Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Without Law and Order there is chaos - Printable Version

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Without Law and Order there is chaos - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 28, 2014

I would love to see one response per pack member but this is not necessary,

Ferdie returned to the mountain with the away party in one piece. There would be Peace now if not a tense one; but for one Law. One that if broken would visit Chaos and Ruin
Ferdie Von Pelt would have no choice to forbid this action from any of his pack if they dare break the Law the consequence would be dire indeed.

Ferdie climbed his pride rock at the foot of the oasis and lifted his head, his howl would carry up and down the mountain from here, none of his pack would have the excuse of ignorance. Ferdie's song was loud and clear

[size=medium]You of my Pack!!
You my Family!!
I have made a vow on your behalf,
on OUR behalf.

NEVER AGAIN visit Swiftcurrent Creek!!

New and Old must Know
This is LAW
This is Final
Stay Away!!!

Ferdie meant for his warden's to pass this law along when speaking to new recruits and the pups born here if any would be raised with the law in grained as far as he was concerned.

Emotionally exhausted Ferdie lay down on the rock and panted until sleep claimed him, in the morning hopefully things would be better

RE: Without Law and Order there is chaos - Red Wolf - July 28, 2014

Red heard Ferdie’s call as she was cleaning out the old bedding in her den and replacing it with new sweet grass and moss. Its meaning was absolutely, one-hundred percent, crystal-clear. And she would heed it or suffer the consequences. She didn’t know how long she would remain a member of the Sunspire pack, but as long as she was here, Ferdie was Alpha, and she would do as he said. Besides, she had no rhyme or reason to go to Swiftcurrent Creek regardless — nor did she want to.

She gave a high-pitched howl in return that said, I listen, and I understand. I will not go to Swiftcurrent Creek. It was a short response, but she knew it got the point across. And she knew that even when she left this pack to begin her own, she would stay well away from the Creek’s borders.

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RE: Without Law and Order there is chaos - Aleera - July 28, 2014

Aleera who was still exploring the territory, would look to the sky upon hearing the howl of her new Alpha. She had no notion of what had transpired to cause such a law, and she figured if it ever became important she would know. Lifting her own muzzle to the sky, her jaws would part into a song of sorrowful beauty, a haunting song, she would sing..."I heed your law. It shall never be broken by my paw, to you I vow with all my heart." When she had finished her gaze would travel in the direction of the song from her leader, her commander.

RE: Without Law and Order there is chaos - Vienna IA - July 28, 2014

Vienna sounded out a musical tone of agreement without hesitation when she heard the ultimatum from Ferdie. Inwardly she heaved a sigh of relief. So it was done then. They had come to the agreement finally of simply ignoring one another and moving on. Such a simple concept but so hard it seemed for Fox to follow. Seemed that her followers didn't have the same issues.

She wouldn't have gone anyway unless directly ordered. Just wasn't her style to intrude.

RE: Without Law and Order there is chaos - Amekaze - July 28, 2014

Ferdie's howl resounded and the message was crystal clear. Amekaze replied in turn with a knowing smirk, for she had paused in her doings to listen keenly. None of this surprised her any, and she was pleased to know that some headway was finally made with Swiftcurrent. It just took much longer than necessary and now, the packs may be able to move on towards something greater. This, she sensed, was to be the case for the Sunspire.

She knew peace was always a goal, and that cooperation could be seen as merely silent struggle depending on the point of view, but this was something at least. Whether or not it lasted through the winter and beyond was yet to be seen..

She raised her own muzzle and sang a short, reedy song. Her voice intertwined, combined, and created the melody of the pack's agreement. It was understood, and she would heed his words.

RE: Without Law and Order there is chaos - Jace - July 29, 2014

though it made jace sick inside mostly because of LEaf and Bazi he knew they needed to protect their own even above heartbreak. So he lifted his own deep howl to swing and flow among the others to intwine with them his songs of shadow much a shadow singer at heart like his father.

RE: Without Law and Order there is chaos - Summer Ostrega - July 30, 2014

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When the call came across the wind, it was not one that came as any surprise to the Demonte-Ostrega. He had known full well that it would come. The moment Summer had watched Ferdie and the others trek away with the Creek wolves, he knew that would be the last time he would ever be able to see her again. And still, his little teenage heart felt the stab of breaking as the decree went out and he was faced with the finality of it.

Little Levi was reluctant to do so, but still he tilted his muzzle to the sky and joined the chorus of acceptance that echoed across The Sunspire. As the song faded, Summer sat for a moment with the emptiness in his chest and the tears that stung his eyes. Finally, he accepted the blackness that begged to swallow him whole, knowing there was no use in resisting. It always won eventually. He turned to disappear into the depths of the den that used to be a prison to his spring-eyed girl, then let himself be consumed.
