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Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Printable Version

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Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Bane - July 24, 2014

I want this guy to know someone here before moving with Meldresi to her new pack :)
EDIT (1/22/2015): removing tables.

Ever since the silver yearling was allowed to stay he had felt something wasn't quite right. The Alpha, Jinx, was looking rather ill to the youngster, and so he avoided much contact with her. The last time he saw her she was wandering around the borders blabbing nonsense, so Keith figured that she wasn't feeling well and thought that maybe she wanted to be left alone, he knew she had a temper and didn't want any trouble with her.

This morning, The princeling came out of his brand new den to look for something to eat, he knew the pack had a place where they stored their hunts, so he started sniffing the air to get a hint of where it might be.

On his way, he found a huge fallen tree, hollowed all the way. He wowed amazed by the immensity of his discovering. He started inspecting it, sniffing it all around and then inside it. The trunk was a little bit taller than him standing straight, and was about three wolves wide. In the northern lands there was nothing like this, the vegetation was purely based on small shrubs and lichen where there was any; this was amazing.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Cara - July 25, 2014


Young blood was rare on the Ouroboros. The great majority of the members of the former mountain pack already had a couple of years hanging over their heads. Lecter being the oldest of them all. And while most oscillated between 2 and 4 years, there was another yearling among the ranks of the Ouroboros. One that maybe could give Keith some company.

Whether it'd be pleasant company or not was unknown. With Cara it was easier to become an enemy than a friend, in fact many of her own pack members had already fallen under the category of enemies: Tyrande,Sitri and Mordecai just to list a few. Only one had managed to befriend the girl during her time here: Kaname. The earthen man and her shared a strange bond; while they occasionally flirted with each other they were bounded together by a mutual hate.

But while her personality could be seen as a minus, it was her immaculate beauty, her wits and exquisite humor that gave her a couple of points in her advantage.

Today, the young femme had taken the liberty to patrol on her own. The fact that her beloved leader was going mad didn't mean the mundane chores of the Ouroboros' wolves were over. While she trotted through the territory she spotted a white shadow looming over a hollow tree. Her fur bristled inmidiately at the though of an intrusion but she quickly noticed this male wore Jinx's perfume on his pelt, which meant he was one of them.

Quick and silent steps took her closer to the male, she was an expert when it came to sneaking up on others. "Close your mouth, or at least get a mint"she teased while eyeing the man with interest.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Bane - July 25, 2014

You could say that Keith was rather stupefied by the beauty of the nature that thrived in the Ouroboros, and maybe he was agaze in amazement for the absurd size of the tree he had found, but if one thing wasn't true was that he had bad breath. The silver prince's ego sure didn't like the comment made by whoever was behind him, a growl started building in his chest, ready to snap this bully, but it was immediately dissipated by the stunning beauty of the goddess that was standing just a few steps before him.

Her perfectly groomed pale coat made her lithe figure stun with elegance. Her amber eyes and her delicate facial traits were so feminine and so sexy at the same time that made the yearling swallow and probably sweat, he was once again open mouthed with the beauty his eyes saw.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you coming.." he said resuming his composure, "It's just that it seems like everything here is beautiful.." he said offering a smile to the female. "My name's Keith, Jinx took me in a few days ago.." He waited for his companion to introduce herself, he was oblivious that she used to be a bitch to whoever male spoke to her.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Kaname - July 25, 2014

I'm gonna butt in here to cause drama, 'cuz that's what I do. <3 (long post sorry)

Kaname wanted to propose to have the island in the lake as the pack den. He'd explored it, searching for the exact place to settle down. It was perfect to him. Isolated, so wolves could enjoy the peace and quiet, but with enough prey to catch if they ever needed it. He doubted he had to make a food pile, but he might need to put one on the mainland if they ever needed it. And it was a last refuge as well; expectant mothers could raise their pups on the island free from any threat of predators, and the pack could gather there in case of assault (which he hoped would never happen). It was perfect.

He was going to petition this to Jinx and make it official, but ever since the pack hunt he had been avoiding her. Everyone had. She was sick, incoherent and wild. His hope for her was gone when he found Itsuki's body drenched in her sickly stench. They were losing their alpha, and their Beta was dying, by both natural and Lecter's own means. So for now, he made the island (which he needed to name soon), his den until the terror that was Jinx had passed.

A rabbit in his jaws, he was travelling back to the island, passing through the beauty that was the Ouroboros Spine. It was verdant, rich of prey and lovely to look at. Jinx thought so, but she was so lost that Kaname didn't think she knew where she was anymore. He pushed the somewhat sickening thought away, keeping his senses on his surroundings. As he was growing closer to the lake, he could hear voices nearby. Perking his ears, he followed the sound, and as he grew closer, he recognized the voice of Cara, and someone else, someone new?

