to Moriko once in silent communication, then continued onwards at a crouch.

Moriko recongnized his demeaner and informatiob and thought to herself. Two wolves..a beaten path with only two entrance ways. She approached the other wolf quietly, getting Arcturus’ attention with her tail, as to not distract him or make noise.

She stared at him,her fur a puffy scruffy mess because of the winf as she flickered her ears in excitement at him.

”Trap it- Seal both exits- Force it to the middle-“ She gave a small nod of her head, before acting with owl like silence as she attempted to be quiet while hopping to higher ground, to make her way to the exit and seal and guard the only other entrance to the trail.

When alone she used this tactic a lot, but mostly with natures help in blocking areas and knowing the land. In this cass it was better, she was working with another wolf..there was no need to be dependent on typography anymore.

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - July 14, 2019

arcturus was no stranger to orchestrating pack hunts, but with moriko as an unknown quantity things were not as seamless as he was used to. he did not much care for taking instruction, being a proud young man and all, but he acknowledged morikio's statement with a silent flick of her tail.

at least it showed she was capable of thinking for herself, and not stupid.

he slunk deeper into the fernwood. the doe was nearby, somewhere -- he could hear the stomp of her hooves as she warded off deerflies, and the slick crunch of her teeth as she grazed. following the sound, the moonspearian slowed as he saw her copper flank between tall blades of grass. he situated himself gingerly and crept close -- and when he could come no closer without detection, arcturus burst from the brushes and flew towards her.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - July 16, 2019

(July 14, 2019, 11:03 AM)Arcturus Wrote: arcturus was no stranger to orchestrating pack hunts, but with moriko as an unknown quantity things were not as seamless as he was used to. he did not much care for taking instruction, being a proud young man and all, but he acknowledged morikio's statement with a silent flick of her tail.

at least it showed she was capable of thinking for herself, and not stupid.

he slunk deeper into the fernwood. the doe was nearby, somewhere -- he could hear the stomp of her hooves as she warded off deerflies, and the slick crunch of her teeth as she grazed. following the sound, the moonspearian slowed as he saw her copper flank between tall blades of grass. he situated himself gingerly and crept close -- and when he could come no closer without detection, arcturus burst from the brushes and flew towards her.

The doe got quiet an awful fright, and immediately turned like a wild horse to escape in the opposite direction. But something made her recoil, out of the rustling brush jumped Moriko, with a loud snarl, teeth bared. She presented herself longways, horizontal as to make the doe feel even more enclosed within the space she and Arcturus had encased her in. 

Moriko flicked her tail before diving and lunging forward in a feral manner,chomping onto the back legs of the doe, so as if she was injured AND trapped, it would be easier to take her down.

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - July 17, 2019

the doe had sensed siege was soon upon her; when she spun there were teeth snapping after her, and a new wolf rose from the brush like hellish cerberus released. 

the doe swerved. arcturus was hot after her, internal gaze alight with primitive focus. moriko dove for a hock, and arcturus leapt heftily in large strides, attempting to seize the doe by the throat as she fled. she was fast, and heavy — strong and fleet — it would be seconds before he would be outpaced, and so he hoped to impede her progress in some way so they might not have spent their energies in vain.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - July 18, 2019

Arcturus dateline='[url=tel:1563373386' Wrote: 1563373386[/url]']
the doe had sensed siege was soon upon her; when she spun there were teeth snapping after her, and a new wolf rose from the brush like hellish cerberus released. 

the doe swerved. arcturus was hot after her, internal gaze alight with primitive focus. moriko dove for a hock, and arcturus leapt heftily in large strides, attempting to seize the doe by the throat as she fled. she was fast, and heavy — strong and fleet — it would be seconds before he would be outpaced, and so he hoped to impede her progress in some way so they might not have spent their energies in vain.

Moriko attempted a tactic that had helped her hunt while alone. She matched the pace of the doe, before charging at it, hitting it from underneath as she began to weave within its legs.

​This was a tactic that worked well when she had to hunt alonw. She would weave between the animals legs, attempting to bite and or trip them, messing up their footing, causing the to collapse. This trapped them completely.

