Wolf RPG
Ocean's Breath Plateau all that he invested in goes straight to hell - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Ocean's Breath Plateau all that he invested in goes straight to hell (/showthread.php?tid=35424)

all that he invested in goes straight to hell - Crazy Val - June 28, 2019

so. maybe he should have been paying more attention to where he was going — it hardly matters now anyway. he's probably going to die down here or something. it's not the worst place to die, but... he hadn't imagined it like this. the death pit, he's taken to calling it, though his first morning here had brought with it a new perspective. in the darkness, when he'd initially fallen, it'd seemed a terrifying place; shadowy and sandy and cold and wet and unforgiving. overall, gross.
during the day, however, it isn't so bad to look at: a tiny, sparkling beach tucked into the inside of the plateau, seemingly accessible only by the hole he'd tumbled into. still a death pit, though, he thinks, swallowing and grimacing at the feeling of his dry throat contracting as he gazes out of the hole he'd fallen through. he's been here a couple days now, and already dehydration has weakened him greatly. he wonders if @Rokig has noticed his absence — if anyone has. not that it matters, of course.

RE: all that he invested in goes straight to hell - Cephaloryn - June 29, 2019

post kind of got a little big/rambly, pls don't feel the need to match

Rokig liked to think he knew everyone, even those he hadn't known for very long. When time ticked by there was a soft sting as he wondered if Valentine had just fled in the night. Too bored up here, too restless with waiting for Rokig's plans to take flight. He couldn't blame the guy but ouch. Something didn't sit right though. He had wanted to think that if the flirty male was to depart then perhaps he'd at least leave Rokig with one last uncomfortable tease. Maybe that was his ego talking though.

Either way the train of thought spurred him to go looking in all the worse places. If something happened here on the plateau, perhaps there was still time to be helpful. As helpful as he could be.

There was a faded trace of Valentine in the last place he had wished to pick up the male's scent. Anxiety kept him from peering right over the edge of the drop. He could not imagine what scene would await him if this was the last scent marker of the hooded male. But if he never looked, he would never know if the fate he imagined was real.

As he carefully peered over the edge it came as a relief to not be met with...well, you probably get the idea. This left him with the issue of trying to assess the male from above this awkward angle. Fuck. He muttered as tried to get a better view without slipping down. Valentine? Rokig typically remained emotionless with his words but there was an undeniable anxiety eating away at his voice as he called out.

RE: all that he invested in goes straight to hell - Crazy Val - June 30, 2019

rokig's scent reaches him long before the male peers over the edge, and the minutes between feel like hours. it's torture. but then he sees that familiar grey face peering over the edge, and relief floods him. took you long enough, he calls, tail lashing. i've been stuck in this fuckin' death pit for days.

RE: all that he invested in goes straight to hell - Cephaloryn - July 09, 2019

If he had been a touch crueler, he would have left the male down here for such harsh words. He grit his teeth though as he held back a sour temper. Rokig was not keen to admit it but he needed Valentine around and had grown to enjoy his company on the Plateau.

Tell me you've at least looked for any tunnels or caves while stuck down there? There's no way I can haul you up. There was no denying the tension in his voice. They needed to find some way to get the hooded male out of here before he withered away.