Wolf RPG
Whitewater Gorge An Unexpected Party - Printable Version

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An Unexpected Party - Mal - July 17, 2019

The weather had been cooler recently.  It was nice, even if the air was rather damp as it had brought with it the chance of rain.  Perhaps that was why the forest had been quiet.  Even if he didn't spend every waking moment near Okeanos, Ibis, and Cam (Mal was more like a ghost, let's be real), he was starting to accept the fact that he should actually maybe do something to find a few more wolves.  It would make things easier for them all, wouldn't it?  Not to mention the fact that it would give him a few more individuals to use as buffer between himself and the two siblings.  Mal needed to do things at his own pace, so he'd gone off on a solo adventure now.

But Mal was kind of paranoid and gave the gorge a wide berth.  He had no desire to get any closer to the edge than he was now.  He could hear the echo of water somewhere in the distant, unseen void, and wasn't keen on stepping on any unstable ground.  Right now, taking a swim wasn't on his list of things to do anyway -- he just was looking for a more interesting pathway than through the hot springs, which was a foul and malodorous place that he was not planning on revisiting.  For a while he paused, ears tipped forward towards the sound, then finally he turned away, head lowering to sweep the ground for scents of anything interesting.

RE: An Unexpected Party - Old One - July 20, 2019

tossing nirali at you instead <3 tag for ref, but east is welcome too!!
She wanders from @Eastwood to hunt, half-tempted to invite him along but far too restless to be slowed down today, and more in the mood for her own company than another's. Regardless of what he says, she's certain he still has some ways to go with his recovery anyway, and food is important. Mostly because she's hungry — but she is trying to take her responsibilities as his caretaker seriously, too.
Trying being the key word, of course. It's not long before she finds herself distracted by the scenery — then by the scent of a wolf. Her thoughts drift briefly to the last time she'd sought a moment alone — and the time before that, and the time before that... point being, this place might be a little overpopulated for her tastes. But, as usual, she can't resist the tug of curiosity, and finds herself trailing the scent after a few moments of indecision. She spots the pale figure fairly quickly, immediately intrigued by the pattern of his coat even from a distance, and chuffs to catch his attention as she nears him. He smells of others, though not so many that he seems a pack wolf — which really just makes her more curious. Hopefully he'll be less moody than the last guy she met.

RE: An Unexpected Party - Mal - July 23, 2019

There were wolves around, but he still hadn't met his closest neighbors.  Not that he really cared much that they existed -- they were on the far side of the smelly hellhole that was the spring.  It might as well be a wall.  Perhaps unfortunately for the wolf that discovered him, Mal was Mal, and he indeed was a moody beast, even though his reaction to her calling out was a little bit hard to read.

The weird thing was that she had enough of a similar pattern to him and his siblings that he had to squint suspiciously.  As if somehow that would provide an answer -- nah.  After the ghost that was actually Queenie, he wasn't sure what to think.  Some other trick?  But other than some speckling, she didn't look a thing like his family, something else was off about her that he didn't know enough to nail down.

Still.  It was enough to make him a little bit curious (even if in the back of his mind he was more wary about her than someone who looked like a "normal" wolf).  He sniffed, trying to decide if she actually was something of this world rather than whatever monsters probably haunted his dreams at this point.  That was probably why Mal wasn't quite as brash in his following question, Hey.  Who are you?