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Altar of Twilight Sipping on fire - Printable Version

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Sipping on fire - Sativa - September 24, 2019

It was bright; the stars were shining in the sky and the female was exploring this beautiful new land that she seemed to find herself in. It made her wonder why she hadn't left her parents earlier. She walked through the area with her tail swaying behind her. 

The wind brought in new smells as she breathed in. There were other wolves near but not present at that very moment and all was peaceful.

RE: Sipping on fire - Andraste - September 24, 2019

phone post but added a lil more!
ill color the quenya later oof

Lingering beneath the shadow of the Moonspire had become a bit more than habit; and why should it not be? She had been there, once upon a dream, by order and likewise invitation, had temporarily drawn four hatchlings beneath a wisping wing in the manner of tutelage. Why ever, then, should she return to this bright and fated hall? Why ever, even when a new soul had possessed her, refigured her? To haunt the old and waxen phantom of who-ever she had once been? Would not ever be again?

She knows not.

Still: she parts from the weald in the stronghold that is @Guildenstern's scrutiny; flits o'er the fracturing land to seek what she's yet to find. The stars are again gold-hot; the crescent in the heavens again gouache; yet her mem'ry cannot recall when or how she had been struck down, here ... she must believe the words of the hissant Hydra.

It is only when her misted halved-sight returns to the earth of this Hall that they alight upon another wandering argent — and then, with a lilting chirrup, begins to move towards the vagrant’s general way.  Mára mesta,”  is the wisped greeting. Should their eyes meet, perchance she might spy the same wonderment of the celestium that had ensorcelled her so long ago.

RE: Sipping on fire - Sativa - September 24, 2019

She was lost in her thoughts as always, admiring the twinkling of the stars in the sky; pretty much oblivious to the world around her but as soon as she looked around she noticed someone in the distance greeting her in a weird language she didn't understand but it seemed friendly enough to. "Um what?" She asked simply as she cocked her head a bit confused on what it meant but eager to figure it out at the same time.

RE: Sipping on fire - Andraste - September 24, 2019

Their eyes did meet;
and though the wonderment was there, so too was the bewilderment of one who did not have an inkling as to the silver’s language; who likewise did not initially understand such confusion ... until she threaded closer to where the wanderer lingered; was able to peer at the bright masque all that much more surely. Her own ruined features faltered into thinning remorse— Ah,”

Forgive me,”  the founder amended, giving a cant of her pale brow.  It remains lost on me that there are not many who know my tongue. I simply wish you good journey.  Careful, careful to keep her ravaged spine turned from the other’s sight  (inevitable as viewing would be), Andraste then considered:  Are you a ... student of ze heavens? Ze stars, if I may ask?

RE: Sipping on fire - Sativa - September 24, 2019

She offered the woman a soft smile especially up on finding out she also spoke the common language as well as whatever it was that she had been speaking before she confessed her confusion. "It's okay no need to apologize. I'm just glad you can speak the same as I cause then it would of been hard." Language barrier and what not.

The woman continued to speak and once again Sativa found herself confused on what she meant. "Student of the what..?" She asked inquisitively. "I mean I enjoy looking at them yeah."

RE: Sipping on fire - Andraste - September 24, 2019

my brain is absolute burnt toast tonight oogly moogly i hope this is coherent-

The argent’s words, which she bartered with unfettered flow, had the phantom touch of a dimple press upon the stricken’s scarred lips; but not without a further touch of an impish curl and that which she spoke next:  Challenging, yes. Though one I would favor, truthfully.”  Rather, it sounded as if it might be ... fun, even. Then—

—she swore to herself in her mind. Not only had her tongue been unrecognized, but still yet was it a tad too silver in itself. The faint tremor of a smile  (rarity that it was)  brought forth,  Ah, that is, to study stars ... or storms, even, as I have heard how some like to look into.  A low, thoughtful hum.  I was once enchanted by them— both, but— that is, stars, I mean. It has been quite some time since I have studied them ... learnt of them.

A meager surge of blood to the cheeks;
how many before this she-wolf suffered through her incessant, indecisive wording? O!

RE: Sipping on fire - Sativa - September 24, 2019

its okay and sorry if my posts are short, I'm still getting a feel for her but I love posting her so much

What the woman said was completely understandable. "Well yeah that makes sense seeing as though that language probably comes more natural to ya." She couldn't imagine going to a place where few spoke her language. She thought it would be a very hard and awkward experience to say the least.

