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Haunted Wood into a dream within a dream - Printable Version

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into a dream within a dream - Vengeance - August 29, 2019

68°, currently it is foggy and set during the late afternoon. Located in Great Bear Wilderness, haunted woods | ooc notes: father and son agaaain! | taggs: @Abaddon

Time ticked on, and the little man who claimed to be his son had still lingered in the woods. Abaddon he called himself. Vengeance knew nothing of the boy - and figured it was time to hunt him down and get to know him just a little more. He remained after all, so it felt only right to do so rather than let him linger with no familiarity at all. 

The boy's scent was still rather foreign, after only meeting him once in comparison to the other members of the Nightwalkers in the woods; the greyscale man was another, but he didn't seem to be lingering around anymore, though his partner was... interesting, he would seek out Vanity himself this time to see what had happened between what he had suspected to be lovers. 

But that would be for another day... The other male within the borders would be sought out first.

RE: into a dream within a dream - Abaddon - September 03, 2019

His jaws wrapped ever so slowly around as much neck flesh as he could grab, so tight that the fluttering pulse of his victim could be felt against the blood coated flesh of his tongue. You would think that he meant to crush the jugular but no, instead a low sound of rapture was emitted from the female's throat and a low, throaty sound from his own was released as the blood flowed over his tongue and down his throat while their bodies moved together in unison...

His walk was filled with the smooth, lively gait of one who had just received the best gift in the world, his expression like a child who had stolen a piece of candy and was enjoying it guilt free. He reeked of sex and the sweet, metallic tang of blood, a smirk on his maw as he walked back into the territory and almost immediately into his father. He paused and while still smirking he gave an exaggerated nod of respect, cocky and leering in manner though his posture and expression were genuine enough to show he regretfully toned down his taunting nature to show respect where was due. He said nothing because he had nothing to say and as such quirked a brow and silently regarded the man to see if something was said.

RE: into a dream within a dream - Vengeance - September 11, 2019

Ruby eyes studied the boy who called him father. There was a different air about the boy since their last meeting. He was gleeful, pleasant, as opposed to the surly child he was by the lakeside. Something must have happened between and now and then. Though Vengeance was not too interested in knowing everything about his subordinates, or this brat, he was intrigued enough to ask. 

You seem to be enjoying yourself. What happened? Do fish finally satisfy you? The last sentence was more of a tease. A smirk crossing his features as the grim grin cracked his features, all the while the monster's eyes remained on the boy. Studying... listening. For anything of interest.

RE: into a dream within a dream - Abaddon - September 12, 2019

He had expected an air of disliking to settle between the two of them yet his father only stared and studied, an unreadable expression on his face. Finally the man spoke and he snorted, as if fish would ever be satisfying for him. Disgusting slimy things. "Nope. Something far better than fish. Women, there are so many that take so little encouragement to lift their tails" he spoke without a thought to how rude it was to speak of women in such a way, they weren't around so why should he hold his tongue? "So far no broad from here pays me any mind but I'm thinking of keeping pleasure separate from business, business being here, the pack. Doesn't faze me any" he talked with intentional casualness, like nothing he said was out of the normal for a son to say to his father.