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Blacktail Deer Plateau the emerald necklace - Printable Version

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the emerald necklace - Lasher - July 29, 2014

*tosses @Fox* when you have the time, m'dear! <3

now that he had been formalized as peregrine's paramour, lasher felt that the next step was to solidify his relationship with fox. whatever came of it remained to be seen; he was content to be her companion, to frisk with her in empty fields whenever the urge took them. for as long as the ruby was loyal unto the panther, taltos would see her in his heart as a beloved personage.

the man still intended to pursue the task of gamekeeping peregrine had first given him, but the prospect of his own garden was wholly delightful and distracting, and within a few days he had dug up and replanted several species of blossom outside his den, arranging them by hue.

the result was a floral rainbow that swayed appealingly in the loam, and pleased his eyes each time he saw it. today was no different; the delta swiftly dug a depression for yet another flower, dirtying his paws in the process, plume swaying behind him as he threw himself headlong into his work.

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RE: the emerald necklace - RIP Fox - July 29, 2014

I am so jazzed to see how their relationship unfolds. Have I ever mentioned that you have the best toons? Because you do. Somewhere out there, little Xerxes+Rust babies are running around. <33

A day had passed, perhaps two, before Fox left Peregrine's side. It was where she felt most comfortable, but she knew that she could not stay there forever. There was a whole pack of wolves waiting for her, some she had even met before coming here. The girl... Fox could not remember her name, but she did remember that the girl had been a part of Swiftcurrent for a brief interlude. And now she was here. Eventually, Fox would catch up with her, but she still felt too shaky in her position to do anything just yet. There was also Finn, whose name she remembered purely because they had made a big deal about it. He had been a loner then, and she had made his acquaintance just days before Haunter had returned.


The name felt so fitting now, perhaps more than it had when he was alive. He visited her often in dreams, and they had children and grandchildren there. They grew old together, and then they were reborn to live it all over again. Fox mourned for him in private, whenever Perry was taking care of his children or going out to converse with Willow. She mourned for him in her dreams, even though it was often a happier place. The nights that she slept beside Peregrine, she often awoke and smiled, only to realize that it was not Haunter and that she was no longer in Swiftcurrent Creek. Granted, her situation here wasn't terrible. But she was impatient, and it did not yet feel like home.

Fox parted ways with Perry, nipping his shoulder to let him know that he was not to follow her this time. If she was to be his second in command, she would have to stop clinging to his side like a small child. Without consciously doing so, Fox eventually found her way to Lasher, and she paused to regard him with an impish grin. Seeing a familiar face (even vaguely so) caused her tail to sway from side to side as she approached him in good spirits. Observing that he was digging, Fox began digging as well, unknowingly ruining his work because she was a world-class idiot.

P.S. I got rambly, no need to match length.

RE: the emerald necklace - Lasher - July 30, 2014

ty~~~ that means a lot <3 yay for rust/xer babies! and yes, i am also excited to see how this dynamic turns out :o

lasher leant back, paws still within the earth, as fox approached, and her high spirits buoyed him. eartips pricked as she uprooted a scant few of his blossoms, but he did not fault her for it. laughter, the delta murmured, pausing to plant the flower for which his depression had been intended. patting the earth with a loamy forepaw, he regarded fox fondly. you are settling in, yes?

perhaps she needed a tour, or whatever bits of history taltos was able to salvage. his mind floated toward the recall of peregrine's intentions for the ruby and for his murky-eyed servant, and he pondered it curiously. for some time, fox and the panther would be wrapped in each other, though he trusted peregrine to seek him out for their own interludes. it was the natural order of things, and while fox was beautiful, and her inner spark a lovely thing to lasher, he would not press the union of their souls unless he found an opening in her heart for him.

but that would require time, which he was happy to grant her. he was quiet, awaiting her reply, while his eyes fell half-lidded at the gentle zephyr which swept suddenly through the still trees.

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RE: the emerald necklace - RIP Fox - August 01, 2014

Fox eyed him when he said the word "laughter," although she was obviously amused by it. It was funny how he said the word, rather than just laughing. Perhaps it was just a silly joke. Or a quirk of his she was only just now discovering. Truth be told, she hadn't spent too much time with Lasher. The girl had been glued to Perry's hip ever since arriving, and she had hung out with him on several occasions prior. With Lasher, she had met him only once before, and had only talked with him while others were around. This, er, private meeting, was different.

When he paused to plant the flower, Fox realized that he had been putting things in the ground rather than pulling them out. “Oh,” she said sheepishly, “Sorry.” Backing away from the bed of flowers (now half-ruined from her antics), her ears perked up when he asked if she was settling in. It had been a long time since anybody had asked her that question. In fact, she wasn't sure if she had ever been asked. Had Lethe done so before she perished? If not, it was the only time the opportunity had presented itself.

“I don’t know,” she confessed, “I haven’t done much except stay with Peregrine.”

RE: the emerald necklace - Lasher - August 02, 2014

it is no matter! lasher exclaimed airily, nudging the stalks into a base sense of place with his muzzle. replanting would be a task for another time; he used the crook of one fore-ankle to wipe loam from his nostrils and regarded fox kindly. would you like to be shown about? he inquired.

if she was to be their beta, the fiery creature must learn the lay of her new lands, and their borders. taltos was delighted to be her guide, and ears swiveled forward expectantly as he waited for her response. and if she so declined, perhaps he would merely spend this time to question her, to know more about the vixen that had so captured peregrine.

RE: the emerald necklace - RIP Fox - August 02, 2014

“Yes,” Fox replied, thinking that a more formal tour might help her figure out where things were. Of course, most of learning the land would just be done as time went on. She tried to remember what it had been like when she first arrived in the creek. Fox could not remember if anybody had given her a tour, but they had all been new to the creek at that point. She had been a founding member. The weight of that was heavy, and she remember Njal's voice calling out with them on their first night there. It felt so, so long ago.

