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losing my religion - Printable Version

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losing my religion - Creidne - July 27, 2014

Quote:okay so this is not meant to be formal in any way shape or form. but now that Cree had finally realized what's going on she wants to talk to others. so perhaps two others (max) pretty please!

It was with listless interest that Creidne noted her ascent in the ranks. Were it not for the realization of Jinx's affliction she likely would have rejoiced -seeking out her accumulated subordinates to exercise some bureaucratic muscle. Yet, reality was as she figured in a state of total ruin at present point, with the wolves of Ouroboros Spine effectively leaderless and behaving as such.

It brought her back to the terse farewell granted by her father upon her departure. He had warned her that the goddess Kephriti would not look kindly upon an adventure led by will -rather than ordained premonition. Now, in reflection his words felt like a heavy curse, and for that the Kappa snarled. Sure she had abandoned her native home and customs in favor of truly living, but instead she had found mayhem and death -a true course of happenstance.

Thinking sourly as to how her own legend would be told -undoubtedly as one of wicked ignorance, Creidne was spurred to do something. She couldn't just cower through her days praying to avoid contact with the dwindling white wolf anymore than she could simply leave and abscond her original intent. She was just too full of bull for either path. Picking herself up off of the uneven earth, Creidne searched for some sort of a summit. Eventually finding it in a small accumulation of rocks, she mounted them and issued a few short but defined barks into the otherwise quiet of midday. She might not be capable of leading it, but at least she might be able to help start some sort of a resolution.

RE: losing my religion - Rahzie - July 27, 2014

[size=x-small]ooc: might as well have Rahzie stir up some trouble for herself while she's here... excuse her rudeness, ha.[/size]

It was the combined efforts of Mordecai and Meldresi that led her to Ouroboros Spine. And, admittedly, Kaname as well. Once she realized the dark male she had bantered with one rainy day was a part of this pack now, well, that was the final little nudge she needed. How hilarious, she thought. Ironic, even. She had promised him a "next time", at the time not knowing if there ever would be. He probably thought similarly - oh how fun it would be to run into him again, now as a packmate.

Uncharacteristically for the vivacious woman, a tinge of wariness had been poking around in her chest since stepping foot onto the packlands. It was a combination of factors - knowing that the Alpha was sick and dying, knowing that she would more than likely be leaving this pack again fairly soon, and, admittedly, knowing that she had never been part of a pack of wolves before. But, stubborn as she was, she hated the fact that this lurking wariness was even a thing. So, she remained in a constant state of ill humor.

A series of barks caught Rahzie's attention as she was traipsing around in the wood. For a reason unknown to her, she altered her course to meet it. The coywolf's brown eyes narrowed suspiciously as she saw a grayscale female around her own age standing atop a bunch of boulders like she owned the place. "And who made you queen of the rock?" Rahzie queried brusquely. She stood firmly on the ground below, tail swishing once to show her apathy towards the other female's stance above her.

RE: losing my religion - Creidne - July 28, 2014

Quote:Thanks for joining! Sorry Cree is a bit of a crab herself lol

Whereas others might have quivered at the notion of such brash actions, Cree was intently focused. She was just one of those wolves. A dynamo. A do-er. A politician in a fur suit. Whatever. Separating her ears atop her skull as she settled into waiting, it wasn't with great delay that the first of them arrived. Standing again to greet her would be comrade, Creidne prepared a sufficient greeting -but forgot it the moment that the Mu interrupted with her own.

Creidne had never understood this brand of wolf. The wasted wits, she considered them with loathe. What was the point of coming if her intention was to behave as an ill tempered comedian. What Cree needed -what they all needed was a movement lead by those willing to guide.

