Wolf RPG
The Sunspire What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Printable Version

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What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Aleera - July 27, 2014

The rustling of the trees and braking of branches were sure signs of approaching predators, yet the quiet pad and intelligently placed pad falls would not hold any warning of he approach, along with the fact that there were no tree to catch herself on. Experience had taught her that think ahead was that only way to survive, she always thought of the hunt, or of flight should the need arise. Her muscles were coiled tight beneath her multicolored pigment, and her silver eyes looked as if they could see all. Her head was dangerously close to the ground, and her banner swayed high the all to see.

Aleera was used to the scent of others wolves, it no longer bothered her to find unfamiliar wolves. Sometimes they would ignore her on her travels and other time they would be quick to chase her from their home, this would be evident from the bright pink scar near in the pit of her left leg. While it didn't inhibit her movements it was still sensitive to the touch. Although she paid it no mind as she continued her path, she had found yet another scent marker a few miles back. She assumed that her presence would be found eventually, it was only a matter of time before they caught up to her. She only hoped they realized that while she could defend herself she was no threat to them.

RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Fang - July 27, 2014

stackin' them warden trade threads

the routine was simple, patrol the border, reinforce it when it needed, chase of strangers or swiftcurrent pests. The first two tasks were often the only thing required as he wandered the packlands. He had however come across a stranger once before, and they'd left with more than a wounded ego. It came as a surprise when the unfamiliar scent of another intruded his senses, instinctively hackles rose, and he made a direct line for the source of the intrusion.

Soon enough he found the intruder, the halfbreed shook his head, when he travelled alone he avoided packs, why would anyone risk the punishment. As his golden eyes fell on the female, his tail curled over his back as his head lifted, even for a halfbreed wolf, he could command a sense of dominance when required. He moved closer to the female and questioned. These borders are protected, what are you doing here? Blunt and to the point, effective enough to let her know the situation.



RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Aleera - July 27, 2014

Aleera having caught the scent of another approaching, would stop. Waiting for what this wolf might do in her presence, her demeanor while not one of aggression would speak that could defend herself if the need arose. Her ears perked forward and her muscles tense, although her tail would lower slightly. She could see that he was on edge, and rightly so, finding an unknown wolf within your territory could be quite nerve wracking.

"I can see that these borders are protected," She a small smile like motion would follow, her kindhearted ways shining through her cold exterior ever so slightly. "What am I doing here? Well that is a very good question... and really I haven't got the best of answers." While slightly diverting the question. She did not mean to be so evasive but a fae could never be to careful. "I can assure you however, that I mean you and your pack no ill tidings or disrespect."

RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Fang - July 27, 2014

He continued moving towards the intruder, slowly. Her words passed over him whilst she made no attempt to flee, or overtly aggressive motions he wasn't convinced. As he drew almost within touching distance he spoke. intrusion is in itself aggressive, your very ignorance of the borders, or their meanings shows disrespect.

The last encounter he had with an intruder ended in a small scuffle, and she left the lands bleeding, this one however didn't seem to have the same 'smartass' technique that provoked the halfbreed. This intruder was larger, and Fang wasn't about to take the possibility she'd turn hostile himself. If you're not here to cause ill tidings, or any more disrespect. Why are you hereHe repeated the question, firmly.



RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Aleera - July 27, 2014

As the brute approached she would tilt her head slightly, and narrow her eyes slightly at his words, "I know the consequences for crossing the borders into other pack territories do not mistake my actions for ignorance. I have met many like yourself." While she would remain calm and was rather impressed at this smaller wolves words and conviction. Aleera would however stand her ground, and watch him just as closely.

"I have been on my own for many months now, merely traveling. My intentions toward this pack are only one of friendship and kindness. You will know if I should ever issue any disrespect" Aleera would look around at the territory she now found herself in. Her posture would remain tightly coiled, although there was more interest and curiosity in her eyes.

RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Fang - July 27, 2014

the halfbreed relaxed when she explained her situation, his body language still portrayed one of dominance, but he dropped his aggressive stance. Ah, traveller, I've been there. But still, I can't let you trespass without a reasonable reason. With that he threw back his head and sent out a howl, a summons for @ferdie von pelt or anyone near enough.

