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the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Printable Version

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the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Lecter - July 28, 2014

@Kaname, @Sitri, @Cara, @Mordecai, @Meldresi, @Tyrande Nightshade, @Vectra, @Keith, @Creidne, @Rahzie, @Mayhem, @Kyrillos, @Bragi. @Jinx if it is logical she would attend in any capacity, chels <3

Mandatory pack meeting <3 Round One will end August 1st (unless everyone posts before that) I've included the newcomers because major changes that affect them also will be included here.

In his searchings for Jinx, Lecter had been granted much time to muse over what he must do. Ouroboros — he could not, would not, leave his wolves without a way of continuing their legacies, and that their savage Alpha would leave behind. With no biological children between them, and with Ira banished from the packlands, the two of them would not give down the Spine into a hierarchy, but perhaps that was for the best.

The shaman found he had several decisions in the matter, but only a scant few of them appealed to his sense of logic. Misgivings were present; yet the madman had little choice but to choose a path and move stolidly down it. Geranium tucked into his jaw, he made his way toward his chosen meetingplace, painfully mounting the stone until his forepaws were shrouded in the ferns that surmounted the rocky surface.

Here he mustered strength to call for the wolves of Ouroboros, and settling on his haunches to wait, Lecter skimmed the surrounding foliage for any sign of Jinx, unable to help this most pathetic gesture.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Jinx - July 28, 2014

Jinx won't actually be present but wanted to reply as a lead in to my side plot. :D

Somehow, the addled female had drawn herself back into the protection of the Spine. The pack wolves had likely known she had departed, perhaps breathed a sigh of relief, but she wasn't done yet. Though she didn't know it any longer, there was a draw in her dying heart for this pine forest. She would return to it time and again as her mind deteriorated.

Wolves were howling, and the cacophony seared into her mind like hot prongs. She wailed and rammed her head against the side of a tree, frothing senseless words and dropping foam all over her paws. A smear of blood appeared on her scalp where the skin split from the force of her hit. The message in the howl was lost on her, so she responded to it not by going to it, but by letting out an anguished sound all her own, bestial, guttural, senseless, and wet. Then she began to walk, not toward them but away from them, with only the static of her mind for company.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Sitri - July 28, 2014

Sitri heard the howl that called them all to meet and then the anguished howl that prickled his scalp and made his stomach due somersaults. He wanted to let loose all the food he had eaten in one giant spew of bile. It was so tormented and fragmented it made his heart feel as if someone was squeezing it as painfully as possible and it was then that he knew the queen she was gone absolutely positively gone and there was nothing that could be done and Lecter he needed them all now. With a shake of brown head he loped towards the clearing.

Skidding to a stop he looked up at Lecter and bowed his muzzle and with soft words he spoke You called Sitri? Then he stood at attention and waited for what was to come and what changes would now cause his life to upheaval

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Cara - July 28, 2014

The young girl that had come into the reigns of the snow queen in hopes to easen the burden of life as a loner had now become one most loyal members at the pack's disposal.The first few months had been hard on her, she had considered leaving until she discovered the pleasure she recieved when serving her queen.

Her devotion to Jinx had only grown when she began escalating the ranks. She stood bravely besides her leader when war knocked at their door, and had been reluctant to aid her in the best way she could. Now that an awful sickness had taken over her precious idol, Cara's heart stirred at the bottom of her chest.

However when Lecter's call rose through the Spine, Cara left abruptly her current activities to respond to the madman's call. Even if she hadn't had the best first impression of the Beta she respected him profoundly. The pale girl arrived after Sitri, her light yellow eyes conveying her preocupation as well as her desire to help out. She had the Ouroboros tattooed to her heart, I'd be hard for her to renounce to her pack. "Lecter," she greeted with a heavy heart, the old man was looking quite raggedy and exhausted too.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Mordecai - July 28, 2014

Mordecai had been burying a small piece of game in a cache when Lecter's call raised for them all. Unnerving tension had settled over Ouroboros in places, and he had holed away himself, staying to the borders and keeping things secured and caches full. Keeping busy had been his way of dealing with what was becoming their own personal tragedy. But he had been keeping an ear out for Lecter's call all the same. Mordecai did not hear the anguished wailing of their resident, now absent leader, only the summoning note of their blood-stained second-in-command.