She rammed her body against the animals legs, in directions opposite that they wanted, like trying to topple over a large arch by gettibg rid of the supports. She bit again, on a leg, trying to pull back on it to cause a fall.

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - July 22, 2019

moriko was ahead of him in light strides, and then soon underfoot. in surprise the moonspearian faltered, fearful moriko had been trampled underfoot. 

yet she appeared to place herself in harm’s way deliberately; that momentary pause was enough lost focus on arcturus’ behalf that the doe escaped his teeth, and delivered a ruthless cowkick to his head. 

stunned, he staggered forwards with adrenaline pounding heavily in his skull. his heartbeat could be felt resonating thickly in his temples; blinking back the concussed feeling, arcturus tried to keep up — but couldn’t.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - July 22, 2019

Arcturus dateline='[url=tel:1563802073' Wrote: 1563802073[/url]']
moriko was ahead of him in light strides, and then soon underfoot. in surprise the moonspearian faltered, fearful moriko had been trampled underfoot. 

yet she appeared to place herself in harm’s way deliberately; that momentary pause was enough lost focus on arcturus’ behalf that the doe escaped his teeth, and delivered a ruthless cowkick to his head. 

stunned, he staggered forwards with adrenaline pounding heavily in his skull. his heartbeat could be felt resonating thickly in his temples; blinking back the concussed feeling, arcturus tried to keep up — but couldn’t.

Moriko was worried about him indeed, but also had a good spot with the doe.  She looked back at him before continuing to run forward underneath the doe, before reaching an area a few feet away that intruiged her interest. A sharp and large rock.. 

Suddenly her lone wolf insticts kicked in as she gave it one more go, before focusing her attention to her fellow wolf. She waited for the perfect moment, and rolled right, delivering a bite to the does front leg, while attempting to knock the back one down.

Success! The doe fell into the rock, hitting its side and left ear on it with a sharp crack echoing from its abdomen. Moriko couldnt help but let out a joyful yip, not only in glee but also to alert Arcturus nearby, as she jumped onto the doe quickly, clasping her jaw around its neck

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - July 29, 2019

damn, that hoof had hurt. arcturus had trouble shaking it off, and looked after the hunting procession at a sideways, spluttering gait. 

moriko fared better than he; she had managed to grapple the doe, and now attempted to force it down. her joyful yip drew a pinched expression from arcturus, who in that moment only wanted to sit down somewhere quiet.  

he made a good effort to keep a brace face, despite the whirling of his head and the strange, almost asphyxiating way his tongue felt thick in his jaws. while the doe flailed against moriko arcturus lunged for her flank, this time more mindful of those powerful hooves.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - July 29, 2019

(July 29, 2019, 07:08 AM)Arcturus Wrote: damn, that hoof had hurt. arcturus had trouble shaking it off, and looked after the hunting procession at a sideways, spluttering gait. 

moriko fared better than he; she had managed to grapple the doe, and now attempted to force it down. her joyful yip drew a pinched expression from arcturus, who in that moment only wanted to sit down somewhere quiet.  

he made a good effort to keep a brace face, despite the whirling of his head and the strange, almost asphyxiating way his tongue felt thick in his jaws. while the doe flailed against moriko arcturus lunged for her flank, this time more mindful of those powerful hooves.

Moriko bit down hard, drawing a lot of blood from the doe, and also a high pitched yelp as she began to rip and tear. Once Arcturus had grabbed the flank, that was it for the doe, she had no escape and was now just writhing in pain.

"Please, rest, I can finish the job, and I'll even bring you over some-" She added, licking her chops as the doe slowly began to cease all movement.

She peered at him, examining him with her eyes. "Do you need any water..? Just try to close your eyes to get rid of the vertigo-"

After the excitement of the kill, she had calmed down, now worried about the health of her hunting buddy. She trotted over, as soon as she was sure the doe was deceased. She tilted her head up, sniffing and examining him worriedly.

"Tell me anything you need-" She stared at him intently, feeling as though this was also somewhat her fault, also maybe a bit..anxious?