The assassin approached the pair out of curiousity, but growled low in his throat when he heard the male say, It's just that it seems like everything here is beautiful.. to Cara. Obviously a flirt. But Kaname was the only one who could flirt with her! He strode through the greenery, placing himself at Cara's side, dropping the rabbit and glaring at the silver wolf with cold eyes. "Who's this? A newcomer?"

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Cara - July 26, 2014

the moment Cara realized Kaname was behind them [Image: 644.gif]

It was common for Cara to toy with guys, she had learned that being pretty paid off. The world was made for the handsome, it sounded cruel but it was the truth. The handsome ruled the world while the not so blessed individuals served them. That was how it went in the yearling's mind.

She smiled at his reaction, even if he did had bad breath she'd want a piece of dat continue to talk to him. She noticed that his eyes lingered on her face, not that she was uncomfortable with him staring as long as he didn't drool everything would be fine. He apologized for his brusque response , but she had expected no less, she had startled him after all.

Keith. Oh so he had a nice name to match with his face. The yearling's mouth parted slowly, she was about to introduce herself when a very familiar scent drifted onto her nose. His voice confirmed her suspicion. Kaname stood beside her, almost to the point of pressing himself against her. His voice was crude, but Cara didn't blame him he was always that way towards strangers.

"Kaname,", she said while turning her face towards him for a brief second, "This is Keith, he's a brand new piece of meat in the Ouroboros", she barked, giving Keith a little wink at the end. I'd tap dat He's a piece eye candy too, she added in his mind though she suppressed her smile to see how Kaname reacted to this new man.

There was no point in denying there was something between them, their relationship walked on the tightrope lingering between a friendship and something more. Now that a third party came into view, things were bound to get complicated.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Bane - July 27, 2014

The girl didn't get a chance to introduce herself before another wolf came to scene, a big and imposing male, but mostly old. Keith noticed almost instantly the age difference, he was probably three or four years older than them and he seemed to dislike that the young prince was talking to the female, jealous much?. What on earth is such a hot wolfess doing with an old creep like that? Was running through the yearling's mind with disgust...

The yearling smiled maliciously in response to the female's wink, could she be sexier? But then he turned to Kaname, who was looking at him with his merely cold blue eyes, Hmpf- he thought rising an eyebrow, and returning the stare with his freezing white gaze. He didn't say a word knowing that he was on a much lower rank in the pack, but he held the stare, the old guy had interrupted a rather important meeting and the young prince wasn't happy about it.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Kaname - July 27, 2014

Is it just me, or are Cara and Keith (while in MoonBane form) are both into older people? > _ >

The boy met his cold gaze with his own freezing one. Kaname returned the coldness with his own. Cara introduced the young boy as Keith, though Kaname kept his gaze on Keith. "Nice to meet you." He said to the boy. A part of him dreaded that this pale wolf would be similar in personality to the wretched Ira. They looked similar that's for sure.

"Cara," he turned his attention back to the yearling. "Did you know Itsuki very well?" While he only met the Shintoist once, the assassin enjoyed his company. When he found his body by the stream, smothered in Jinx's scent, he felt a little sad for the wolf. He looked like the kind of man who had only wanted peace. What a shame.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Cara - July 27, 2014

bwaha I guess xD

Oh he had a nerve too! Cara watched closely the way the new guy held Kaname's stare, dangerous thing to do. Her eyes fluttered from the pale boy to the earthen man, she was not sure how Kaname would react to a surbordinate gazing into his icy eyes. Cara wouldn't be happy that's for sure. Besides dominace was an appealing trait for the girl.

If she had expected a fight to start over her she would be left waiting for a long time. Her closest companion in the pack showed no interest of fighting, not for Cara's attention nor for his rank to be respected. Instead he turned to her and asked her about someone she had never heard of.

Cara didn't welcome every new member of the pack, so it would've been easy for Itsuki to slip from her. "Who?" she asked, while narrowing her eyes at him. What was he trying to tell her?

While she waited for an answer she shot a furtive glance to the other yearling, her eyes connecting with his before turning back to Kaname.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Bane - July 27, 2014

Hahah MoonBane is into anything that moves pretty much... XD

The older male tried unsuccessfully to subdue Keith with his stare, the young prince was insolent enough to challenge the higher ranked man, but engaged a conversation with the female ignoring Keith's presence which bothered him even more.

After a few seconds of listening, Keith had had enough, he scoffed and cleared his throat to get their attention, "I'm gonna be going now, there's prey to be caught" he said glancing at the pair with his head held high and a smile, and then his eyes turned to Cara only while stepping forward to pass by her side, "see ya later" he said with a wink, and then took off running through the woods heading toward what he thought could be a lake.

Exit, sorry Keith is so childish xD... He's so gonna hate Kaname after this xD

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Kaname - July 27, 2014

Most people hate Kaname, and he likes it that way. XD

Kaname paid no mind to the boy, who darted off after giving one more look at Cara. He saved this whole encounter in his memory for future reference. Cara liked to flirt. Enough said. He didn't blame Cara for not knowing who Itsuki was, he was an introverted person from what he's seen.