So her teeth were soon shown to the darker female as she descended her 'thrown' with stiff legs. Of course like most her face was strange to Cree, but that wouldn't stop her from trying the unknown woman. After all, the quickest way to decipher the rank of another was to challenge it. "You would make jest of our current situation," she questioned -with little desire for an actual answer. This was it, the culmination of all her nerves -and feral desires for release. Diplomacy would have been the ideal outcome of course, but this would do to. At least this way Cree was assisting to weed out those who were unsuitable for the difficulties ahead.

Moving as if she might circle the woman, it was instead with her body turned sideways that she suddenly whipped straight and advanced. Aiming to tackle and pin the other to the floor, it seemed as though she would get her cheer for ascension after all.

RE: losing my religion - Rahzie - July 28, 2014

[size=x-small]ooc: this ought to be good![/size]

Rahzie smiled wickedly as the other woman flashed her teeth. Apparently it didn't take much to get under this one's skin, the coywolf noted as the other descended to her level. "You would make jest of our current situation," Rahzie rolled her eyes at this. Who even was this girl? She wasn't the alpha or even a higher tier rank, Rahzie was sure. She was briefed on who those were. And yet she was speaking like she was somehow better than the coywolf. It absolutely infuriated her. "No, just of you," Razhie grumbled, muscles tense.

As the gray woman began to circle her, Rahzie slowly turned with her, brown eyes level. The coywolf didn't like the way she was moving - and it didn't take long for her gut feeling to be confirmed, as she lunged forward. Rahzie wasn't exactly expecting an attack like this. Fortunately, quick girl that she was, Rahzie was able to barely spin her hips out of the way and jump backwards, hackles raised. "Hey!" Rahzie barked accusingly. A low growl began to rise in her throat. "Relax!" The coywolf didn't want a fight, but she wasn't going to just submit to someone who had done nothing to earn any kind of respect from her. Especially when she was in a bad mood to begin with.

RE: losing my religion - Creidne - July 28, 2014

Discipline- it was something to be said for her relatives. For when they weren't speaking in tongues the sermon loving wolves were gruesome in their implement of heirarchy. Of course ascension was possible, but it was always hard earned and disrespect towards such vigorous input was intolerable. This, if nothing else had been taken from her homeland.

When her attack failed Creidne went ahead with her demonstration anyhow -curling her tail up as her ears slid forward. She wouldn't relent until she heard, or better yet saw a convincing apology. It was her right after all. Snarling through the stranger's outburst, a bit of spittle escaped her when Cree spoke her own passionate retort. "My concern was not intended for your misuse -your amusement. If it's a game you so desire then you ought to seek out Jinx and dare her closer." Taking a few defiant steps closer, Cree was nowhere near cooling. The atmosphere in Ouroboros Spine was too cinched for her to 'relax' now that she was aware of their troubles, and she thought less of anyone who didn't agree with her concern.

"Submit," she demanded through her thoughts. It was absolutely vital to her that they kept some sort of decorum amongst them. Less they allowed Jinx's illness to warp them all.

RE: losing my religion - Rahzie - July 28, 2014

[size=x-small]ooc: this is excalating quickly. I love it, ha! let me know if you'd like to start a sparring thread - Rahzie will not attack first, but she will fight back, so it's up to you![/size]

It had quickly become clear that these two women were not going to get along. Rahzie hated being treated like a subordinate, regardless of if she was one or not. She might take it if the higher-ranked wolf had earned her trust or loyalty in some way, but this woman - she didn't even know her. And as her posture grew even more puffed-up, the coywolf's dislike for the other woman and her unearned sense of superiority grew to fiery levels of passion.

Rahzie's hackles were all on end now, her tail lashed behind her, and her ears were pressed flat against her head. But despite being physically smaller than the full-blooded wolf, the coywolf held her chin up as high as she could, flashing her teeth as the other woman spoke again. "My concern was not intended for your misuse -your amusement. If it's a game you so desire then you ought to seek out Jinx and dare her closer." Rahzie knew fairly well what was going on with Jinx. The underhanded threat only made the growl in her throat grow deeper.