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - August 04, 2019

every time the doe bucked against his teeth, arcturus felt his head ring; a shrill,  innervating sensation that had him at once both nauseous and shivering. 

he bit down still, relieved when moriko practiced the killing blow. releasing the doe arcturus managed a feeble smile; this crucible had proven his worth very little in terms of hunting prowess. 

settling on his haunches the moonspearian reflected on the doe, a wince of pain lingering in his expression. that was a good run, he encouraged softly, still feeling dizzy in spite his efforts to remain upright. he noticed her concern and waved it away with a tough shrug — he would be alright.  let’s eat what we can, and bring the rest home.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - August 06, 2019

(August 04, 2019, 01:57 PM)Arcturus Wrote: every time the doe bucked against his teeth, arcturus felt his head ring; a shrill,  innervating sensation that had him at once both nauseous and shivering. 

he bit down still, relieved when moriko practiced the killing blow. releasing the doe arcturus managed a feeble smile; this crucible had proven his worth very little in terms of hunting prowess. 

settling on his haunches the moonspearian reflected on the doe, a wince of pain lingering in his expression. that was a good run, he encouraged softly, still feeling dizzy in spite his efforts to remain upright. he noticed her concern and waved it away with a tough shrug — he would be alright.  let’s eat what we can, and bring the rest home.

"Home..?" She perked up, tilting her head as he nose twitched a little bit in exctiement. Home? Maybe he just mispoke.

Moriko hadnt had a home in a long time, and the word home had never been applied or addressed to her.

"I-Okay, also I'll carry extra if you need some time to recoop-" She added, blinked as she hopped up, beginning to pull apart the doe. The way she got up was almost like a pup, and excited pup who had heard words of encouragement. She felt a surge within herself, confidence..? Acceptance..?

She nudged a piece to him for him to eat, trying to allow him to get over his vertigo.

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - August 09, 2019

arcturus caught the simmer of hope in moriko’a gaze; in response to her question his head dipped in acknowledgement, eyes soft. yes, home came the unspoken answer, meted out by his gentle nod. 

he did not feel much like eating, but as moriko ripped a segment of meat and tossed it his way, he felt something in his stomach awaken. in a ginger movement he was upon it, careful at first — but before long he forgot the squalling of his bellowing headache, and was digging hungrily into meat at a rapacious pace.

RE: Outsider - Moriko - August 12, 2019

(August 09, 2019, 09:40 AM)Arcturus Wrote: arcturus caught the simmer of hope in moriko’a gaze; in response to her question his head dipped in acknowledgement, eyes soft. yes, home came the unspoken answer, meted out by his gentle nod. 

he did not feel much like eating, but as moriko ripped a segment of meat and tossed it his way, he felt something in his stomach awaken. in a ginger movement he was upon it, careful at first — but before long he forgot the squalling of his bellowing headache, and was digging hungrily into meat at a rapacious pace.

Moriko was thrilled, for more than one reason as she dipped her head down, beginning to happily munch on the twos fresh kill.

"Tell me about it- what is home like..?" She chimed as she munched, imagining it to herself as she felt hungrier than she had in awhile.

Now that the emptiness had been filled within her, there was more room, more room to live, to breathe, to be hungry. Deer had never tasted so good! For once, Moriko was happy, she had enjoyed the food they had caught, as well as the building of their relationship towards eachother. She feel so alone anymore, and it felt good to work together with someone.

RE: Outsider - Arcturus - August 27, 2019

arcturus' head was still swimming, even as moriko ate alongside him. his expression scrunched up as he processed moriko's question -- clearly, his braincells were not currently at full capacity.

a smarter wolf would have pointed out arcturus had probably sustained a concussion. arcturus didn't know what that was, and so, didn't really operate under "smart wolf's" guidelines when it came to resting after his rude bash to the noggin. however, when he tried to think about what home was like and how to formulate a response, he was awash in new nausea that caused even his stomach to curl.

"ohh," he moaned, trying to sit upright. "home is like.." what home was like never came, for arcturus doubled over in a wince.  "thinking hurts." arcturus paused, and then looked as if he was about to continue speaking -- only, he happened in that moment to drift off completely.

called back a few seconds later, arcturus smiled and suggested they head homeward. their prize was lugged to the cache for all to share, should any be in the mood for leftovers.