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Nocturne Summit shallow - Printable Version

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shallow - Moony - September 02, 2019

moonshadow's somewhere behind them, likely making sure the two don't fall backward. the going is slow; moonshine is learning rapidly, and the previous experience has certainly helped. still, she's weighed down by worry and doubt; this far out, is there any chance of zeroing in on her missing sibling?

she glances towards @Rowan, slightly behind her on the rock. for the first time, she's making an effort to lead the way (well, really, moonshadow's doing that) doing something besides following at her brother's heels. despite the unfamiliarity of the lands all around them, she's infused with dogged determination.

RE: shallow - Rowan - September 02, 2019

He was angry. He'd been made to leave.
He'd not spoken as much as usual, falling into quiet fear of the world. Everything here was dangerous.
Strange plants, strange animals and birds.
The terrain was more dangerous than the ravine -- and he'd fallen into that!

He'd mostly kept to his Mothers heels, or directly under her chin. Sulking and fearful.
He wondered how long they'd be gone? How far they'd traveled?
​He'd not been left out of sight, not that he wanted to be.
And what topped it all off, his Mother and sister seemed happier.
It almost infuriated him.

Then, his sister stopped in front of him, earning a disheveled glare and a curt, "Move."
If they were going they were going. No stopping unless it was to eat or sleep. Stopping was for being at home.
Grumpy boy

RE: shallow - Moony - September 02, 2019

Rowan's anger was understandable, if only because she thought it was directed towards their sibling's kidnappers, not the world all around. the single command which would have had her instinctively lower herself at the woods, drew only a raised brow from her now. 

she continues climbing, glancing once over her shoulder at her brother and the land that stretches out before them. the view is stunning and was it not for the seriousness of their mission, it would have made her giddy. "we aren't going to be able to find him if we exhaust ourselves." she shoots back, though her voice is soft.

RE: shallow - Rowan - September 02, 2019

His sister didn't know why they were really out here. He'd figured it out ever since Moonshadow asked him what really happened at the ravine.
She didn't think the woods were safe -- but how was out here any better?

His words had her going again with a surprised look of dominance. He didn't care about being dominant. She knew he'd protect her when danger came -- which it would, out here -- but she didn't have to look like he was demanding much more than to keep going.
Her comment made him wonder How much of him is there to find?
A dark thought, but he knew what happened to dead bodies.
But she wanted to find him, so did he. He just... didn't want to leave the woods, knowing they might not ever go back.
Screw that, he certainly would with his family or not.
Not even his birds left, that's how dangerous it was here.

"Where do we look?" Trudging so far seemed pointless.

RE: shallow - Moony - September 02, 2019

"I don't know," she replied, a little subdued. she'd go wherever it was Moonshadow directed them, perhaps a little more enthusiastically because she claimed the best of both worlds; her family, but also being further from Blackfeather than she'd ever been. 

she does know that her brother's anger weighs heavy on her, and in an attempt to share the beauty she sees behind him, she says, "look behind you—isn't it amazing?" and because she knows he loves the woods, adds, "way back there, that's blackfeather, probably." it takes some squinting, but she thinks she can make it out. she'd rather not.

RE: shallow - Rowan - September 02, 2019

Her reply confirmed his thoughts and he ducked his head down, refusing to give her a look of  I told you so because she was already so down heartened.
He didn't truly realize her extent of hate for her birthplace and wondered if it were because of him and his constant want to play fight and have games.
He only wanted to be stronger for all their benefits.

He looked back if only to make her happy.
True enough, the sprawling bramblepoint lay there. Beyond that, the peaks of Blackfeather could be made out. Tears sprang to his eyes and homesickness crashed into him.
Looking along the distant horizon, he saw the mountains Tundra had shown him. Viewed perfectly well from inside the borders.
Here, he realised having height gave one the advantage of being able to see further. But that was all.
"I guess so," he murmured a reply, trying to keep his voice from breaking.

RE: shallow - Moony - September 02, 2019

and for the first time, Moonshine realized she had to be the strong one, here. it was a realization that had her start a little, and reject the notion initially, but to do so would be selfish, surely. and so, despite how much it pained her to say it, she murmured, "we'll be back, soon." 

she doesn't want to focus on what's behind them anymore. glancing to a wiry bush growing about 20 meters above, she challenges, "race you to there?" a quick motion of her muzzle indicates where she's looking, then back to him, not accelerating until he expresses some sort of approval.

RE: shallow - Rowan - September 02, 2019

He hoped so.
He so very much hoped so. To feel the branches close in around him, the closed air holding him tight.
Perhaps it was selfish of him to want to go back so desperately. Shine hated it, he saw it clearly, His Mother didn't think it was safe; the only danger he saw was the silver man.

At last, he dragged his gaze away to see what his sister was pointing at. Some dumb bush that probably would give you a rash or prickle your nose.
He didn't feel like racing, but he'd be an ass if he didn't. So he nodded and half-heartedly started into a sprint, putting a half-grin of his face.
He loved running it just...didn't feel the same. Like you had to run because it meant survival, not for fun. He didn't care if he won or lost.

RE: shallow - Moony - September 02, 2019

he agreed, and she grinned, moving to scramble over the rock as quickly as possible. the place she's chosen is fairly flat, and allows for greater speeds, though she has no doubt moonshadow must worry, seeing her children sprinting across a mountain. 

she almost collides with the bush, glancing back to her brother as he stepped to the finish line a moment later. wild grin lights up her face, but she only has to glance at his expression to know his heart isn't in the game. her victory feels hollow, suddenly, and so does she. she doesn't mention her victory aloud, but instead suggests, "we should wait for mom." she's further down, and she'd told them not to stray.

RE: shallow - Rowan - September 02, 2019

She raced past him seconds later, and he gently pushed harder to make it a game. He slowed once she nearly collided with the danger bush and he was quick to ask: "Are you ok?"
Why is it whenever they raced, she nearly gets hurt?

She gave him an incredulous look and he knew she'd realized he wasn't happy. 
He flashed her a grin, trying to chase away the sad anger in him.
He had to be better than this but all he could feel was a heavyweight pressing on his shoulders and dragging on his hips.

He nodded in agreement, watching Moonshadow quickly chase after them with her worried looks. He felt bad for her.