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Crazy Angel - Printable Version

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Crazy Angel - Sitri - July 26, 2014

Sitri woke with a start yet again for the second night in a row. he tilted his tattered ears back and stood stretching the moonlight hitting his red eyes making them gleam, what he wouldn't do to get rid of that color and that gleam. He hated his red eyes, always set him apart from everyone else. He strode forth from the indentation in the grassy hillock he had made. It bolstered him from the wind and weather. It was all a man like him needed, granted someone beside him would not be bad, but he didn't much think of that, simply because he didn't think it was in the cards for him. He had lovers and lost lovers and now he was just sort of flowing along as best he could.

He looked around once more and slid into the shadows towards the secrets that the spine held. He would sniff out some game trails and maybe find some things that were hidden from years before.

RE: Crazy Angel - Lecter - July 26, 2014

He had given great musing to those who would follow after him, and a single choice stood out in his mind. On Jinx's trail once more, nares flaring at the poisoned scent she left in her wake, Lecter's thoughts churned chaotically, his stresses increased and somehow blunted by the toxic mixture he consumed each night.

A low woof went out to Sitri as he spotted the male; the ragged shaman lengthened his steps to sidle along the red-eyed Gamma, appreciating not for the first time the other's ferocity. "Ouroboros remains strong due to the loyalty of those who live here," he muttered softly. "This will not break us."

RE: Crazy Angel - Sitri - July 26, 2014

Sitri had seen the beta male healer following behind his mate most nights and days. And in a way it broke the males heart. He hated to see such sadness and brutal nature that was taking the one thing they both held away. As his queen slowly began her descent into madness it did not mind Sitri so much, given that madness had been what he had been raised with, the only thing he feared was a bite from her, but he thought about it and he figured he would not have far to go to carry two kinds of crazy with the bite of rabid death.

Sitri turned red eyes towards Lecter and bowed his muzzle in appreciation that the man would take the time to talk to him, when his one true love was sauntering around and he would clearly love to care for her. He averted his eyes and made sure to carry himself lower than the healer and beta as he was the leader of Sitri the male half to the counterpart. He gave the shaman a small smile and spoke softly his words as always garish, but a hint of more learning. Sitri is a loyal beast and I do not break easily. We will be fine Sir, even if you should decide to join your beloved I would. he did not know if the male would, but as Sitri said he was a loyal beast and any woman that could gather and tame his wild wayward heart he'd let them have it and when they died if her were still living he'd join them quick as you please. Do you want help finding Queen Jinx to watch over her?

RE: Crazy Angel - Lecter - July 28, 2014

Sitri somehow took him aback with the level of logic and acceptance shown in his words; Lecter had never found the wicked beast to be stupid, but certainly unrefined. Life among them had honed the man's tongue, however, and in response the Beta gave him a small, grim smile. "It is a tempting idea." He saw no reason to tell Sitri of his slow self-poisoning, or the nights spent in apnea due to the fatal mixture, though he valued the other's loyalty.

It was upon the tip of his tongue to turn the other away, however, yet he bit back the words and nodded silently at the brute. Turning his gaze toward the wood, he lifted his muzzle into the airy currents, scenting for Jinx.

RE: Crazy Angel - Sitri - July 28, 2014

Sitri did not exactly think that he was logical, he just thought it was common sense to want to die when your beloved did. Even his mother as sadistic, and twisted and libertine as she had been wanted to die when his father had died. Instead she had become so introverted into her own thoughts that she seemed to just disappear. And the queen had told him many times if she were to die he was to follow her into the after life and that had been the first time he had disobeyed her, granted he did not know if she had completely died they were all just gone when he came back one day, and the ravens had been flying low and decay had been fresh upon the moor, he had not ventured the whole way, fearful of what he may find.

Sitri dipped his muzzle and spoke softly again Sitri will only help you find her, he will live you in silence to watch if you wish.

RE: Crazy Angel - Lecter - July 30, 2014

A muscle jumped in his cheek, and he proffered a twisted parody of a smile to the brute, but said nothing for the present. Words evaded him, but Sitri's presence was a small comfort to the madman, and he hoped silently that the red-eyed male would remain close despite the seeming coldness of his pale Beta.

Muzzle fell to the earth and he began searching for the trail of her scent, stumbling once through blurred eyes and equilibrium affected by his nightly poisons.

RE: Crazy Angel - Sitri - July 31, 2014

Sitri followed softly beside the beta, knowing perhaps on an instinctual level that he was not far for this world and onto the next. He also knew that he would stay as near as the beta allowed, for he would not want anything to befall him, when he was one of the few Sitri could actually get along with.

He bent his head and walked in companionable silence behind the beta sniffing at different stalks and spots hoping to catch a wolf not far from the pack lands for the queen of the damned.

RE: Crazy Angel - Lecter - August 04, 2014

He moved in silence, dreading what he would find in Jinx's form. Each time he beheld her, she was less a wolf than the last time, more a shambling, unknown beast, with wet lips and rolling eyes. Again, the concept of placing his love out of her misery occurred to him, but the shaman thrust it aside with a low growl; he could not bring himself to do such a thing.

"What will you do when she is gone? when I am gone?" he asked of Sitri suddenly, voice abrupt and harsh in the still of the wood.

RE: Crazy Angel - Sitri - August 10, 2014

Sitri turned red eyes towards the white brute, and his ever present gore, though he wore it like a mantle. Sitri's merely was lack of grooming and it just was part of his savage nature as it were. Will do what I have always done do my duty, be loyal and follow the leader, but Sitri will also try and care more, but to care for Sitri is too sign your death he was unsure how to say that he would try and care more, but usually when he cared more he ended up killing the other wolf, not really kiilling them, but in means it usually led to death his father for one thing.

RE: Crazy Angel - Lecter - August 11, 2014

fade after your next post? <3

He did not understand the omen behind Sitri's voice, nor did he appreciate the sentiment that Jinx having accepted the brute into her ranks had ultimately caused her death. Yet, there was the lingering fact that the shaman was not in his full mind, and therefore he attributed what he had heard to the delirium of his poisons.

Eventually, icewater gaze came to rest upon Jinx's staggering figure. "You may go," Lecter muttered softly to Sitri, lowering suddenly weary haunches to the ground. He was a sentinel, a guardian of her fading life — nothing more, nothing less.

RE: Crazy Angel - Sitri - August 12, 2014

Okay and I will miss Lecter :( <3

Sitri did not have time to elaborate, he didn't even know if he could have. With his limited speech and unrefined way of talking, he probably would have made an even bigger mess of things.

He saw Jinx around the same time that Lecter told him he may go. With a soft chuff he pressed nose to the elder males shoulder and gave him a lick under his chin in deference and then without looking backwards he strode away to let the shaman to his vigilance over his love.