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Shadewood I'm allergic to shrimp - Printable Version

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I'm allergic to shrimp - Valour - July 31, 2019

scuse the Brandon Rogers reference. @Orochi

Why did mother never warn him how hot outside could be? 

Why did mother never warn him that thunderstorms were a thing?

It had been hot for Valour's first summer alive and he found it extremely hard to move around with as much enthusiasm as he normally did. He had felt the air cool down and then out of nowhere a crack and a boom scared the shit out of him. He yelped and cowered where he stood as a flash of light blinded him and just as he regained his composure another loud boom shook him to the core. He panted and looked around wildly and after a few more rounds of thunder and lightning it began to downpour. It was then that his brain suggested it was just a weird natural thing and the thought soothed him enough that while his fur stood wet and spiked he relaxed and began to take in the way the keep looked during the storm. The trees blew hard and puddles formed quickly beneath their large trunks, puddles that grabbed his attention and he splashed in shrieking with thrilled joy as another giant boom rumbled the ground. It was exhilarating to be alone and the fear he had felt before quickly faded the longer he went unharmed by this storm.

RE: I'm allergic to shrimp - Orochi - August 02, 2019

set a few hours after takara comes back

it was a subtle aroma. anyone could walk past without batting an eye or just not notice it entirely. not orochi. when it drifted towards him his heart hammered in his throat. could it be? the young cub lifted his head and tasted the air. his eyes grew wide and he fell into a determined trot. it must be her, he thought. no boy could forget the sweet smell of his mother. 

as her trail grew stronger and stronger the boy went faster. when he saw her he didn’t know what he’d do and he couldn’t think of anything now. try as he might, his mind only circled back to the task at hand. pockets of tears slowly formed in the corners of his eyes. he only wanted to see her, everything else can play out when the time is right. he was close now, he could feel it. so, so close...

and then the sky roared. the young boy screeched and dove for cover under a log. just as he thought everything was safe a blinding light spread across the clouds, followed by another rumble. it only got worse from there. the howling wind made his ears go numb. a barrage of heavy raindrops struck his face. orochi was scared. this had never happened before and he had no idea what to do. orochi stayed curled up in a corner, shaking wildly. 

the boy was able to regain his senses once the noise became less frequent. oh no, he gasped. the storm made him forget why he was out here in the first place. orochi bursted out of his shelter and desperately sniffed his surroundings. whatever trail he had was washed away by the downpour. no, no! hot tears ran down his face.

he began pacing in different directions in the hopes of seeing takara. but it wasn’t his mother he saw, it was that stupid boy he fought the other day. orochi growled and whipped around to hide his face.

RE: I'm allergic to shrimp - Valour - August 03, 2019

A shriek had been ignored while he splashed joyously but it was the shouting and terror that eventually got to his good side and though he had still splashed half heartedly he was just turning to go look when he was face to turned face with the bully. He stared in shock and a sort of mean expression began to come across his maw before he saw the shame and realised it was him who had been shrieking. The pity rose and his glare softened as he stepped toward him "Hey....can I help you? Everything is easier with two" he spoke softly, offering the  olive branch of peace in a somewhat reluctant tone.

RE: I'm allergic to shrimp - Orochi - August 11, 2019

orochi’s features scrunched up when he heard the boy’s footsteps grow louder and louder. orochi was a bit thankful for the rain, for the tears that streamed down his face were masked by the droplets. coupled with his signature angry expression, he seemed to be in no distress. at least that’s what he thought. in reality his sadness and disappointment outshined his performance and the wavering of his voice was no help either. no. i d-don’t need your help. go away! orochi clenched his teeth and took a few steps away.

RE: I'm allergic to shrimp - Valour - August 11, 2019

Valour's kind expression hardened a bit as soon as he saw the angry expression on the boy's face. What a stubborn butthead this kid was, how the heck did he have the affection of that cute little Deku? He was beginning to feel the chill of the rain and wondered if Orochi was too and he sighed softly "You're gonna get sick. Suit yourself Orochi but I'll tell Deku you're out here" he fibbed, because he would do no such thing, he wasn't a rat but he had a guess that the boy may decide to follow him back anyway. He turned and began to head out of sight deliberately not looking back.

RE: I'm allergic to shrimp - Orochi - August 12, 2019

it was bad enough that the annoying little whelp was here to witness him breakdown, he didn’t need his brother watching him as well. a growl rose in his throat, but it was not a lively or ferocious as it usually was. it sounded forced and hoarse. pathetic really.

don’t. orochi lifted his head to look at the boy. i don’t need him following me around again, it’s so annoying. i’m just fine on my own!

RE: I'm allergic to shrimp - Valour - August 12, 2019

He paused considering Orochi's words and wondered if Bronwen felt that way about him. The idea kinda wounded him but he shrugged it off deciding to ask her when he got back to the den. Instead he looked at Orochi and did his best to muffle the snort, instead sounding like he choked on something "Fine? You look wet and cold and sad. At least before you looked sorta scarier" he meant it in jest alone, his lips twitching humorously into a smile before a large crack of thunder came from nowhere and he cringed. He wanted to go back to his mother now but he felt hesitant to leave without trying one more time to at least bring him back too "You're really gonna stand here alone?"  he asked sounding a little less like he cared and more like he was just checking.

RE: I'm allergic to shrimp - Orochi - August 18, 2019

valour sure had a way of getting under his skin. the more he spoke the more he wanted to lash out and shut him up. but the storm’s rain cooled his rage, as well as the absence of his mother. orochi could only hide the pain as best he could behind a twisted snarl. the thunder was no help though. as soon as it shook the sky the older pup dove down to the floor.

when the rumbles ceased, the dragon shot up to his feet and pretended like nothing happened. yeah i am. he raised his chin and looked to the side. just go away.

RE: I'm allergic to shrimp - Valour - August 19, 2019

It was pathetic. He watched lips curling downward and muzzle wrinkling in disgust before he quickly wiped it off as Orochi got up and faced him down once more. He snorted and turned around swishing his tail dismissively "alright. Suit yourself Orochi" he said and quickly walked away not even bothering to check if he was followed. As he got further away he began to break branches and yank them to the path, thinking that maybe Orochi could use it to get back or maybe he wouldn't, either way he didn't feel right not offering a branch of help. He pushed the softness off as just wanting to be the one to cause Orochi pain, not some stupid storm.