Finishing his call he returned his attention to the female. Introductions seemed in order whilst he waited for the others. I'm Fang, you've entered sun spire territory, someone else will be along in a moment so I don't suggest trying to leave.He fixed the female with a gaze, his golden eyes going over her features quietly as he waited on any more forthcoming information.



RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 27, 2014

A howl went up and the ears upon his head perked forward to hear it; with his tail high over his back he trotted toward the sound. Ferdie stopped short of the pair and rubbed his cheek on a sapling just off to his left, as if to say 'my tree, my lands' then turned his gaze to the new wolf as eh walked up to Fang and took a place beside his pack mate made all the more small looking next to his brutish size.

Unlike most of the packs in the area Ferdie was not interested in a verbal interview, any healthy wolf was an asset to a hunt and help when a threat arose. What she chose to do with the rest of her time, should she join the pack was not something he'd concern himself with, beyond the fact he needed to take a mate next year. The fledgling pack could not support pups this year, but they did have a pair of young 6 month olds he could father in the mean time.

Those thought were pushed far from his mind and he stood tall before the stranger, a rumble in his throat that was not a threatening growl just something to let her know he expected something from her.

RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Aleera - July 27, 2014

Aleera would nod her head at his response, "I would have it no other way." She would assure, her muscles would relax slightly and her tail would lower accepting his dominance over her. She was not of these lands and so would concede, there was nothing to be gained should she try to be more dominant than this brute. Hearing his howl, "Thank you Fang. I am called Aleera."

Although she was quickly distracted by the appearance of the one that heeded the howl. Watching as he scented his territory and the way he towered over the other brute, she would tense once more although more out of precaution than aggression. The growl that reached her ears, she interpreted it as more of a warning to pull her weight should she wish to join. Her tail while not between her legs would lower as would her head. Her form while submissive was not of someone who appreciated being walked over and would not tolerate such anything but the respect that was due. Aleera too would appear to be one that had seen her fair share of work, she was not new to providing for a pack nor would she take others for granted. With the slight nod of her head she would signify that she understood his meaning, and would expect nothing less.

RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Fang - July 27, 2014

mostly fading here, unless you need me back for anything

He kept his eyes on the female, only nodding when she mentioned her name as Ferdie quickly approached. Ferdies size next to Fang would make the alpha seem all that more impressive, when he lined up alongside the halfbreed, he simply offered a light nudge to the alpha's, meticulously kept pelt before offering the now named "Aleera" a wink and a slight smile. Their alpha had only one way of dealing with newcomers and outsiders, and Fang didn't need to be right here. He made a show of moving a few steps away, still in earshot if need be.




RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 28, 2014

sort of rushed I'm going to bed but I wanted to give you to ability to start another thread if you wished to

Ferdie Von pelt was impressed by her, or at least her actions, but he was still going to push it in a moment.
I am Ferdie Von Pelt, There is one LAW you must adhere too. Never go near Swiftcurrent Creek His voice left no room for question is was not a request nor a suggestion, if he caught her there or the swiftcurrent creek wolves did the repercussions would not be kind.

He figured she understood border parole having just been through it's receiving end so he trusted she would be fine in defending their boarder without the threat of war looming anymore.

He strode up to her and placed his chin upon the females shoulders, He caught her name when he had arrived on scene and committed it to memory along with her scent. His posture was not aggressive, nor was his demeanor anything but confident, he held no hint of rejection. He was intending to show Aleera whom owned who, and thusly marking her as a pack member while placing his own scent upon the female's pelt all in one wordless action.

Ferdie finally back up a step and gave her space to breathe, only if she accepted those terms did he say to her Welcome Home, Aleera

RE: What Happens Now? [IC joining] - Aleera - July 28, 2014

Aleera would listen closely, one law was easy enough to follow she conceded. "I understand, your laws will not be broken on my behalf." Was her only response. She could assume that he was not a wolf of many words, and would keep her interaction with him brief figuring he had much more important things to attend to. She would accept his scent gladly, "Thank you." She was relieved that this introduction did not end in a confrontation. Also taking a step back she would bow her head slightly in respect for his ways, he's personality had impressed her thus far, both Fang and Ferdie Von Pelt had been exactly what she was hoping for, weary yet courteous. Glancing between the two and small smile upon her maw. Assuming that she was free to travel through the territory Aleera would walk toward the interior interested to explore the place she now called home.