He made his way to the source of that call promptly, though he was not the earliest to arrive. He spotted the scarred hide of Sitri, and the frosted hues of Cara ahead of him; beyond them rested Lecter. His attentions were first to their acting leader, a submissive and apologetic greeting. Sorrow was a very palpitable being in their soon to be growing quartet. Each one of them torn and affected in a different way, he settled in between his two hunting companions. His greetings were just as quiet towards them; he gave Cara a friendly nudge, and Sitri a sad smile. Words, at least for the moment, escaped the tawny Ostrega, but even there around familiar faces he couldn't help but feel anxious, uncomfortable at the prospects of what was bringing them together today.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Kaname - July 28, 2014

The dark furred assassin lifted his head from the den he was creating on the island. So there it was, Lecter's call. Though the old man always had a weaker call compared to everyone else, it sounded more feeble, painful even. As if the madman was summoning all the strength he had left to summon the pack for perhaps, was the last time.

Diving into the water without a second thought, he dog-paddled his way towards the meetingplace, his heart heavy and threatening to drown him in the lake. Once he reached the shore, he didn't bother shaking his pelt, simply running towards Lecter.

As he expected, he wasn't the first to reach the old man. The scarred Sitri and tawny Mordecai, the two that usurped his and Cara's positions where there, along with the young yearling. He walked towards her, nodding at the higher-ranking pair solemnly before sitting by the young female.

Tentatively, he licked her cheek. It felt awkward for him, but the meaning was clear. He felt bad for her, no, he knew how she felt and was giving his condolences. Cara worshipped the white queen more than anyone else he knew besides Ira and Lecter. Her decent into madness was hard on everyone, but the worst effects were on the Beta and the Zeta. His icy gaze turned to the Beta then, tilting his head. "Greetings, Lecter." he murmured.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Mayhem - July 28, 2014

so I'm still testing out Mayhems personality, might be a bit jumpy and al, over the place in his posts, sorry in advance

The lumbering youth had been busy meandering his way around the unique pack lands when the Summons rang out. A chill travelled down his spine at the call followed by the inevitable flash of anger at being called. The black behemoth was still trying to adapt to the life outside of his youth in which not every call ended with savagery.

He had not bothered to acquaint himself with anyone else in his adopted "family" yet, choosing to simply watch and learn. Mistrust was his very nature and it did nothing to hold the bursts of hatred in check. He made his way to the call, his yellow eyes befalling each who had arrived first, keeping his distance, yet close enough to hear all, a low grumble escaped as he sat on his haunches. Eyeing of each wolf except the self confessed madman that was his leader, his size lending him the ability to forego fear and inwardly challenge all who looked at him.

They called, he came, that was all that mattered so far. His vulnerability, and self concern at being amongst the group held in check as he waited in the attack that would never arrive.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Kyrillos - July 28, 2014

The tawny male had been exploring and finding his way in this new pack's lands when he heard Lecter's summons, a chill traveled through him and he pawed the ground angrily. He was still trying to adapt to being in a pack, after all he had never been in one his whole life until now and when he was a loner or with his parents. Usually every call resulted in danger and blood.

He had not tried to know the members of his pack yet, choosing instead to watch and learn, knowing that something was happening in the pack. He didn't what that was yet but he sensed it was something to do with the Alpha of the pack, Jinx since the Beta was now taking over the duties of the leader.

Some other wolves had arrived before him, just as he expected. He dipped his head to Lecter and sat down, away from the senior pack members.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Creidne - July 29, 2014

Following her struggle with Rahzie, Creidne had assumed a low profile. To be frank, she was ashamed -bothered by the recklessness of her own stunted fuse. It was as if all of her parents' nay-saying had come to pass. She had abandoned Kephriti for adventures in the secular world and it seemed as though every decision since then had become a disaster. The pack, her leader, the fight -it was definitely wrong. Tossing her head atop extended legs Cree grappled with various possible solutions.

