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Wheeling Gull Isle xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Printable Version

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xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Rhælla - July 23, 2019

Perhaps @Komal or @Akavir since she hasn't interacted much with you guys? :)

Sunlight dappled over her dark coat to pattern alongside the spackling of silver as the exile loped, sand kicked up with each stride. Her muscles began to burn with the exertion after a time but the girl embraced it - relishing the sensation of being able to run freely, wherever she wished and whenever she wished. 

As she reached a break in the forests, the wisp diverged from her path on the beach - slowing as she trotted through the trees. 

Subconsciously, she followed the scent of freshwater, guided to a stream by her nose where she bent and drank deeply - parched by her patrol.

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Komal - July 23, 2019

Komal had much the same idea about finding the freshwater but for different reasons. Scouting the isle had been his first and foremost priority. Making sure this was a good place was essential and seemed like another pack had thrived here. Namely with gardens and extensive dens not to mention finding a sustainable food source. Everything seemed to be going just right though and now they had water.

He too traveled to the spring to quench his first, finding his almost opposite. They had similarities: the right eye missing was an obvious one. Others were in personalities, they both loved to run and had a desire to lead and guide. Aristos would be strong.

"Miss." He greeted with a dip of the head and a smile before bending to drink.

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Rhælla - July 23, 2019

Her dark crown lifted, droplets trailing from her lips, tilting - scarred half of her features concealed - as her lilac orb locked upon him. For a minute, she believed him to be Rosencrantz - that was until he drew closer and she caught sight of periwinkle where there should have been gold. 

"Komal," she lilted softly in greeting, recognizing the leucistic male. 

At the sound of the soft title that fell from his lips, the wisp gave a small shake of her head, a tiny wrinkle of her rosebud nose. 

"Rhæ," she corrected gently, with a shy twist of her lips, "please."

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Komal - July 23, 2019

His mouth quirked into a smirk whilst drinking. When his head rose, he raised his brows.
"As you wish, Rhæ​," he replied, more than happy to do as she asked. Things were easier when he wasn't known beforehand as Cinders. The curse name his Mother bestowed on him. 

"Are you finding the Isle to your liking?" He hoped so. It was good here. He only hoped that food would never have to be a problem throughout the seasons. Though, if packs prior have thrived then he supposed that the food was aplenty.

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Rhælla - July 24, 2019

Rhælla grinned slightly, grateful he had agreed. It just felt awkward; even though she was to be their leader, something as simple as being called 'Miss' just felt too stern. 

She was just Rhæ. Even if she was going to be Lady Rhæ pretty soon. 

"Aye, it's good to be.." she stopped herself suddenly, realizing she had been about to utter the word, "back". That would only confuse her company, as it was common knowledge that the woman was foreign. 

"It's good to be home," she chirruped softly in its place, smiling to herself as her lilac gaze swept towards the beach - realizing that was what she truly meant, not to be here on this particular island but back where she belonged, at sea. 

"What of you? Is it suiting you well?" She asked as her gaze returned to Komal with a soft grin, wondering if he was a born and bred Islander as the Baffin wolf was.

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Komal - July 25, 2019

She hesitated. What was she hiding? Something troubled her to make her pause and rephrase. Should he worry? Probably not. He wasn't going to ask should it trouble their relationship. He could ask another time, perhaps. When they were closer. 

He nodded gently, thinking about his time here already. It was good.
"I'm no sea-wolf. I was born for the mountains but I like it here. It's a new scene." A change he felt he needed. He was reinvented and he was starting again. If only he could find Mor.
Alas, found or lost forever, he could live here with Aristos.

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Rhælla - July 29, 2019

The nightwisp nodded slightly, not truly surprised. It seemed few among their numbers were seafarers as Rhælla had been raised, all the more touching that they should choose to follow. 

"I'm glad to hear you're settling in well," she smiled kindly. "Have you any idea what guild might call your interest once we're official?" 

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Komal - August 04, 2019

He had been thinking about his guild. He was a medic at heart, a worker of herbs and fixer of ailments. However, now was a time he had to change or at least find a profession alongside. Fighting wasn't his call, but being a guardian sounded well enough. If it didn't involve chasing away intruders. He'd rather fix the wounds of warriors and the likes rather than fight alongside or against them.

