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Swiftcurrent Creek something has to shift - Printable Version

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something has to shift - RIP Wintersbane - July 31, 2019

vague b/c this thread is still on-going ..but a wild border patrol thread has appeared! :-)

there is something both familiar and comforting about familiarizing himself with the borders of swiftcurrent creek; something about the mundane routine that soothes the worst of panther's uncertainties. though he is attentive — because these borders are still unfamiliar and because he's patrolling — he allows his mind to wander just a little bit though he thinks of nothing in particular. there wasn't much to think about. the gruesome wounds on his face, neck and throat had mended into ugly angry red scars that would soothe to flesh pink with time and he discovered that he could talk though it is still a struggle and there is something in him that defers to body language. long conversations ...if he was one for those to begin with because he still doesn't know — whoever he was before still eludes him though he doesn't particularly strive to remember — are a thing of the past. at least, for now.

the afternoon sun is a little to hot as it warms the fur of his back and the silvery-blue fur of his 'mane' ruffles as he gives his coat a hearty shake, seeking refuge beneath the bountiful shade of a tree near the creek's rushing waters. it is here that panther gives himself a small break, carefully lapping at the rapid creekwater.

RE: something has to shift - Lainie - July 31, 2019

The time to stop hiding away in fear had come, for Lainie could not stand the isolation anymore. Her brothers still had not come home and Polaris seemed intent upon hiding from her too which had her thoroughly convinced she had done something just as horrid as Zephyr and so she refused to seek out her parents either. Instead she slid close to the borders under the knowledge that she was supposed to be careful not avoid it completely. After a while of studying the scents and finding she could identify more by name now, even some faint traces of prey, she grew bored and wandered slowly down the invisible scent line until a completely unfamiliar scent grabbed her attention. It was a man and she was absolutely certain that he had never been around before, so she followed his smell until she came across the creek. Immediately she was enraptured by the large mountain of muscle that was this stranger and she stood open mawed watching him while he drank, her emerald eyes big and round.

RE: something has to shift - RIP Wintersbane - August 03, 2019

panther begins to feel the heavy weight of eyes upon him, though instinctually cautious — especially along the borders — the pitter-patter of footfalls far too small and rapid to belong to an adult caught his initial attention. still, he does not lift his head from his drink. he continues to lap at the cool, refreshing water until he's had his fill; both with the purpose of giving her time to either stay or flee back into the heart of swiftcurrent creek. and, truth be told, the prolonged drink gives panther time to wrack his muddled brain to see how he felt about cubs. he, unsurprisingly, draws up another blank and is left with the looming knowledge that this is a good time for discovery.

his thirst sated he finally lifts his head, taking a moment to draw his tongue across his jowls to collect the stray droplets that dribble from his chin and he swings his head in her direction to fix his glacial blue gaze upon her. panther assesses her quickly: she's young but not as young as he'd initially assumed. he's not able to deduce her age simply by looking at her but she's in that stage of rapid growth with paws and head too big for her body.

for a moment that turns more awkward by every second that ticks by, panther hesitates, unsure if he should stick to a non-verbal greeting or break the wide-eyed silence that hangs in the air, thick with moisture and filled with the songs of creek bugs, by speaking. hello. he eventually rasps, smoky timbre raw and little more volume than a harsh whisper.

RE: something has to shift - Lainie - August 03, 2019

She stared stupidly at him as he lapped up the water from the creek and looked up and her heart hammered as she spotted the scars and heard his raspy tone. He was the most fascinating person she had met besides her own father and she was enraptured both by how handsome he was while somehow seeming scary at the same time. "Hello....pardon moi but um...what happened there?" she asked curiously and lifted her neck, showing her meaning. She knew it was rude but he looked badass and she had never been good at boundaries.

RE: something has to shift - RIP Wintersbane - August 03, 2019

panther watches her study him and notes the linger of her gaze — green, he thinks for the distance makes it hard to judge — on his scars. it doesn't strike ire in him, nor does he particularly mind. this chapter of his life started with the wounds, has lived with these scars: they are all he knows, unable to remember what his life had been like without them; and most commonly they strike a sense of weariness into all who look upon them. panther can't see them for himself but he trusts that they are as gruesome as he thinks they are.

she asks about them, the scars, even going so far as to crane her neck to emphasize what she means. he is neither affronted nor perturbed by her prodding: she is a child; curious and unfiltered ...as she should be. it is the nature of youth to wonder and ask questions. i was in a fight. panther replies to her inquiry after a moment longer.

RE: something has to shift - Lainie - August 03, 2019

She strays closer to the creek, emboldened by the lack of response but the honest answer. She risked a peek at the scars again and nervously glanced up at him searching for signs of anger before slowly studying them more. "Do they still hurt?" she inquired softly stepping back so she could peer directly into his eyes as she asked him questions, giving him the kind of full attention not many ever got. "I want to learn to fight....but that looks scary. Is it worth it?" she asked with sudden seriousness, a grim but searching expression that was deep for someone her age but showed remarkable intelligence making her look older.