That's when the Shaman called -his message very persuasive in its urgency. Going up on all four feet, Creidne shook herself and prepared to go -only to be halted by Jinx's chaser moments later. Shrinking in her own skin, the Lambda nervously searched her proximity with a wide eyed glance. When nothing or rather no one was seen, it was in spite of herself that Creidne breathed an automatic, "thank Kephriti."

Disturbed by this she refused to think on it and instead made her way quickly to the meeting place. Noting Rahzie's at least temporary absence, she settled in and threw a nod towards Sitri. After all, he was her only peaceable acquaintance outside of the white leader that haunted them all in melancholy.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Bragi - July 29, 2014

Given that he had only been apart of the Spine wolves a couple of days Bragi had made himself somewhat of a recluse if only to explore the territory with a curiosity and hunger that would match Odinn's own. Leaving Stavanger Bay had not been a hard thing to do, though the only thing he could claim he really missed was the ocean. Here, he was further away from it but also he was away from Ragnar and Thistle and that put him at ease and allowed him to feel comfort where he had before felt nothing but discomfort and tension. As if he were waiting for Ragnar to spoil what he childishly clung to as reality, or for Thistle to lash out at him given her conviction that he was of Ragnar's seed. Even so, he dedicated his time to learning the layout of the pack lands he intended to soon branch out and renew his attempts at aiming for the Outrider apprenticeship with vigor.

When the call had risen into the air he had paused in his exploration and made his way there. It had not been risen by Jinx but instead whom Bragi assumed to be her partner, a male he had not met, and noting the urgency in the call made haste. When he arrived there were already a good few wolves gathered and the platinum silver Rekkr moved to stand apart of the crowd but not too close to any of the wolves only because he knew none of them. Eyes of Caribbean ice focused upon the man that stood atop the rocks, looking ...worse for wear waiting to hear what needed to be exchanged with an intent curiosity he attempted to hide behind casualness, favoring silence.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Rahzie - July 29, 2014

Rahzie was asleep when the first howl entered her dreams. It was a relatively pleasant dream, nothing special - until, in the space between dreams and waking, the second wail tore through her mind like a shuddering lightning bolt. It instantly turned the visions in her mind's eye dark, bloody, and fearful. The coywolf started awake then with a gasp of air, her body tense and hackles on end. She was glad for the light of day that reached her then.

Thoroughly disturbed, the lithe woman took a few breaths to steady her racing heart before slowly standing. She stretched, first her front legs, then her back, and then shook out her coat. Then she took off at a trot towards the call, keeping her large ears pricked for any sign of the diseased Alpha that was no doubt the one to send out the second, anguished howl.

The coywolf came as one of the last into a rocky outcropping [Ellie has actually been there irl, if the link is correct in saying that it's in the Black Forest]. Only a few days old as a member of the pack, she was not concerned by the overwhelming amount of unfamiliar faces, but did look for a familiar one. The call had no doubt been sent out by the older white male - she knew by the blood stains on his coat that it must be Lecter, the Beta, and if she had any doubts the amount of wolves already surrounding him put those doubts aside.

She quickly recognized Kaname, and that he was sitting close to a frosty-colored young female, but was still too shaken up by Jinx's wail to even smile to herself. Then she noticed Mordecai with a bit of relief, and started towards him while glancing around for Meldresi. Instead of her eyes finding the dark priestess, the coywolf found her gray-colored adversary. Those eyes then narrowed, but she knew better than to start anything with Creidne now, and she continued towards Mordecai. She wordlessly settled about a body-length away from him, giving him a nod and cautiously friendly smile before turning her eyes up to Lecter, and dipping her muzzle slightly to him as well.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Vectra - July 29, 2014

Vectra came as quick as her feet could muster, though she was a fair distance away, trying to catch a hare she still heard the howl. Thus she abandoned her hunt and ran forth quickly heading towards them. Huffing to catch her breath as she arrived she looked upon their beta remaining silent. But her respectful gaze was ever present, Vectra had a feeling why Lecter had called them all here.

Her white mask and firey eyes glanced at all whom had come. Many new members where here, they had not a clue what tragedy was occurring right under their nose. Vectra could only feel for them. As they were clueless as to what they were about to learn.


RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Meldresi - July 29, 2014

The priestess was curled in her den, preparing poultices when the howl came to her ears. It belonged to the dying Beta, Lecter. A summons, it was, for the whole pack. There was a meeting to be had soon and he needed everyone in attendance. She rose on her paws, preparing to step out of the den when Jinx's call reached her ears. Her ears flattened then, in fear. Was the Sheogorath-tainted female nearby?

She waited a while, hoping that no stench of sickness or flash of mucky white would pass her den entrance. When it all seemed clear, she darted out of her temporary home, heading towards the shaman's call.

There was quite a lot of wolves gathered by the time she reached them. Eleven, including the Beta himself. Scanning the gathered wolves with her eyes, she saw a lot going on subtly between them. The dark-furred male Kaname was sitting rather close to a young white female, whose face betrayed her somber mood. Rahxethe, or Rahzie was sitting by a tawny male, not before giving an icy glare to a gray-furred youth. A black male sat away from them all, watching everyone with suspicion in his eyes. So much going on here, yet she couldn't stay to enjoy it all. A pity.

The priestess sat down in her own little space, indigo eyes turned towards Lecter, awaiting his words.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Bane - July 30, 2014

EDIT (1/22/2015): Removing tables.

Knowing that the alpha was having some kind of health issue, or was it a mental breakdown? Either way the silver prince had been cautious of where he went in the days that followed his meeting with Sitri and the queen, whatever she was suffering the silver youth didn't want it on him, he knew that the south was full of deathly sicknesses that came from the forests and the night, his father had told him stories of that.

Keith was trying to catch something for his hunger, there was plenty of possibilities, maybe a rabbit or a weasel, those were easy to catch, there were also deer that he enjoyed chasing, or maybe even a certain cute wolfess he had met the other day? who knows, whatever he found first he'd go after. But his hunt was interrupted by a call that he figured was the leader.. Wait, wasn't Jinx the leader? Why would be a male wolf be calling for a meeting? Regardless of what the reason was the howl sounded painful, whatever it was he was calling for it was urgent, so he stopped his activities and headed the meeting place, trotting through the giant trees of the Ouroboros.

Another howl sounded in the forest, this one sounded rather lost and the prince couldn't figure out the message, it was for sure the sick Alpha. He scanned his surroundings to make sure she wasn't anywhere close, but he didn't see anything so he kept running, now faster, he wanted to get away from the queen's reach.

He got there after a few minutes running, he was rather far from where the meeting was so it took a while to get there. He saw a big group of wolves that were already there and he didn't know any of them. Well, he recognized his gigantic friend, Sitri, and the sexy Cara across the group, accompanied by his friend, the old creep Kaname, so even though he wanted he didn't come to say hi, he just looked at her hoping she'd notice him. Silver pelt made his way behind the crowd and sat beside another white younger wolf who looked just as puzzled as him, "Hey" he greeted him while looking at the old guy that stood in the rocks presiding the meeting, was he the.. Leader?.. "What did I miss?" He asked in low voice, he felt the tension in the air, something wasn't right.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Lecter - August 01, 2014

Round Two will end August 4th (unless everyone posts before that)

The long, mournful sound that could not rightly be called a howl sent hackles prickling along his spine; she was at death's threshold, his Jinx. Composing himself but for a minute shudder of his jaw, Lecter turned to the wolves assembling, acknowledging each gaze with his own. Tyrande did not appear, but this did not give him pause; straightening shoulders worn round with stress and grief, the shaman forced back a sigh.

As you are all aware, Jinx is dying. Hers is a swift malady, and will surely claim her in the next several days. There is no cure, he instructed the wolves of Ouroboros, icewater eyes sweeping their faces. Therefore, you must maintain your distance.