She was a bit confused once again. "You can learn from the stars? How they don't speak." Do they? She never had thought too much into it but perhaps they did but were too far away for them to hear.

RE: Sipping on fire - Andraste - September 25, 2019

that's okay <3 i think this week is just Short Post Galore for me too

"Mm. They spoke to me, once upon a time. Through ze soul,"
the silver breathed, though she knew well now that they would never speak to her again. All the same, she drew alongside the vagrant argent with further contemplation: "Sometimes, conversing with ze stars was more favorable than conversing with my kind. Never that I would not teach you, of course, only ... I am a charter no more,"  an absent roll of a scarred shoulder,  "for I have turned my eyes to greenseeing. I ... suppose I was meant to be one. Perhaps it is another design of fate? One woven before my birth?"

A pale shiver of her skull; an invitation for shift of conversation; and for the she-wolf to walk with her.  "Never-mind myself, though. What of you? Is there a certain ... ambition that you mean to strive to?"  Moonchased gaze found the heathery one of the loner; listening, awaiting.

RE: Sipping on fire - Sativa - September 25, 2019

So apparently they did speak but not in the literal sense but a more spiritual and it made the girl want to know more but not at that moment. "Greenseeing? What's that like nature?" She asked curious. But the. She asked about her and she gave a smile as she walked with the female. "I like being around all different types of areas. Learning about them. Also I love stories I could listen to them for days."

RE: Sipping on fire - Andraste - September 26, 2019

Another cant of the marred head; confirmation.  Ze more common word for it is ‘healing’; but I was raised on ze previous term. Still, yes: healing, mending, foraging ... seeing to greenery, tending to ze bodily hurts of others.  The stricken fell quiet, then, as the other wolfess went on to express her own interests; which likened in her mind to—

So, you favor ... roaming? Story-telling?  For all of her own loquaciousness, it was a welcome reprieve to speak so effortlessly with another ... especially amongst these gleaming halls where she had been first struck down.  You must have tread a long path to get to ze Wilds, no?  An absent flicker of thin ears.  Have you spun any tales to others, yourself? Or have you yet to?

RE: Sipping on fire - Sativa - September 26, 2019

So there was a name for what she wanted to do and she would do her best to remember it in the mere future. "My mother was a healer then. Much like you said the stars speak, she seemed to believe the trees spoke to her." She smiled at her reminiscing. "She favored the earth above almost everything. Except me and my siblings of course. Majority of my pack and kin were healers and astronomers, storytellers and advisors." For now she kept out religion.

She then went to answer the next question. "I have yet to learn stories from others especially telling stories I have yet to."

RE: Sipping on fire - Andraste - September 26, 2019

oOF hope this Tired Post is decent <3

The silver listened again to that which the traveler had to say;
a mother  (not unlike her own, it seems)  who made her peace with the earth, as opposed to kith who favored stars, sense, and stories.  My own dam found her solace with ze earth; ours was a haven, in a sense, of farseers and greenseers. I suppose that, well ...”  a part of my struck-out soul wishes to remake such.

But, finally, a pale hint of a simper tugged at the stricken’s torn lips:
Perhaps you might begin a story of your own, with mine and I,”  giving a leisurely heft of a thin, marred shoulder,  and perhaps, you might begin one when you wake in ze morrow. After all, unexpected journeys tend to be ze most thrilling sort, no?  There was a patience in the glimmering half-sight as she came to halt by the argent’s side; a consideration lulling through the unassuming night.

Our numbers are few, for now, but we have come together with ze intentions of dispensing our knowledge and practices to those who seek it.”  Of course, it was the wanderess’ choice alone—  Lest you decide else, we are making a claim upon ze weald, north-like, near ze seas.”  A thrum of quiet.

Then:  I ... fail again to introduce myself. I am Andraste.

RE: Sipping on fire - Sativa - September 28, 2019

She seemed to have a very much similar background to her own and it caused a smile to grow on the females face. The females offer gave her something to think about. "That's the plan yeah. I think I'd enjoy that greatly." She said.  "Unexpected journeys tend to be yes. " the woman gave her name and it was a beautiful and unique one. "No worries. My name is Sativa."

RE: Sipping on fire - Andraste - September 30, 2019


Admittedly, she more than half-believed her offer would be declined; she's never truly endeavored in such a way before, and the earth was renting itself from naval to nose; who would have the time? ... But this Sativa accepted, permanent smile and all, and so the stricken relented with a humbled cant of her crown before they drew northwest.