RE: something has to shift - RIP Wintersbane - August 04, 2019

panther watches as she draws nearer and offers her a small smile, unbothered by her continuing fascination with the scars that mar his flesh despite that he knows he may not have an answer for every question she asks him in regards to them. luckily, her next question is one that he can answer. no, he rasps his reply. thankfully, they no longer cause him the pain that they once had. his ears cup forth atop his skull with muted interest as she continues on to say that she wants to learn to fight. ah, the acknowledging rumble is so quiet it is nearly inaudible and he emphasizes with a sage nod of his head as he considers her predicament.

i won't lie to you, panther begins, it is scary. although, waking up with no memory and searing pain hadn't necessarily frightened panther as much as he'd just wanted to die; he'd been close to it but, too much of a fighter, he'd clung to the dying embers of his life and ...here he was: scarred and an amnesiac but alive and well. but being afraid is no way to live life ...and in a fight being afraid will cost you. you have to look past your fear. conquer it.

RE: something has to shift - Lainie - August 04, 2019

She was glad to hear that they didn't hurt, they looked like they once had and that was enough to make her more aware of the dangers of the world. At first his acknowledgement was taken as judgement and she bristled silently until he began to speak about fear. She listened intently her expression serious and seeming nervous as she pondered over what he said. After a moment a calm came over her and she nodded firmly "then I will always be brave and face my challenges despite any fear" she said sounding so confident she clearly knew nothing of real battle and danger. Her emerald gazed fastened intensely upon his face and she smiled "Teach me?" she asked hopefully.

RE: something has to shift - RIP Wintersbane - August 09, 2019

her confidence brings a small, if not terse, smile to panther's scarred face as he ponders if he was that confident as a child. she was a product of her youth: unsullied by the horrors of war, both during and after ...because war follows those who know it home. once it's vitriolic taste is know, it never leaves. this, panther feels in the marrow of his bones. this, he knows, is seen on the scars that mar his handsome face, in the scars that ravage his neck and throat. good. he rasps, content. he would not spoil her enthusiasm — nor was panther all that fond of sounding contradicting.

her question, however, takes him by surprise though it does not linger upon his blemished visage for long. panther's taken aback — briefly — but composes himself a moment later, the sheepishness lingering perhaps a moment longer than he would like it to. teach you to fight? he inquires, lifting his glacial gaze from her to the horizon, making a show of mulling it over. hmm, he tarries playfully.

ah, i think i can fit it into my schedule. he tells her with a sage nod and a small, perhaps impish smile curling the edges of his lips.

RE: something has to shift - Lainie - August 11, 2019

His word of approval did good for her confidence and she felt more certain than before that she could do this. She would learn to fight only to protect their home and her family, she felt so sure that it was the right thing that the determination showed in a sharp gleam in her eyes. The excitement dulled just a bit as she held her breath, mistaking the playful show of his hesitation as reluctance to teach her only to beam a smile at him brighter than the sun when he agreed. "Oh thank you! My name is Lainie, my daddy is Kavik! I promise I won't do anything bad, i just wanna protect my baby siblings" she gushed the words at him in her enthusiasm her tail going a mile a minute and paws dancing until she clumsily misstepped and fell into the creek. She sputtered and rolled upright, standing up and swaying with the pull as she slowly walked to shore and struggled to climb out a comical expression of embarrassment and aggravation on her face as she muttered in french.

RE: something has to shift - RIP Wintersbane - August 12, 2019

if one thing could be said about the young girl before him, it was that she certainly didn't lack for enthusiasm. it was endearing, panther thinks. an introduction follows — he realizes after he tucks her name away that neither of them have offered their names at the beginning of their conversation — and makes a small, near inaudible noise as she mentions that she's the alpha's daughter. in truth, unless swiftcurrent creek was a hierarchy panther wasn't particularly moved by that information: she'd get no special treatment from him. he wasn't the kind to kiss up.

though it does occur to him, after he's already promised to teach her of course, that kavik might not approve of his daughter learning how to fight; but regardless, the promise was already made and panther wasn't feeling keen on going back on his word nor crushing the enthusiasm that practically burst from within the girl. he wouldn't crush her confidence nor her dream. a noble cause, panther surmises, his rasping tone implying that she's impressing him ( make no mistake that she is an impressive child ).

panther. he offers her his name in return, trying and failing to stifle the raw chuckle that rumbles up from his ruined throat and neck as she prances a little too close to the bank of the creek and topples in. while concern had been the first burst of emotion to flare up within him, mirth follows only after she crawls towards the bank clearly well and fine ( if not embarrassed ). lesson one: always be aware of your surroundings.

RE: something has to shift - Lainie - August 15, 2019

Her ears didn't miss the raspy laugh her new teacher gave at her clumsiness and she almost considered shaking off and spraying him and decided against it, instead tossing a half hearted glare his way as she finally scrambled to shore and away a few feet before shaking the excess water off as he gave his name. It was a curious one, she had never heard of a panther then again she had never heard of a Lainie either and figured he had a made up type of name like she did. He announced the first lesson and she snorted, sticking her tongue out in mock anger at him before sucking it back in and grinning "Haha. Funny...then again, guess I am clumsy" she said reluctantly admitting it was actually something she should take seriously. She shifted and wondered if they could start now, heart racing at the idea of getting right into the good stuff but she figured since he was an adult he'd have something else to do. "Whenever you wanna start just call for me or come find me. I guess I'll go um...do somethin else" she said and wagged her tail, studying him a little longer and unless he had something else to say, she would turn and walk off to go bother someone else.