Here his gaze alighted on the wolves he had chosen for his next task, and for a long moment the shaman remained silent. I am an old creature, perhaps too old, he muttered to the assembly. I will be following Jinx into the afterlife quite soon, but not before Ouroboros is appointed leaders in my stead, and that of your queen. Cara, Lecter intoned, gesturing with a vague lift of his forepaw that the beautiful yearling might draw near. The Spine was founded by a woman, and it is fitting to me that it be delivered into the competencies of another.You are young, but you have proven your loyalty to us. I sense ambition in you, Cara, and savagery. Jinx possessed those qualities also, he added, pausing to fight against the grief that threatened to consume him. and they carried her through countless travails and brought her great comfort and power in the face of adversity. Lead them well when I am gone, Alpha of Ouroboros.

Holding her eyes for a span of time, scrutinizing her worthiness once more, the madman turned his gaze then to the dark visage of the man who sat near. Kaname. Cara will be in need of your strength and your allegiance, as will our lands. This pack is young but will prosper beneath the leadership of yourself and our new Alpha. Therefore, I appoint your her second, her Beta. You will do justice to the rank, as Cara will do unto her own.

Lecter sat back upon his haunches now, a great weight removed from his heart. His beloved's pack would thrive, would go on; there were a myriad of reasons for his choosing of Cara and Kaname, but the one that amused him most was the prospect of children in the future, when she had come of age. Cubs to cement the foundation of Ouroboros Spine. It was not to be said that Lecter had no qualms; indeed, letting the pack rest in the hands of heathens was distasteful to him, but perhaps in time the young pair would come to realize the might of Sos, of Atka, of the Loa that drifted roundabout them at all times and demanded appeasement.

Impressing upon Cara the characteristics that had comprised Jinx's life would, in hope, ensure that she would not founder. His sylph had been young when she first pursued leadership, and had it not been for the awful curse of the disease that drained her breath now, Jinx would have become more illustrious, more powerful, than Nanuq and Koios themselves.

Our borders must be patrolled; caches filled. And one among you must take the role I will leave; that of healing. No pack is successful without one to mend them in times of war. He gazed at each one of them in turn, and at long last the corners of his mouth drifted upwards into a ghosted smile. It has been my great honour to serve first Silvertip, then Ouroboros, as your Beta, your shaman, your healer. I will speak fondly of you all in the afterlife.

With that he fell silent, inviting with an inclination of his head any words the others would have, that the new leading pair might have. And in the back of his mind, the knowledge that he could now die in peace, in the knowledge that Ouroboros would continue, burned hotly.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Vectra - August 01, 2014

Vectra was somewhat sad that both lecter and jinx were leaving this live so soon after Vectra had met them, she was just getting to know them and all. But she was quite happy with who was appointed to lead, Cara was from what she knew a fine young girl, Vectra had met her in passing and sense then thought she was very loyal and strong. Not to mention when jinx was still sane she spoke very fondly of cara. Vectra trusted lecter and jinx's judgment.


RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Mordecai - August 01, 2014

A low whine left Mordecai as Lecter spoke of the impending death of himself and of Jinx. It pained him, but that pain was also fleeting for the time being. He knew there was nothing that they could do for Jinx, but he hoped it would not go the same for their shaman. There was no time to dwell on what could be though, as Lecter moved on swiftly and spoke of those who would be appointed. Mordecai was not surprised by this action, and looked to Cara and Kaname both curiously. They had both seemed sour towards him days before at the hunt, and he wondered if they would retain that now. Leadership suited them he decided, but offered no congratulatory words. Now did not seem like the time and the place, and he watched the assembled pack with mixed emotions.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Tyrande Nightshade - August 01, 2014

Sorry I didnt post til now! I've been uber busy!

Tyrande slipped in quietly. So softly, in fact, one would most likely had to either smell her scent(which had an earthy smell to it, since she had just recently finished digging up the clay. It was why she entered so late) or look over at her slinking shadow.

She slowly slid next to Sitri, being the most comfortable with him, even if she had gained new friends. She said nothing as Lecter addressed the group. She knew this would come. She had discussed it with him not so long ago...

She remained silent, attempting to become one with the background, and nothing more.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Cara - August 01, 2014

The wait was almost unbearable. Sitting there in front of the raggedy shaman was painful. Seeing him stand there, his glassy eyes examining everything but at the same time holding an emptiness in them made Cara's heart sting. She couldn't even imagine what the man must've been going through, she had not stopped to think of him while the queen crumbled onto herself. He had popped in her mind when she had found out Jinx was sick, like many others --Lecter included-- she had hoped the knowledge of the madman were enough to bring back their beloved Alpha. But they weren't. There really was no power in the whole wide world that could stop the virus from eating Jinx alive. They could not stop the unstoppable.

