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Do what they think that they must - Printable Version

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Do what they think that they must - Mayhem - July 30, 2014

Anyones welcome to jump on board here, just toying with May's personality a bit, results may vary

Yellow eyes rolled as the dark behemoth dragged himself along, his slow, deliberate trudging along between the undergrowth. Massive paws offering no regard to anything they fell on, sticks, leaves and insects alike being crushed under his weight. He headed in no particular direction or with any particular destination, low growls escaped the beast every few steps as his mind continued to press the insistent lies that someone, something; was watching, waiting.

A slow, quiet laugh escaped him between growls. Can't beat me now He growled in no particular direction. He moved towards a nearby tree and proceeded to use the wooden growth to scratch an apparent itch along the giants side. Stopping abruptly his cold yellow eyes darted around. Another quiet growl escaped. Who is it? he questioned the apparently empty soroundings.

RE: Do what they think that they must - Creidne - July 30, 2014

Had she been a little more obtuse Creidne would have sworn that Ouroboros Spine existed within its own supersonic universe. Here, things just seemed to occur at a pace that was beyond her -and everyone else for that matter. They were all playing a loosing game of catch up with no end or even a pitiful halftime in sight. It was tiring in an entirely different and terrible sort of way.

Thus, she had taken to wandering great lengths whenever her thoughts most perturbed her. Recently, the most nagging of them had been the urge to pray of all things. Both an atheist and lover of logic Cree had thus far refused, but the more that things continued piling up the stronger the urge became. So when she finally found herself relieved of the issue, she was quite far from her den and unaware of her surroundings.

Turning around in full as the current seemed to whisper to her, the female nervously glanced about for Jinx. It had been days now since she had last seen the deranged wolf, but that didn't stop her from spooking at every little unknown. Tucking her ears against her head as her tongue flicked anxiously, the Lambda tried to calm herself by bending to smooth the hairs along her foreleg. However, when she righted herself again she was greeted with the presence of another -separated only partially by one particularly fulsome tree. Gawking at him in a state of bewilderment, she swished her head before offering a blank, "um -hello."

RE: Do what they think that they must - Mayhem - July 30, 2014

What, what? There was someone watching, waiting. He knew it before they knew it. The forced introduction would have caused the black behemoth to leap out of his fur, if he wasn't so practiced at not showing fear or surprise. Being surprised, caught off guard usually resulted in pain. Slowly, feigning indifference he turned his gaze on the nearby feminine figure.

May's instinct was to immediately size up those around him, his nose flared, testing the air. This one was family, yellow eyes inspected the female, starting from the paws and working his way to her face. No, this one wasn't familiar, still family. His mind turned to the pleasantries required. Hello. The word came out as a low growl. He slowly stepped his way toward the light female. Are you alone? lips upturned in a forced smile, low growl replaced with a voice of curios sincerity, edged in a slight quake. If she was alone, he was safer, in his mind.

RE: Do what they think that they must - Creidne - August 03, 2014

Her intentions had been nothing more than to abandon her thoughts somewhere along the winding course. That was it. Yet, there she stood in the formal stages of a meeting. To say that Cree was unprepared would've been a serious understatement. Her thoughts were all scattered now and her extended walk had had an effect on her sense of liveliness. It just wasn't the best time for socializing -least of all making first impressions.

So she was especially bothered by the male's initial question being as odd as it was. What did he intend to do in respect either way? Distorting her face at the stranger, she showed a few fangs in distaste. "Are you alone would be the better question?" Without elaborating she wondered if the jest would occur to any of the fears that provoked his paranoia. Of course she was one to tease considering her weariness of Jinx, but then again she hadn't let her crazy show. He had.

RE: Do what they think that they must - Mayhem - August 05, 2014

The change in her features, the slight show of ivory behind her lips caused the beast to back up a few steps, her question causing a slight tension in his throat. Was he alone? He pulled his amber gaze from the female looking around the nearby brush. yes. .. he let out a low breath, as if saying the fact aloud helped relieve him of some inbuilt fear.

I am May. He managed to speak, more words than growls at the female this time. As much as he wished to be out of sight, left to his own devices, this was part of his new family, and he needed them. Apparently.

RE: Do what they think that they must - Creidne - August 06, 2014

Although she had never bore personal witness to it, Creidne was bothered by mental illness. It was frightening to think of the things someone could be pressured into under the influence of imagined forces. Moreover, in spite of her own sloth, she could sympathize with the idea of losing ones own sovereignty without even the basic will to resist. Ultimately these thoughts brought her back to Jinx, and she pained for the woman. No one deserved the personal hell that she had been given -no one.

