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Heron Lake Plateau Aftermath - Printable Version

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Aftermath - Minori - August 10, 2019

@Takara @Higoro @Orochi and @Deku if he is still around

The moment she had reached the borders she had taken off, running swiftly until she figured she had placed enough distance to be safe to call her family. She howled, the sound loud and travelling far enough to reach them if they had done as told and stayed nearby. She figured Higoro was sticking close though she hadn't seen him yet and prayed he wasn't doing anything stupid. She sat down panting, eyes a bit wild and took a few moments to calm herself and collect her thoughts. She had originally intended to form her own pack out of Shadewood but now she felt as if the better option was to find a pack willing to take in her, Takara, Higoro and two children. She prayed that her skill in fighting would enough to sway the pack's leaders in letting them stay, for her son's sakes. 

RE: Aftermath - Higoro - August 10, 2019

Higoro obeyed his orders, he stayed nearby and stood tall. He awaited her call and once his ears were greeted by her song he fled, running toward her at the sound of light. His legs stretching to their capacity with each stride. It wasn't long before he reached her, relieved to see her in one piece. Always a pleasant sight and for a moment, he wanted to greet her with a kiss, however he recognized it wasn't the time for any of that and shelved the idea. "Whats the plan?" He asked, digging straight into the dirt.

RE: Aftermath - Orochi - August 12, 2019

being the disobedient child he was, orochi was well out of the keep’s borders by the time minori burst out of them. he needed time to himself, time away from shadewood. his mother’s scent was there but try as he might he could never seem to pinpoint her exact location. the aroma taunted him and so he tried to distance himself from it. maybe he was just imagining things. 

minori’s call being so nearby was startling. never before had she pursued him when he slipped away, so why now? orochi reluctantly made his way towards her.

two figures sat on the horizon. one was minori of course but he couldn’t tell who the other one was until he got closer. it was one of the men who fought on the border months ago. orochi gave both of them a questioning glare before directing his attention to his caretaker.

why did you follow me? he was still convinced that they had come to haul him away. i can take care of myself you know.

RE: Aftermath - Takara - August 15, 2019

She had wanted to do as Minori had asked but their children had already left, their scents were weaker but she was happy to know they were no longer in the keep. This place was no longer safe for them, not after how Cry and Gwen handled things. This place was going to fall, going to burn and her family was not going to be their with its collapse.

There was a sway back in her step with the addition of a limp she had acquired from her fall off a cliff, her coat was looking less worn and more lifelike as she moved towards the call. It was obvious she was still in need of more food, that she needed a little more care but in a few more weeks she would look better.  

it was her son's voice that made her quicken her step and stop just a foot away, her blue eyes transfixed on him and no one else. "my little dragon.." she spoke softly as she forgot everything else.

RE: Aftermath - Minori - August 15, 2019

First to come was Higoro and the sight of him was all she needed to feel better, to feel like she had done the right thing and not messed up everyone's life. Together they would make sure everyone was okay, with her in the lead and him by her side helping ensure each decision was carried out safely. Then came Orochi, the little dragon she had taken under her wing. He asked why she had followed him, the first thing to point out that something had gone wrong as well as Takara not coming along immediately. She opened her mouth to reply only to spot Takara finally arriving.....without her son.

Her heart lurched and she looked behind the woman, breathing going shallow for a few moments as she tried to smother the panic "I didn't follow you. We all are leaving the keep" she responded to the boy's question and looked at Higoro, her panic displayed clearly in her eyes as she turned to Takara "Where is Deku? Where is my son?" she asked her voice trembling as she scanned the treeline for any sign of her panda spotted boy.

RE: Aftermath - Higoro - August 17, 2019

Higoro gave Minori a soft look before sitting beside her and awaiting. Keeping his silence once the others arrived. The female that arrived caught Higoros attention fully, leaving no room for much else. Stunningly gorgeous, was that the woman Minori was talking about? It was clear he was staring but hearing Minori distressed pulled him back. He looked to her and moved in to comfort, he wanted to show more than verbal affection but he wanted to give Minori her space. Instead the most he did was get closer, and reassure her he would be okay because, "Any offspring of yours is hard headed and strongly willed. He'll survive." Unfortunately. The kid was part Issun after all, and Higoro still held some resentment for the pup because of that fact.

RE: Aftermath - Orochi - August 18, 2019

even if his question had been answered immediately it would have fallen on deaf ears. a blue eyed ghost stood on the horizon and she floated towards him ever so slowly.

orochi hadn’t noticed her at first. he was too focused on minori to notice her small form in the distance. but she drew closer and became faster with each step she took. and soon enough he took notice of her.


minori and higoro may not have even been present at all. they melted into the bleak surroundings while his mother glowed. mama... he repeated,  more softly this time. she was here. after all those days he spent alone and being bitter at the world. takara has returned. he didn’t know how to feel about this until he went on speaking.

you- his words were caught by a short sob. no, don’t cry. don’t let her see you cry. orochi attempted to put on a facade. his ears shot up, his posture straightened. but his legs still shook. his eyes still watered.

you left me... his voice began to retain its usual assertive manner. you left me all alone! with minori and deku! he lowered his head and clenched his teeth. they could never replace his mother. y-you didn’t even say goodbye.