"Curative, for sure." He was that certain about something.  He could always change, he knew that. Rhælla would support what he wanted to do for sure. 
"I was looking for another trade alongside caregiver. Any ideas?" He was sure she had an idea for what she wanted.

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Rhælla - August 05, 2019

The niteborn grinned at the familiar word - one common amongst Lireans but seemingly unheard of within Teekon's boundaries. "An excellent choice - Aristos will definitely need some healers," the exile commended with a kind smile, star-dusted plume swaying gently at her hocks. 

At his question, she paused in consideration. She did not yet know enough of Komal to guess where his interests may lie but he did not quite give the impression of a warrior - though Rhæ was sure he could hold his own in a fight. Rather, it just didn't seem like it was a profession he would be content dedicating his time to. 

"I think you might find satisfaction amongst the scholarly types: naturalists and chroniclers," the youth suggested thoughtfully. 

"Has nature or lore ever given you interest?" The nightwisp prosed as she picked her way across the streambed, treading water through the shallows as she was beginning to feel silly holding a conversation with him over the river. 

Across the waterway, she shook the drench from her pelt with care not to soak the pallid man at her side before perching neatly upon her haunches in wait.

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Komal - August 14, 2019

Sorry for my trashy delay

He smiled gratefully and nodded. He was glad to be able to follow his trades without hindrance and rather support. 
She paused in thought and he thought too. What did he like? Plants, for sure but only in a medical sense. He wasn't crazy about nature. He was more religious than that. Spiritual. 

"Perhaps." He replied, still in thought. Becoming a chronicler never crossed his mind. He didn't think he had many things to tell -- but he did. He could easily be a historian. 
"I'd never thought of becoming a chronicler. But now I think of it, Historian seems like a nice title." He grinned, glad he'd been able to talk to his leader. 
He let her cross and shake the excess from her coat before asking: "What of your trades?"

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Rhælla - August 21, 2019

grin lit upon her lips, damp plume swaying at her hocks - pleased she'd helped him select a trade. "Aristos could use a Historian - someone to help teach any little ones the pack has come spring," she teased gently, though there was a note of excitement buried in her tones; the Lady awaited the day their pack was established, with children running about. Perhaps some would even be her own - a thought that set her heart to humming. 

"As a girl my greatest passions were assisting the healers and tending the gardens. I'd like to return to that - become a Caregiver and manage the growth of medicinal herbs," the Seelie divested shyly, unused to speaking of herself. 

"But one thing I was not allowed to be was a warrior," her gaze slid away, lips tilting into a grimace. 

"I would like to remedy that," she shared as amethyst slid back over to the leucistic Chronicler, a conspiratorial smirk erasing her previous embarrassment. 

"Maybe it's a bit conflicting," the Lirean chuckled, "but I think it could balance me - destruction and restoration." 

RE: xvii. a girl with ache in her eyes and plucked skin - Komal - August 28, 2019

Her words inspired him. He'd once been overjoyed at the thoughts of teaching and tending to the young. Perhaps even his own; though those thoughts were seldom for he was the runt of the litter. Those dreames left at the start of the war and he had to learn to fight.

He oft had thought of being what she was, but alas never came to it. He knew how to use the herbs but not how to grow them. He could find them easily enough and supposed that knowledge came hand in hand, but it was not a profession of his. 

"I s'pose I could teach you a few things of what I know. I was taught some by my sisters." Of course, Mor and fLicker had persued to being mercenaries. They were a formidable trio. Flicker, the Warrior. Mor, the Guardian. Cinders, the Medic. Of course, they knew how to work effectively and had achieved trades below their main ones. Flicker and himself were scouts; she a rouge him a Ranger. Mor indulged in Meteorology where she could determine how the sky, oft praying to Temis, were moving and how they could use the cover of fog and rain to their aid.
He was Cinders no more.

"I believe you pursuing your desires would be best. And perhaps you will learn to tell stories of your great success to the youth, Lady." He grinned softly as if he knew she'd be great. Remembered for a long time.