Oblivious to the male's paces backwards, Cree regrouped in the conversation with a questioning sound. As previously stated she was somewhat out of it, spent in more ways than one. However, this proved to be to the stranger's benefit as she was more inclined to forget and likewise forgive his previous strangeness. Her thoughts were too occupied with Jinx's all to real possession to be bothered by the ramblings of an everyday weirdo.

"Well good," she responded without flavor. It was always fantastic to note that a packmate was of sound mind and body. Especially in a place like The Spine, where the unusual seemed to occur in spades. In fact, had it not been for her own stubbornness in achieving her own goals, Cree might be amongst the unknown number of wolves considering jumping ship.

Walking past him, but not necessary away from their conversation -she indicated such by giving him a considering glance over the shoulder. If they were both so intent on worrying about things, they might as well put their fretfulness to use. "Then the two of us will reinforce the nearest boarder -come." It was hardly a question, as once again she guessed that she had the better rank between them. Besides, despite his social awkwardness, he seemed as though he may have been even more disturbed when abandoned to his own devices.

RE: Do what they think that they must - Mayhem - August 07, 2014

Sorry for the delays in posts on this, This guys surprisingly hard to work posts out with. ._.

There was always the ever-present questioning gnawing in the back of his mind throwing doubt and turmoil over the black behemoths opinions and interpretation of the world around him. The notable affliction of paranoia that lingered around him like a bad smell was almost always amplified by the simple fact that his entire youth was made up of the harsh reality that when someone shows an interest in you they want something. Often its not something you want to give up.

When the female spoke, the very words triggered tiny specks of fear and anguish to fly up, the idea of turning tail and running was always heavily focused on his mind and he took great pains to try and fight those demons. His awkward shuffling, the idea of leaving was cut short when she moved toward, and than past him. The stopping of his breath when he expected a backlash for some unknown insult was eventually released when she spoke, firmly.

Questions were futile, requests just as likely to be ignored. Demands however carried weight, do what you're told and it usually didn't end so bad. Letting his breath out he turned to follow the present leader in this situation, fixing her with a look of curiosity as they began to under-take whatever task 'patrolling the borders' entailed today. Steadying his words several times over in his mind he opted to speak. I said my name. I don't know yours. Speaking the obvious, however calmly this time.

RE: Do what they think that they must - Creidne - August 07, 2014

It was really unfortunate that Creidne wasn't up for brooding at the moment. Where she, she probably would have decided that there was quite a few similarities between her former self and the stranger that was with her now. Back in her birth pack she had been incredibly awkward. Of course, it had begun as aggravating childishness, but once that damage had been done she had had a miserable time of fitting into the adult ranks. No one wanted to associate with her, and furthermore she hadn't been sure of how to interact with them. This had ultimately led to a lot of time spent lurking in the shadows with a sour expression. That was until she had found her way to Ouroboros Spine and into a new life. It was refreshing and much needed, but Cree would do much better not to forget the situation from which she herself had come.

Perhaps it would occur to her later as an afterthought. For now, she was content simply to lead the male away from their awkward salutations. Trotting at a pace that should have been easy enough to keep up with, she would look back at him so often to make sure. For her part, she was alright with traveling in silence, but all the same she wouldn't ignore the male's attempt at conversation. Especially when the topic proved reasonable and not at all bizarre. Smiling -although he could not see it- she dipped beneath a low hanging branch before giving him a reply. "Do good work with me on the boarders and it shall be your reward," she half joked. Of course, if her persisted she would give in, but a good part of her hoped that he would settle with the immature game.

The trail was not an entirely easy one to manage, and when focus was required Cree became quiet. However, when the road before them evened out, she figured that it was her turn to offer a civil word -or two. "So," she began as they dipped down into a gully like feature. "what's your take on Ouroboros Spine thus far -ensuing insanity considered."

RE: Do what they think that they must - Mayhem - August 07, 2014

He seems to be getting more autistic with each post. >_> Then again, Creidne hasn't given him anything to trigger off yet, lol.

The fact that most people would simply divulge their name, rather than make someone leap through hoops to learn it was lost on May. A reward was always a welcome trigger to get him to follow along with most things, and this was no exception. He trotted along behind oblivious to anything else for the time, having a purpose, a task, it was often enough to keep him in line.

