Wolf RPG
Lost Creek Hollow Walk with me 'neath the rising sky - Printable Version

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Walk with me 'neath the rising sky - Gannet - July 11, 2019

He and @Mona had talked into the night, quietly, of plans which had been lurking in his mind for a while. It was no secret he wanted to learn all he could, and also no secret he'd been unable to do so here. This place was home, and it would be so again upon his return. But right now, he knew to grow, he needed to travel.

Mona and Ashlar were reasons to stay so far, but as Mona revealed during their talks, he was old enough to travel. They could show him places, allow him to see a piece of the world as a young boy should. As Gannet had with his own mother, all those years ago. And she wished to come as well, to leave this place for a while and simply enjoy time.

He would tell @Treason and @Terance of this, together. He did not like leaving, but surely they could see this was right, and that he would come back the better for knowing more. The summer had been quiet; he did not think he would be needed.

Hopefully with the fall he would bring them a full healer, practiced and tried, all questions answered.

hope this is alright, lemme know if not! Takin a break with him and didn't want to start another thread I wouldn't finish, but you can assume whatever you wish from his telling <3