She was about to retort when the other wolf spoke again. "Submit," Anger rose in Rahzie's chest like wildfire. She braced herself, tensing lean muscle as she prepared for the very imminent possibility of a fight, and spoke. "No." She snarled defiantly, making a very deliberate and risky choice. "You are not above me."

RE: losing my religion - Creidne - July 28, 2014

In truth their predicament was a fitting paradox for the trouble all around them. They were both holding firm to what they knew, but in the process wreaked havoc upon everything else. Had either of them had insight into Jinx's evaporating conscious, they might have shared an actual sense of empathy with the woman.

Philosophical thoughts were beyond them now though. It was all about respect. A entirely base reason to battle what with the surrounding shambles and all, but at this point it seemed unavoidable. Neither female possessed the restraint to back track now. "Then it is a fight that you came for," her voice was deathly resolute.

Moving away from the boulder, for fear of any unintended danger, Cree started to make a circle with the Mu so that they might fairly size one another up. Confident in her superiority, she hushed her growling and focused on what was to come.

RE: losing my religion - Rahzie - July 28, 2014

Once she had stated her position, there was no way Rahzie was going to back down. She was way too stubborn for that. And plus, she was not about to give this woman any sense of satisfaction at this point. Rahzie briefly thought that she was glad she more than likely wasn't going to be at Ouroboros Spine long - forgetting all about Mordecai and her "deal" with Kaname for the moment, all she felt was burning dislike for her newfound adversary.

As far as she could see, this could end one of two ways - the other woman could back down and Rahzie would be content (but this option seemed quite doubtful, considering she had started it), or they would have to fight it out. "Then it is a fight that you came for," And there it was. Rahzie's lips curled up in warning, letting the other woman that she would, in fact, fight if it came to it.

"Try me," The coywolf snarled, emphasizing the words and her confidence in her ability to back them up. Rahzie returned the other woman's move to circle, prowling across from her. The coywolf was obviously the smaller of the two, and likely had a disadvantage in the strength and momentum department. But she knew she would have an advantage in her speed, agility, and (as far as she was concerned) wit. She would not attack first, but her body was ready to defend itself at the drop of a dime.

RE: losing my religion - Creidne - July 30, 2014

With each churn of their bodies the atmosphere thickened. Crouching her own head low as her shoulders amassed upon her back, Cree did not dare break the focused stare that she held on the other. Wordlessly, they decided the terms of their battle -certainly it wouldn't be a war waged until death- but for her part Cree wasn't actually looking for blood either. She just wanted to maintain some order in the spiraling universe of Ouroboros Spine.

Issuing a final sharp warning growl, Creidne dedicated the last of herself to the battle as there really was no other way around it. Shuffling to the side one final go around, it was at this that she stopped their dance and became poignantly still.

Then all at once she bucked herself up and forward. Intent on driving the female into the ground where she believed the bitch rightfully belonged the Lambda flew at her with an open mouth. It had begun...

RE: losing my religion - Rahzie - July 31, 2014

[size=x-small]ooc: minor powerplay, let me know if you want me to change it, and feel free to do the same :)[/size]

As they circled, Rahzie's mind whirled. Anger pulsed through her veins, puffed out her chest, and made her fur stand on end. She eyed the other female sharply, knowing that though this would be a fight, it would hardly be for blood - all Rahzie wanted was to show her that her superiority complex would not be merely accepted without question.

The coywolf returned her adversary's sharp growl, readying her body and mind for the inevitable. And in a moment, it had begun - the grayscale woman lunged forward, and Rahzie attempted to sidestep. A glancing blow hit her hips and unbalanced her, but the coywolf unsteadily caught her footing and then, with a snarl, threw her weight laterally in an attempt to eventually turn towards her and shove her over. It was a miscalculation though - the other woman had more weight and when she shoved back, both went to the ground. The two packmates became a flurry of dark fur and legs and tails and jaws, now in a grappling match.

