Wolf RPG
Blackfeather Woods i am stuck in between - Printable Version

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i am stuck in between - Sakhmet - August 03, 2019

takes place during this, based off of Maegi's snippet about Sakhmet. all tags are for reference only.

Ghastly eyes had watched with a selfish desire as @Maegi moved away from where she had left the children. Her brothers tumbled or fought, ran or crawled, she didn't know for she didn't look to them. Her focus was on the drifting form of Blackfeather's Nona. The desire to follow tussled with the desire to behave.

A promise had been made though. A promise of Maegi's return to the children.

And so she sat where she had been left. Not even an inch to the left or to the right of the spot. She did not want to be forgotten. Any attempt to move her — whether made by @Moonshadow, their temporary caregiver, or other children — would be met with pointy teeth and deep snarls of protest.

She would not be forgotten.