"Itsuki was a member of this pack, he didn't interact with that many people however, so I doubt anyone would know him really. Anyway, getting to my point," He sighed, thinking back to the body he saw twisted by the river. "Jinx killed him."

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Cara - July 28, 2014

Why is he asking me this?, she thought while letting her eyes fall again on white yearling's form. She wanted to know more about this guy but there was Kaname asking her about some guy she hadn't even heard of before. She would've hinted she wanted to be with Keith alone, but something inside her stopped her. For some reason she enjoyed Kaname's company as well.

Suddenly the boy, who had been shoved into the sidelines for a minute, spoke up. Noo! she yelled internally wanting to oppose to his early departure, but she didn't. Instead she turned back to Kaname with a sigh that expressed how miscalculated his entrance had been. She would find a minute to speak to the boy later.

She listened to Kaname's explanation of who Itsuki was, and Cara listened half heartedly.
"Jinx killed him."
Her ears swiveled to face him and her eyes locked with his. Jinx? A surprised gasp left her mouth and she shook her head indreduly. "She killed him?!" she echoed, while sinking her eyes into his. He had no reason to take this as a challenging gesture, it was merely product of the shock and disbelief that ran through her body.

"H-How do you know that?" she asked while thinking back on their conversation by the duck lake. What reason other than madness would drive the snow queen to kill one of her own?

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Kaname - July 29, 2014

I'm assuming things, because there wasn't a complete thread with him dying. >_>

He thought back to the sight of Itsuki's broken body by the river. His eyes were half open, but the assassin could see the fear in them. They were saying, no asking "Why, why, why?!" It had frightened him, only because he felt pity for the calm wolf. What was it like to be confronted by your alpha, someone you knew well, perhaps even a friend, only to be killed by her?

"When I found his body by the river, it was covered in Jinx's scent." There was no mistaking that smell. His queen's scent had become sickly over the past few days, but slowly becoming more rancid as she delved further into madness.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Cara - July 30, 2014

She felt lightning run along her vertebrae, everything that was going on in the Ouroboros was insane. The pack had taken one hit after the other: starting by the betrayal if various members, the war against the Isle wolves, the stress of the move, and now it was concluding with what Cara thought to be the most devastating blow of all. The complete loss of her leader. A mad Alpha who killed her own subordinates was as good as a dead one. The young girl's whole body shuddered as she thought of her heroine killing her instead.

She could be capable of it now. Jinx was not in her right mind so she would have no morals to stop her from ripping the guts out of her own Epsilon.Her beloved queen would not hesitate to kill, that had been proven. But what were they to do? Cara didn't have the heart to leave the Ouroboros, but following a the disturbed Alpha could led them straight into the mouth of death.

"Why? Why would she do such thing?" she mumbled amost incohorently. Her eyes filled with frustration and fear.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Kaname - July 30, 2014

His ears flattened slightly as Cara's eyes welled with fear. Her body shuddered as macabre thoughts of potential meetings with her former Alpha ran through her brain. Kaname hated the sight of her like that. She looked to him like a frightened child, even though that was exactly what she was, to him at least. On a whim, he hugged her close, placing his chin on top of her head.

"She is not of her right mind, Cara. Our real Alpha is gone and we have this madwoman in her place." He tried to murmur reassuringly. Was he really doing this? [size=xx-small]whatkindofmadwomanishisplayer?![/size] "But I won't let her touch you. There is no need to worry." True there was much to be worried about, but she needed the reasurrance, if she would accept it.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Cara - August 01, 2014

it seemed right to end here, last post for me :)

Jinx was gone now, that was for sure. While it was true that she remained in body --th [coough barely -- it was clear her mind was far lost. The Jinx she had loved so dearly had ceased to exist, now there was just an irrational monster in it's place. It was hard to accept, but there was no wordly power that could bring her queen back.

A feeling of emptiness crept onto her body, seeping into her bones and chilling her spirit. Cara received Kaname's hug without protests, she even buried her nose into his chest while a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"I won't let her touch you." he said, his voice filling the empty spaces that had opened in her heart."There's no need to worry" he reassured her, while her frosty figure melted into the earth that was Kaname. He was right, she did not need to worry, for she was not alone.

RE: Am I from Tennessee? cause i’m the only ten I see - Kaname - August 01, 2014

Thanks for the thread. :) I love how we just took this over from Keith. XD

He felt a small ember explode inside him as Cara nuzzled his chest with her nose. A part of him felt smug: even if Cara flirted with other guys, she really only cared for him (in his mind). That Keith boy was no competition at all. But another part took over as he felt a tear roll down his chest fur. That could be dealt with later. Cara was here now, embraced with him. She needed comfort.

Pulling his neck back, he guided his tongue in between her ears before returning his chin back on that spot. Something felt strangely paternal about this. And yet it was so much more. He had to admit it now, his relationship with Cara was a lot more now than ever. And he wouldn't change that at all.'