RE: Aftermath - Takara - August 18, 2019

He was the only one there, Higoro and Minori faded away into the unremarkable background, there was just her little dragon. She watches as he first noticed her, how the purity of simply seeing his mother seeped into his two tones eyes but that did not last long. She knew it wouldn't even with her absence, a mother will always know her child. He was a volatile thing, even when he took his first breath on his birthday. 

He shook and her heart broke, that accusationsaccusations, the truth. Her pale eyes closed for just a moment before reopening and settling her shaking breath. She moved closer, with her slower movements the limp in her back leg became more noticeable but that was not what she was thinking of. It was him, not the man that was blatantly staring at her, not the woman she loved. Just Orochi.

his words wounded and her own tears came then, her tongue jutting out to rasp between his dark ears.  "I.. I know.. I am so sorry my little dragon.. I was.." her voice cracked before she continued,  trying to press him against her. "I was sick.. very sick" that's what depression was right? A sickness? 

the trance broke with Minori's worried words, as well as the man's reassuring ones. "I could not find him.. from his scent.. he was following Orochi.. I am sure he is safe, he's very resilliant Min Min.." she reassure Minori as well, "we will find him"

RE: Aftermath - Minori - August 19, 2019

Her gaze flitted back to Higoro, in time to catch how he stared so blatantly at Takara. It caused a bitter sort of sensation, one that caused her to look to Takara as she paid him no mind and greeted her son and still curl her lip ever so slightly before his voice distracted her and his words sank in and calmed the fire that had almost burned through her. She gave a softer smile and nodded before she faltered and moved to his side, pressing her face into the side of his neck "He is a baby Higoro. He is soft. He is smart but he is...he is such a sweet boy" she whispered the vulnerable words into his fur so only he would hear before Takara spoke to her and she lifted her eyes, remembering Higoro's stare and the bitterness turning into something heavy and warm, a sick sort of feeling as a tricky thought played into her mind. She looked to Higoro briefly to catch his gaze before she stood and moved to Takara's side, laying her chin openly across the back of her neck, openly embracing her and placing gentle kisses to her back before stepping away again "You will rest Takara and Orochi will stay with you. A little dragon like him can stand guard well enough" her tone was warm as she spoke and she turned to Orochi her gaze going stern as she met his gaze purposefully  "You will guard. This means watching carefully. Any sign of danger and you take her away" her tone implied seriousness while she shot Takara a mischievous glance, lips twitching up to show she was simply trying to engage the little warriors spirit. It was then she finally turned back to Higoro and she stood up taller, eyes blazing "You will scout back toward the keep. Be quiet and careful. I will head the opppsite direction. We will meet back tonight and scout out further each day until we find him" she tried to keep the tremble out of her voice as she laid the long term plan out, praying secretly that it wouldn't be that long until she found her son.

she just lowkey claimed them both lmfao

RE: Aftermath - Higoro - August 20, 2019

Higoro felt his heartrate rise as Minori closed the distance, loving that feeling of being needed. It was hard to admit but he was lonely, his heart still very much yearned for Minori to take it back. Although both his heart and mind knew it was not possible, she had made up her mind long ago and moved on. She was in the present while he was stuck in the past, and that was the hardest thing for him to let go. Her words did not go unheard through it all, and he tried his best to comfort her. But then Minori pulled away and embraced Takara, giving her kisses and a helluva lot more affection than he got. Higoro got jealous real quick, a little angry too. He remembered that conversation Minori and him had about Takara. Minori was in love, yadda yadda, how could he be mad at that? The anger ebbed but the jealousy did not. He looked to Minori with a 'I know what you're doing' look. There was of course high levels of sass in the look alone but that was to be expected.

While Minori laid out the plan for the others, Higoro waited patiently to receive his orders, being last to do so. Once he did he was honor bound, no matter what he was going to find that kid, alive or otherwise. A part of Higoro hoped it to be otherwise but that was the morbidity within him. "I'll leave at once if we're done here," He stood tall, and had his feet at the ready to turn bsck to the keep.

RE: Aftermath - Orochi - August 20, 2019

sick. sick.


an unconscious part him wished for a more satisfying reason. he didn’t know what that would be exactly. certainly not sick.

the warm tears that collected in his eyes now slowly trickled down his face. he didn’t understand. that was no excuse for leaving. was it just a lie to keep him content? yes, yes it had to be. well he didn’t believe any of it. orochi gave his mother a accusatory, heartbroken glare before whipping his head in the other direction.

minori’s words went ignored until she addressed the whelp. even then he didn’t properly meet her gaze. you will guard, she says. this command would not sink in until later. he was too shattered to think straight. fine, he hissed through clenched teeth.

RE: Aftermath - Minori - September 15, 2019

They all seemed in agreement and she smiled tensely, the panic of Deku's absence threatening to consume her. Even the sass from Higoro did nothing to soothe her and she nodded "we go now. I'll see you all tonight" she said and headed off, the distracted expression making it clear the dismissal was not anything personal. 

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