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Iktome Plains peaceful dreams - Printable Version

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peaceful dreams - Miriam - August 05, 2019


While near the sandy waters, the area grew closer to what she knew. Green spread out, giving her a soft relief that there was some sort of area she knew of- not as familiar as the pines, but something she knew more of then majority the coast had given. There was no trees she could see, only the dry wilderness of spider grass. Miriam has faint memories, of these plants near bodies of water, but it has been some time since she has seen this much of it. Nontheless, faint relief as maybe she was near familiar territory.

Though she was still curious, and felt she did not wish to leave the coast just yet. Her Lady Goddess has given the fate of entering such an area, and she wanted to see all it could offer, before turning away to another unknown. Miriam felt relaxed, as her body felt tensed during these travels, and meetings of newer wolves. A sigh escaping, knowing she was alone besides the crickets of the night and the birds flying far to their nests. A silence of nature, and a peace upon her.

RE: peaceful dreams - Myrna - August 05, 2019

Normally Myrna was an ebony pelted yearling but right now she had a very noticeable dark brown hue to her fur. She has been unable to get all of the mud cleaned from her. The mud slide that separated her family really did a number on her hygiene. If it would rain then she would feel so much cleaner. The lack of notable water sources troubled her and she did not care for the taste of the large body of water north of her position. It looked delicious from a distance but it was very salty and made her even more thirsty.

The yearling had started to travel southward into an open plain under the cover of night. It had been a while since Myrna had met any other wolves and she tried her best to keep it that way. She was unaware of the other wolf in the area as she continued to trek closer.

RE: peaceful dreams - Miriam - August 06, 2019

A cover of one's scent made it difficult for the maiden to see who- or what was ahead. Though her faint wisps of white could grasp only lightly of a moving figure, one she could not recognize as another being, but one masked by the darkness. Miriam felt a twinge of fear, for a naive heart of a youngling was still unprepared from the unknown. Maybe one day she could grow to a wise being, fearless to that, but for now she remained frightened by what she did not know, and even more so in an area she did not know.

Though surely, Lady Goddess brought this seemingful mysterious creature near for a reason. They did not skulk with a hunger, or a pride of boldness, nor' a swagger of rage. Moreso just a wanderer, she thought such as herself. She desired to be brave as the warriors under the Horned God, or as graceful as the other maidens within her circle, and stay calm at the stare of danger. Miriam had a doll persona, for a calm outlook never matched the inner storm, as she quietly whispered out a, "hello..?"

Though her legs could not help but twitch as she had a desire to flee. Fate may have brought them together, but her will desires something else, to run. However, Miriam will always remain a curious one. Teachings of the Goddess surely will help her spirit.