What might've been only a few minutes felt like years to the girl. While the rest of the pack assembled, Cara could just look at Lecter. Her gaze was lost int the icy sea of his glass covered eyes, in them she found a strange feeling of comfort not Mordecai's nudge or Kaname's subtle kiss could bring to her. Shapes and shadows of different sizes moved beside her, but she did not take heed on the quiet murmurs that floated around the gathered crowd.Nothing could break her concentration. Nothing except the mounstrous cry of an agonizing idol. Her idol. She dipped her head and shut her eyes tightly, as if that awful cry had been the last beat of Jinx's heart. If she had hands she would've covered her face so that the thin threads of liquid sadness rolling down her cheeks would go unnoticed.

But she could not. Her tears were exposed to everyone's oogling eyes, and so was her heart. There she was, drifting in a sea of melancholy, her boat sinking slowly as the hands of reality pulled her to the bottom, where there was no air, only the bitter taste of grief. Everyone was seating now. And as another choaked gasp escaped from her lips, Lecter began to speak. The first parts of his speech did not reach her ears, the sound of her own sobs drowned his voice. Finally she snapped, pushing herself to sit a bit taller and shove the sadness down her throat. There was no time for sorrow now. She could cry later, now all that mattered were the words being pronounced by the madman.

She met his eyes right on cue, she was being called by him now. Her eyes fluttered from him to Kaname holding an expression of what had he just said? But it was a rhetorical question, she had heard every word the shaman had directed at her. The command to rise to her paws travelled through her nerves but her muscles would not respond. Again she forced herself to snap, she stood brusquely and walked slowly to meet Lecter. Cara faced the man, and without further hesitation lunged to his arms, engaging into a warm embrace that without the need of words conveyed how thankful and blessed she felt. She remained in his arms while he called Kaname forth. In that moment her eyes lit up, she turned to see him, her eyes oozing tears of pure happiness now.This was the moment she had longed for all of her short life.

A last kiss was planted in Lecter's cheek, the glass-eyed shaman would never be forgotten. Like Jinx and the name of the Ouroboros, he had been tattooed to her heart.

The new queen had risen from the ashes of the old reign, like Jinx she wore frost in her coat and fire in her heart. Her eyes rested on what was now her pack. Each of the wolves seating before her were committed to her now. With a mix of adrenaline and pride flowing through her veins she parted her lips into the greatest smile her face could hold.

After dedicating a nod to each of her subordinates, she opened her mouth hoping that the right words would come out. She wasn't as great as Lecter when it came to speeches, but she felt the need to say something to the wolves that were now depositing their loyalty and faith in her. "Failure is not an option" she began, though the acids in her stomach threatened to burn her alive she carried on, "I will not fail you, and I expect for you all not to fail me. Jinx cannot be replaced, nor can Lecter. I do not mean to take their place, but rather pick up where they left off" she stated, knowing that Jinx would forever live in the hearts of the Ouroboros. "Make her proud" she commanded while eying Kaname in case he had anything else to add.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Sitri - August 02, 2014

Sitri saw tyrande come to a stop beside him and he turned gleaming red eyes to her followed by a small nudge to her shoulder he then turned back around and he listened. Sitri was not ok with the deaths but he did not feel real sadeness unsure exactly how to but he did want to give comfort. His ears laid to his skull when cara and kaname were both given leadership and he wondered what would happen to tyrande when two wolves who hated her were in positions of power and could he accaept it if they hurt his only friend. He perked ears back up and dipped his muzzle regardless welcoming them to being his leaders.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Creidne - August 02, 2014

Well damn, Creidne thought as reality was hemmed and shook all about by the dictating shaman. Widening her eyes as she glanced discretely at other faces -Cree searched for a similar sense of unsettling in any one of them. However, it seemed that she was the last to know the apparently obvious truth, and so brooded in her scurried thoughts alone.