When the follow up question was asked, he slowed for a moment. Illogical and impractical thoughts reached him. Insanity? was it a coincidence that no sooner had he joined this pack things changed, leaders were swapped or dying. A typical low growl, barely audible escaped at the thought. I don't know Muttering his answer doing his best to regain his distance between the female. He let the words hang before the streak if normality instinctively told him to try and follow up the question with his own. What do you think about it? his words were flat, though deep down he was curious to the unnamed females opinion.

RE: Do what they think that they must - Creidne - August 12, 2014

Synchronized bucks from the female's back feet, saw her up the incline of the terrain. Present fatigue aside, it was a pleasing obstacle for the mild challenge that it represented, and so Cree allowed her tongue to show in an open faced grin. During this time, she was unaware of the male's lapse in step, or the deep consideration that he had taken before responding. Truth be told, it was a good thing considering that he already seemed distinctly odd to her.

Turning her head back only when he had begun again, she simply assumed that his greater size kept him from achieving the rise as easily as she had. A totally forgivable fault. Going back to the trail ahead, she continued to move her tail -as if to spur him on and keep the mood light between them.

Humph, she sighed as they ducked around a few more earthen features. His answer had been rather contrite, and it made her wonder just how cautious she should be in responding. Tilting her ears forward as she thought for a moment, Cree renewed her smile before speaking coolly. "I think we'll have to wait until the outcome of everything to separate the good from the bad." Afterwards, she paused only long enough to draw her subsequent breath before firing away again. "Do you plan on sticking around to decide for yourself or will you disperse?

RE: Do what they think that they must - Mayhem - August 15, 2014

Good from bad? The simple distinction was often lost on May, that and he knew of no real line to divide good and bad. Things were simply how they were. He lifted his gaze to match the female for another brief moment, was leaving a viable option? Though he didn't know many others here he could quite easily step away unnoticed. He'd done it many times before, simply vanishing away from his family pack with little notice given.

I think I'll stay. I don't think I have any real reason to leave. he didn't have a reason to stay either. But that wasn't really important. As they moved along the questions seemed to be reminding him he was something of an unknowledgeable child, he was Painfully aware that he was coming off as an indecisive twit he did his best to frame a more prudent and distracting question. So...what. Like, what are we doing? At the border I mean

RE: Do what they think that they must - Creidne - August 15, 2014

Quote:hope you don't mind the mini pp of Cree brushing against him. if so it can be changed!

It didn't take much time at all for the distinct stench of their banner to come into focus. To the untrained nose, it was nothing more than a dotted line of reeking waste but, to its contributors the boarder was glory. Approaching it with such grandiose ideas, Cree's shoulders mounted as her head dropped and her throat purred a series of approving rumbles. Wagging her tail fiercely behind her, the she-wolf determined a space of hyper saturation and immediately lowered herself to roll all through and in it. Continuing with her feral noises as she did so, she was fully oblivious to May throughout her ritual worship of the marker.

Finally stopping on her side and then rising to her feet, she shook herself vigorously to loosen all manners of debris before approaching the darker wolf. Going to him with sweet whines in her throat she brushed herself roughly alongside him. Turning back with a messy grin upon her face, her steps were of a trotting manner as she returned to her original spot. Once there, she sunk her bottom with bent knees while smirking unabashed at the ball of nerves called Mayhem. "Well what do you think," she quipped with plenty of sarcasm as a stream of her urine shot to the ground. Raking her hind legs over the spot once she had risen again, she checked her worked with nose to the ground but copper eyes turned his direction. "Since you're not planning on leaving anytime soon you might as well put your mark on the place too."

RE: Do what they think that they must - Mayhem - August 18, 2014

The boundary was a familiar background stench, a lingering smell that offered security in the newly found home. When Creidne began her ritual worship of the most profuse part of the border the black behemoth was once again left awkwardly watching, yellow eyes trying to figure out what was the most appropriate action. Before any choice could be made she rose, moving toward him. His first instinct was to back away, when she still managed to press her frame against his a rather panicked, short growl escaped.

Suddenly she kept moving and he was left fighting the urge to retaliate to the sudden intrusion of his personal space, violently. Forcing a calm onto himself that was broken by the slight upturn of his lip and the slow, forced breathing, he turned in time to catch her sarcastic quip, and the site of her elegantly pissing on the ground.

The suggestion that he should follow suit, shifted him to a slight panic once more. Was she going to continue to awkwardly watch him? Feeling the need to simply obey and fit in, being his best course of action the behemoth reluctantly turned toward a nearby tree and made a display of lifting a hind leg to place his own mark on the ground. Turning back to the female. Simple enough I guess