“Have you lived here long, Lasher?” Fox wondered if Perry had swept him away from some other pack. Perhaps that was his game-plan all along. She could not recall if Perry had founded the plateau or not. In fact, she was lacking in the history of her new home entirely, and she would have to remedy that sooner rather than later.

RE: the emerald necklace - Lasher - August 04, 2014

he was delighted, and moved to flank her. over a fortnight, the delta answered, for he did not recall how long it had been since he had come to the plateau. organizing in his mind the places he would show fox, he motioned her to keep step with him. this is my den, as you may know, he jested. not all of my nights are spent here, but it is comforting enough. you are welcome to it, whenever you would like. and in any capacity, the earthen servant added, holding her gaze for a moment to convey the undertone to his invitation.

the pursuit of fox was not something that lasher intended; he was available to her, and would treat her with amiability and affection; indeed, some of the blossoms she had dug up were intended for her, at some future point. but with the duties of leadership weighing heavily upon her, and the newness of her relationship with peregrine — taltos did not think it proper to insinuate himself in such a manner. he and his panther had been granted a long span of uninterrupted time — he would give the same to fox.

is there a certain place you wish to see? he asked, appraising her gently.

RE: the emerald necklace - RIP Fox - August 04, 2014

I hate this bus driver. He swerves all over the place and gives me motion sickness. >:|

A fortnight was not a particularly long time, but considering he had said "over" a fortnight, that could be anything beyond that. He was placed high in the ranks, but considering Fox had been placed higher, she could not determine his longevity purely based on his place among the others. It seemed to her that Peregrine always treated his lovers well as far as rank went, although she knew it was not the only deciding factor.

Shoulder-to-shoulder, they walked to what he proclaimed was his den, punctuated by an offer. She raised a brow, entertaining the idea. “You and Peregrine,” she began, ignoring his second question for one of her own, “both of you are so…” Fox searched for the right word, but couldn't quite bring herself to say "sex-crazed" or "horny." “hungry.” The tone of her voice implied that she was not speaking of food. No, they hungered for something more primal, more intimate.

RE: the emerald necklace - Lasher - August 05, 2014

what an asshat :/

hungry. the word gave him pause. he did not fathom himself as being ravenous, though his appetites ran toward stamina and continuation — eyes lit with the slow burn of a smile and he halted the movement of his paws to regard her. when presented with such delicious choices, it is hard to keep oneself from hunger. but i would not snap you up, my fox; no, lasher murmured softly, swampwater eyes tracing the fine, delicate lines of her proud jaw. such a meal is meant to be savoured, even unto the last bite.

flashing a cheeky grin at the woman, taltos turned his attention to their path. i will show you where the brook runs, if you are so inclined, he invited, moving at a leisurely pace. perhaps fox would mull over his offer; perhaps she would not. at any length, lasher would remain affectionate toward her, for she had brought a bright flash of colour to their still-heated relationship.

RE: the emerald necklace - RIP Fox - August 05, 2014

Despite Lasher's long-winded reply, Fox found that he chose his words carefully and with delicacy. She had grown to dislike hearing others speak, but with Lasher (and Perry) it was different. Perhaps she just disliked hearing others speak that she did not know well. She grinned at his response, pleased with his compliments and accepting them without question. A reigned-in smile appeared on her lips as she was showered in Lasher's sweet words, and her skin was heated beneath red fur.

Fox nodded her head when he offered to take her toward the brook. She followed him without a word, trusting that he would take her where he said he was going to. The yearling had no reason to distrust him, so she put her destination in his hands paws.

RE: the emerald necklace - Lasher - August 08, 2014

their gait carried them swiftly to the cool earth of the brookshore, and lasher lowered his muzzle toward the clear water for a draught before turning dripping muzzle toward fox. lapping the crystal droplets from his chin, he nodded at the brook. this is a good place to hunt. hares and deer will venture out of the trees to drink, and several types of fish make their home in the waters.

he knew she had lived upon a creek, and ruled there; perhaps the water-creatures would be appreciated by her palate, though they rarely leapt or flocked in any great number here except when rain poured from the heavens. do you hunger for anything? taltos asked of fox, his intentions innocuous this time; there was a cache nearby if she so wished meat from it.

RE: the emerald necklace - RIP Fox - August 08, 2014

Feel free to fade with your next post, if you'd like. You can PP him leaving or not, but Fox is gonna plop down for some zzzs. :)

Fox made a note of the place, although she would more than likely stumble upon it rather than seek it out in the future. She was less than adept at remembering things of importance. Her memory failed her often, even with things as simple as names and appearances. The yearling's strength lay in her muscles and tendons, not in the floppy meat of her brain.

When he asked his question, Fox could not help but flash him a grin. But she knew his intentions were innocent for the time being. “A nap?” she suggested. They had not gone far during their tour, and yet Fox felt exhausted. The events that had led up to her arrival in the plateau were anything but relaxing, and she wouldn't mind the extra rest. “You can always show me the rest later.” And she would doubtless have plenty of time to explore on her own.

RE: the emerald necklace - Lasher - August 11, 2014


of course, he murmured softly. though they had not gone far, surely she was exhausted from the events of the past few days, and rattled with the tension of settling into leadership so soon. you may use my den, the delta offered, but a smile rose to his lips as the ruby decided to lie where she stood.

he watched her only for a moment before turning to depart; she would be safe here, and when she woke, the brook would be a welcome source of water for her. amused by her antics, affection for the fox budding in his breast, lasher left her there among the summer blooms and soft babbling of the waters.