Being so new to the pack it wasn't as if the changes were all that overwhelming, but it was a situation in which principle ruled. Most wolves weren't comforted by such far reaching life alterations -least of all Creidne DeForge. However, she did her best to remain placid on the outside. She would save her fit until she was alone beneath a stretch of midnight.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Kaname - August 02, 2014

The assassin felt a soft whine threatening to rise in his throat as he saw Cara react to the agonizing cry. He absolutely despised seeing her sad. Her face was twisted and pointed to the ground, eyes shut. He did all he could to pay attention to Lecter's speech and ignore her sobs. She was strong, she didn't need him babying her all the time like some child. She was more mature than most of the wolves her age, at least that he knew. Cara could stifle her tears soon, she was not the type to wear her heart on her (metaphorical) sleeves.

His ears twitched as the old man mentioned the frost-furred yearling's name and gestured for her to come forth. Was he really doing what he thought he was? His heart filled with pride when Lecter named her the next Alpha of Ouroboros, the next queen. She was the perfect choice in his mind, and if anyone thought otherwise and dared challenge her, he would be right by her side.

Literally now, because soon after Cara was named Alpha, he was named Beta. A smile flashed upon his face as he walked up to sit besides Lecter. He looked at Cara's face, full of joy. He merely sat back as she spoke to their pack. His eyes watched the reactions of their subordiantes. It was mixed, but they would soon gain their acceptance soon enough. He said nothing, having not much to say to them. Cara's speech was enough.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Bane - August 04, 2014

Shit- that's the only thing that was going through the Young prince's mind when the bloodstained Leader spoke about what was going on with the pack. The Alpha was dying, the Beta was dying, and the new appointed leaders were a young (but cute) girl and her dirty old daddy. Keith didn't know what to get out of all this, he had just joined a pack he thought was strong, and so far it looked like it was, but perhaps its stability would be harmed by the death of the fierce female that he knew as his Alpha now. Perhaps this wasn't a place where he'd find the tranquility to take care of his.. condition.

He silenced while trying to sink in all the information. Not that it was so shocking for him, he knew the alpha was sick, but he didn't know it was lethal, and he needed to make a decision in that moment, would he stay and fight for the pack to grow stronger, or would he leave to find a more stable place to rest his mind? Honor the woman who had trusted him into her territory or leave it all to crumble to the ground?

He was about to turn back and return to the safety and peace of his den when the new Alpha came up to the rock where the old leader was. her words made something click inside him, he couldn't let her down. From the moment they first met he sensed fire inside her, she could be strong for the pack, maybe she was after all the time he had looked for, the one that he could swear loyalty to. He dipped his muzzle at her accepting her claim and shot a smile to cheer her up a little. Kaname was another thing altogether, that he had been named Beta didn't mean he'd flatten his ears at his sight and lick his boots, if he'd ever get the young prince's acceptance and respect, the old man would have to earn it.

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Meldresi - August 04, 2014

Her ears pressed back, eyes fixed on the young girl that was called up. She was not familiar with most of the pack, but she knew this: this girl was young and ambitious. Those two things never sat well together. Nor did savagery. She was more likely to bring this pack to ruin than Jinx was. At least Jinx had age and experience on her side.

She did calm down a bit when Kaname was called up. Like before, she didn't know much about him, but he seemed familiar with her. Maybe a bit too familiar, from the way those two sat together in the crowd previously. Either way, he looked like he would help her a little.

Though she still had her doubts. Doubts that would probably be good reasoning for her departure. She wanted her own pack and the new leadership was not adequate enough for her. That would be a good excuse, no?

RE: the awful screaming of the lambs • pack meeting - Mayhem - August 05, 2014

The black behemoth listened with a bored indifference, too focused on fighting his own turmoil of mistrust to fully register the decree that had been passed down. His eyes fixed the newly announced leaders with a curious gaze. He didn't know them, and had no place to say anything substantial.

He sat quietly listening to the brief talk, the shuffling, twisting of heads, eyes falling on each other in mixed tones of disbelief, distrust, and anticipation. He shifted his weight for a moment, continuing to quietly observe the scene that played out before him.