Wolf RPG
Barrow Fields Open Up Your Eyes - Printable Version

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Open Up Your Eyes - Connor - July 25, 2019

scout thread!

The giant man was wondering outside of where Aristos was going to be, he wanted to explore a bit and see what was going to be outside of his home. His coal tipped paws were lightly touching the ground as his jaded gaze was scanning the area around him, it was a wide field so there was going to be no trees surrounding the area. He made note of this because plains could mean prey like rabbits so if in case Aristos were to run out of food somehow he would be able to hunt here and bring back prey to the pack. Everywhere the titan stepped he was making notes, he was watching his steps and made sure he wasn't in any unclaimed territory, but he smelled nothing.

The giant stopped near a rock, the sky was clear and he wanted to take a mental break for a bit and see what was going on around him. It seemed quite peaceful here and so far no one has charged at him so he figured he was in the clear. The male sighed with content as he sat near the rock and continued to take in all the nature that was around him, he wasn't planning to stay for long though.

RE: Open Up Your Eyes - Xizur - July 25, 2019

The headstrong youth had decided to spend his day digging for buried treasure after a passerby had told him the legends of wolf bones buried beneath the rolling hills. So from the time he had arrived in the plains till now, Xizur had spent his head down and nose deep in the earth's soil, uprooting anything that got in his way. Eventually an impressive ditch had formed around the determined youth and it was only when an unrecognizable scent swept by did the boy look up from his task.

A blurred form a good distance away caught his attention just enough to pull him away from the task at hand and have him scampering over to reveal who was perched atop the secluded rock. Who he found didn't appear very interesting but the Rusalkan child cared little for appearances. Rather he wanted information, specifically on whether or not bones truly did lie beneath the hills because if he just spent all day digging to China for nothing, he was gonna hunt down that weaseling liar one day and bury their bones instead.

RE: Open Up Your Eyes - Connor - July 25, 2019

The titan was just about to leave, he didn't feel as though it was right to leave Aristos especially since it was still forming but he felt as though he had to look for options or something. Connor wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, he didn't notice that there was a pup around. The russet man still stayed on his rock because the scent had drafted up to his nose, his large head slowly moved to follow his nose but saw nothing at first. He squinted his jaded gaze to see if he could make out the figure or any if he saw something move. He did catch something though, something small was moving towards him, his ears perked in interest because he thought it could be a rabbit or something. Thankfully, Connor wasn't feeling hungry today but what did catch his surprise was that the tiny figure turned out to be a wondering pup.

Connor blinked in confusion for a bit but then his expression changed to be more welcoming, he didn't want to frighten the young boy, "hello," he began in a kind voice, "where did you come from?" He chuckled, not moving from the rock because he didn't want to seem threatening to the youth.

RE: Open Up Your Eyes - Xizur - July 25, 2019

Anyone who knew the boy in detail was aware that some cogs were missing in that brain of his, one of which happened to be the concept of stranger danger. He'd walk up to anyone at any time and as long as they looked like they didn't want to kill him or steal his food, he'd treat them with the same stoic attitude as he did everyone else.

So where Conner feared accidentally threatening the boy, Xizur feared nothing. He gave a few lifeless flutters of his eyelids before glancing in the direction of the ocean and giving a single fluid motion of his maw toward Rusalka.

RE: Open Up Your Eyes - Connor - July 25, 2019

The small wolf approached him, he seemed to be unphased by Connor and so his fears were put to rest, if this was a pack pup, he wouldn't want to frighten him to the point where his pack came charging in. But the giant didn't have to worry about that for now, he looked down on the young one and smiled, his emerald gaze was welcoming, but he was wondering where the put came from or why he was here. The whelp had answered his question by gesturing to the cost, Connor looked over there with interest, his ears were perked, he was wondering if there even was a pack over there, he assumed there was and made a note about it. His orbs went back to look at the smaller wolf, his coal tipped tail wagged and his smile beamed.

"My name is Connor," he started, he wanted to make sure that they could get acquainted before anything else would happen, "what is your name?" He chirped cheerfully as he slid gracefully down the rock on the side and slid on his paws near the pup. Although the one thing that still bothered him was why he was out here alone, it was dangerous for a whelp to be out here by himself, he could get hurt or killed. But Connor didn't look outright worried but his gaze turned into a bit of concern, "what are you doing out here all by yourself?" He asked the pup with his head cocked to the side a little.

RE: Open Up Your Eyes - Xizur - July 25, 2019

In a similar fashion as before, the undisciplined youth gave a few halfhearted blinks at the male's warm introduction and calm demeanor before glancing off in the distance at some unimportant distraction that had momentarily caught his attention. The questions, while heard, went largely ignored. He did however turn back towards the curious man for a brief moment before spinning on his heels and heading off in the direction of his empty admirable pit of wannabe bones.

He took only a beat to glance over his shoulder and check if the older man was following, offering a few encouraging wags of his tail should he not be, before continuing on. After a minute or two of walking he came upon the not-so-magnificent hole in the ground and proceeded to glance in, as if hoping the bones would have magically appeared while he'd been away.

RE: Open Up Your Eyes - Connor - July 26, 2019

The titan's suspicion was growing since the pup had avoided his questions, he could assume the pup was mute or was deaf and could read lips but something tugged at him that made him doubt. The little one seemed unafraid of him so Connor started to think that he wasn't in any real danger, the man looked at the young one with curious eyes, wondering why this pup was in front of him, did he want something? The pup suddenly turned his back to him and sprinted away from him, but Connor didn't chase after him, perhaps he was heading home so he would leave him. But to his surprise, the pup stopped at a certain location and looked back at him, did he want him to follow? Was someone in trouble? The cinnamon male rose to his paws and followed the young one to where he was, he stopped in front of the whelp to see if he really did want Connor to follow him.

However, the young one seemed to look at the ground like he was looking for something or checking if something was there. The giant man followed his gaze to where he was looking, Connor noticed that the pup seemed to be digging here, perhaps he wanted his help. "Do you need me to dig here?" He asked, looking at him with a curious glance, he was more than willing to offer his services to this young one as best as he could.