Wolf RPG
Arrow Lake you can go the distance - Printable Version

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you can go the distance - Mesa - July 09, 2019

An eruption of tiny songbirds, once settled among the withered grass of one of the less used ledges of the claim, heralded the not-so-subtle approach of the pale boy. The staccato flurry of wings sharply catching air gave way to silence, or nearly so, as the boy came crashing through the sparse cover of the trees. In his mouth was a sagging branch that was more than a match for Mesa — it was longer than he was, and curving awkwardly from where his teeth gripped at it so that his neck was torqued at a weird angle. He'd spent the better part of the morning fighting with it; somehow the effort had paid off, leaving him with a massive prize that dragged beside him. He wanted to show it off, and as he trampled across the weathered grass he let the branch drop against the balding hill with a triumphant huff.

RE: you can go the distance - Takiyok - July 16, 2019

Taki had spent the morning looking for the child she now tracked through the territory. They had a small amount of freedom while inside the borders now that they were older, but she still liked to keep tabs on them. She was thankful that most of the time, the pups could be found with their father or uncle or many of the other packmates, but today she had yet to find Mesa with anyone.

As she came upon her pale child, she found him standing proudly next to a very large stick. She briefly nuzzled his cheek in greeting as she came stand in front of him. Is this where you've been all day? She asked, not irritated, only curious as to what he had been doing with his time.

RE: you can go the distance - Mesa - August 11, 2019

The boy panted and paced around the discarded tree limb. His heart raced from all the effort dragging the object had entailed, and he could have used a rest, but he didn't stop until the sound of his mother's voice penetrated the air. A fresh eruption of energy burst from him, and he closed the distance with an awkward lurch; except, as he neared Takiyok, he suddenly stopped with a stomp of his forepaws, and then doubled-back to grab the branch again. With a few tests of his teeth he got a good hold upon it, and then dragged it down the stone escarpment towards her. He huffed and puffed around the branch as he deposited it next to her, then collapsed against her and murred a soft note at the back of his throat --- look! look what I did!

RE: you can go the distance - Takiyok - August 14, 2019

A smile reserved only for her children curved her lips as she watched her son work diligently to bring her his prize. She didn't offer to help, knowing it was something he should do on his own. When at last he dropped the branch next to her, her eyebrows lifted in surprise. As he leaned against her, emitting his little sound of pride, she looked between him and his trophy. You are very strong, she said, genuinely impressed with his feat. She was, of course, not in the least bit surprised; she was only filled with pride as she looked down at her son. How far did you drag that before I found you? she asked, smiling again.