RE: losing my religion - Creidne - August 03, 2014

Tis fine by me! But I do like the visual of them rolling around in a dust bowl cartoon style lol.

Her time spent airborne was expectantly short, as was the full sequence of her initial attack. Muscles jolted beneath flesh and fur as her paws came down on the ground splayed -perfectly supportive. Feeling her side rush the end of the other female, Creidne tried to turn back to appraise the damage only to be jarred by Rahzie's counter seconds later.

After that, they were hopeless on the ground -all blind nudges, recoils, and throaty growls. To an onlooker they may have appeared savage, but between both of them their remained a civil restraint. This was chess in the physical form.

Breathing thick into their shared space, Creidne tried to get a sense of up and down as well as the general difference between them. It was difficult maintaining her focus -especially when Rahzie met her mark no less than thrice within the fray. Yet eventually Cree was met with the curve of the woman's backside -and lunged. Attempting to gain some sort of a hold to her the Lambda did her best to mount the spirited subordinate.

RE: losing my religion - Rahzie - August 06, 2014

The spar was relatively even - Rahzie got a few blows in, but the other woman got her a few times as well. There was no blood drawn, except for the occasional scratch from a stone in the ground, but there would be bruises after this. The coywolf grappled and rolled with the pureblood, fire burning in her orange-tinted eyes though she was beginning to tire. This match would end soon - the question remained as to who would be the victor.

All at once, Rahzie found herself making the mistake of turning her back to her opponent, and the grayscale woman lunged at her and slammed the coywolf into the ground. The fiery girl tried to buck and roll, only managing to expose her stomach to her adversary. The coywolf was pinned. The other woman was just heavier enough that Rahzie could not escape from under her weight. Angry, frustrated, and now shamed, she snapped her jaws upward a few times, only catching air between her teeth as her passionate struggling slowly died down as fatigue came over her.

Rahzie's savage snarling faded to a defeated growl deep in her chest. The coywolf would not verbally admit defeat, though it was clear who remained in the dominant rank now.

RE: losing my religion - Creidne - August 06, 2014

Quote:Not sure like at all where this came from.... but on another note I definitely need to start posting on my pc more often because my phone makes my posts look huge when they've actually been pitifully small thus far >.>

Sounds of exertion interchanged between discouraging rumbles as Cree did her best to make a win out of her efforts. Having had decided on Rahzie's backside, she was well prepared when it came before her -vulnerable for the taking. Snatching it without second consideration, she was hoisted to an awkward stance as she hooked into the other wolf.

Never before had Creidne DeForge been in such a position. Back home, she had never found the gumption to challenge for rank and furthermore none had wanted for hers. So although she was an admirable mimic of the dance, she was unfamiliar with the actual feel of it until now. Finding that her paws latched into her subordinate's hips like magic she was -surprised. Roughing her snout into the back of the female's head without teeth drawn, she attempted to further discourage her, however this too led to an unexpected relation. For all of her outward bitterness, Rahzie smelled rather well nice. Intrigued by these two seriously unexpected queues, the grayscale girl attempted to pull her opponent closer -deeper into the crook created by her position. Perchance she could see more of Rahzie's better side...

However just as soon as her enemy was caught, she was lost again. Allowing the female to fall and smear into the ground, Creidne's response was only to reluctantly let go and grumble about it. Yet, there was something about seeing Rahzie's sour face that ruined -or better yet confused things for her. Shaking her head as if to rid herself of the conflict, she gnashed her own teeth once as an insult before stepping off of the other wolf stiffly. Unfortunately, her walk wasn't due to any natural injury, but rather an affliction of uncomfortable warmth all along her tummy where the hybrid had been.

Moving away from the space of earth that was smattered with their various imprints, Cree's breaths were distinctly uneven as she stared at her opponent. The fight was over and it had been won, but her dissatisfaction remained -and somehow seemed more miserable than ever.