Wolf RPG
Whitefish River A Life Never Lives in Peace - Printable Version

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A Life Never Lives in Peace - Ira - August 25, 2019

warrior check in for @Isilmë

Some time had passed since the new family had joined their ranks and the young girl came to her asking for a mentor. Isilmë was still young which meant she had to be careful about how hard she pushed her, but in the meantime, she requested her to train her body. Learning to spar would be difficult if her body was not ready to be pushed.

Ira made her way to the sandy arena near the river bank and called for the pup. She was technically too young to become a full-on squire just yet, but hopefully, she had taken her training seriously just the same and would be ready to start learning about what was important to remember in a fight.

RE: A Life Never Lives in Peace - Isilmë - August 27, 2019

her mentor calls, and the page beelines for the source. she was sore from how hard she'd been pushing herself on the mountains, and it showed in the slight irregularity of her lope. no matter how hard she pushed, however, she could not seem to acquire the same bulk as Ira or Verx; she was growing far too quickly for that. at five months of age, she was nearing her adult height and already could meet her mother's gaze evenly - it was a long while since she'd had to peer up at the woman. 

she greeted the woman with a chuff as she paused by the edge of the sandy ring, little glimmer of excitement in her chest. her gaze passed over it before settling on her, asking aloud, "Ira?" a beat later, she added, "I've been climbing - almost every day, now." 

RE: A Life Never Lives in Peace - Ira - August 28, 2019

Ira did not have to wait long as the white page came running. While the results did not show as much as on a fully grown wolf, there was definitely a difference in the girl's build. Good. The Constable returned the girls chuff with a nod of her head, I can see that. I am glad you have taken your training seriously.

The roan wolf wandered near to inspect her closer, I think it's time to start some real training. Today will not be much of a spar, but I wish to know what you know. Do you know what's important in a fight? What to be careful of? How to spot opponents weak spots? Perhaps when to stop? It seems like many never know when to stop. If the girl was really just training to protect her family that would be an important lesson.

RE: A Life Never Lives in Peace - Isilmë - August 29, 2019

her ears perked when Ira confirmed that they would, in fact, be beginning real training. but not just yet; first came a volley of questions that she greeted with silence, thinking carefully a moment before replying. she wasn't completely lacking in experience, but nor had she enough to be confident in her skill. "I know that I'm small and fast, and need to be smart to use that against bigger, more powerful opponents." the same words her father had shared, paraphrased. "In a fight, I should try and unbalance my opponent, give myself the upper hand." 

"Weak spots - it'd be like hunting, wouldn't it? Watch how they move, where they put their weight." the last question takes her a moment, and she answers uncertainly; "I guess you'd stop when they're not going to be a threat to you, anymore."

RE: A Life Never Lives in Peace - Ira - September 03, 2019

In all honesty, she wasn't expecting the girl to answer everything right away, but she did and with shining answers. Her parents were littered in scars though, perhaps she had been taught from a very young age. Ira blinked, likely visibly surprised as she collected her thoughts. Very good. You're bright, I may have been holding back on you. She motioned with her muzzle for the girl to step into the ring. Have you ever practiced any of those tactics?

RE: A Life Never Lives in Peace - Isilmë - September 03, 2019

Ira's praise earned a grin from the girl, feeling warm pride at the surprise writ across her features. she steps into the ring after Ira, eager, having never sparred in such a formal setting before and allowing her gaze to flit over the boundaries of the loose circle. "a few times. nontu's sparred with me more, now that we're here. I used to spar with my brother, too." she wonders, bitterly, if she'll ever be able to do so again.

RE: A Life Never Lives in Peace - Ira - September 03, 2019

The mountain wolf tilted her head. Nontu? Whoever that is has taught you some valuable lessons. Let's have you practice some. I'm much bigger, I won't be relying on speed. Show me how you plan to off-balance me. Ira spaced out her paws giving her a stronger stance. The pup would not be able to off-balance her with a direct attack.