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The Sunspire A new beginning (IC Joining) - Printable Version

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A new beginning (IC Joining) - Erika - July 31, 2014

She had travelled far away from the shore. She had no more desire to smell the sea and headed inland. The marred female skirted the Silvertip Mountain, though no one lived on it anymore. Deeper and deeper she walked. It would have been a shorter walk, had it not been for the weight in her womb. She was due in less than two weeks now and she needed to find a pack or risk raising her petits" alone.

Erika plodded heavily, having entered a place known as Northstar Vale. Shaking herself from the flies that were landing on her dark fur, she kept walking, hoping she could find another pack nearby. Her paws were aching, the pads threatening to crack at any moment. She needed to rest, but couldn't she drag herself a bit farther before she did?

The pregnant female walked a bit further, her pace slowing until she smelled something. A border? Walking as swiftly as she could, she set her paws by the thick scents. A pack, a new one as far as she could tell. She didn't know that this one had made its home on the mountains. Satisfied, she collapsed, exhausted. She tilted her head back to howl her arrival before laying her head down, thankful for this bit of rest. It was not good for her or her pups to have gone so far, and hopefully she would be accepted so she didn't have to go any further.

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - July 31, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt heard and Howl and moved quickly toward the source it sounded odder then most howls, almost like it held some sort of accent he might be familiar with, though he couldn't place it since the song stopped.

He flipped his tail high over his back though his gait was not graceful it held a confident air, as well it should, He owned this land and he got to decide whom could tred upon it.
As he came up to the source of the sound he slowled his gait so just, taking in the wolf before making his presence known. Most wolves waited until he got there to decide to submit this on was already prone, no wait ... she... she wasn't submitting she was just laying down. odd.... His gait returned to normal as he broke the brush and walked up to the female, and stood above her, clearly invading her personal space, Scenting the air around her he frowned. His words bespoke of respect, he hadn't yet offered physically, his tone still had a hint of his Canadian accent clinging to them Are you lost Mi'lady?

Ferdie was still trying to determine if she was... well pregnant. He had not been around many pregnant females in truth only two in his life. Both those females both had an air about them while they were pregnant.
If he had known this one from before she was pregnant he'd be able to tell easier matching the scents and seeing if it was different now, but he didn't know her at all and he wasn't so rude he'd call her fat....

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Erika - August 01, 2014

At the sound of another wolf approaching, Erika sat up slightly, eyes pinpointing the creature moving towards her in the distance. As it grew closer, the anomly became more recognizable, a wolf. Soon she could see the details of this male: large, perhaps even imposing, with a thick coat of black, gray and tan, and cream on his face. His yellow eyes, a darker hue than her own, he looked down upon her and asked if she was lost.

The pregnant female rolled into a more submissive stance, her head dipped and ears flattened. She habitually tilted the scarred side of her face away from him, if he had not already caught a glimpse. "No, Monsieur. I am not lost." She began, silently feeling a strange jolt of familiarity from his voice. While the packs that her own bordered spoke French for the most part, they often met with loners who resided in the other parts of Canada. She knew that accent well, as faint as it was in his voice. "I am 'ere to join your pack."

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 01, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt tested the waters and subtly asked his question without asking it directly. Just you?
His eyes roamed her body, impressed with her submission but remained on her large belly a little longer then necessary especially if you was just a fat female.
Ferdie Von Pelt backed up just a few steps, keeping his high and mighty posture, but now giving her some space, though as far as he was concerned it was well within his right to crowd her.

Her accent was undeniable now that she spoke and he knew there were wolves not from canada that spoke french and truthfully he did not know how to speak it, it just sounded like home to him.

He pressed his lips together and regarded her carefully, if she lied and he accepted her and found pups later would he have the balls to take them from her? Or if she proclaimed them to him now, was his fledgling pack ready to raise them.

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Erika - August 01, 2014

"For now, it iz just me. In a few weeks, zere will be zree or four of us." she admitted to the alpha. The marred female didn't know that he was unsure if she was pregnant. Never before had she seen a fat wolf, so she just assumed he was testing her.

"My mate disappeared a few weeks after my pups were concieved. 'e 'adn't returned, and ze pack 'e lead fell into shambles." Watching Majesty's Isle collapse was not enjoyable to her. Her heart broke, and for a while, she wondered if it was her fault that it was destroyed. But she pushed the need to bawl into someone's shoulder and kept her dignity. "I am looking for a pack to raise my pups in.

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 01, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt dropped himself less the gracefully upon the ground, here he was concerning himself with finding a mate and planning next years pups when and alpha female walked in already bearing pups and in need of a place to stay.

Ferdie wanted to run to every cache and check and double check them. To see if his pack could indeed host a female and her pups through winter. But if he allowed her in those pups would then be his. she had no mate to speak of if he was gone, This female wasn't as pretty to look at as Ame or Hawkeye but he could already feel himself bending to her and the pups that were as of yet unborn.

He had raised pups as his own before, their lineage very very questionable. But once he claimed them, they were his pups, his children for better or worse...

Without saying another word Ferdie lifted his head and howled for @Jace if they did not have enough food to overwinter perhaps He and Jace could escort her a pack that could. Ferdie licked his lips a sign of distress before he decided to talk himself into a false calm How rude of me, I am Ferdie Von Pelt, I have just called for my Beta, Our pack is young yet and I am worried about our first winter, I was going to wait until next spring to have my pups
And there was her first hint of what Ferdie might ask of her yet. He glanced over his should looking for Jace then back at her, What is your name Mi'Lady and what pack do you speak of? Perhaps hearing a bit more of her story would ease his troubled mind.

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Jace - August 02, 2014

Jace heard the howl and he wondered at it but he limped towards it. Day by day it was slowly getting better, however he still made certain not to overdue it. As he stepped large black body towards the borders he saw a new femme and she was very very pregnant. He looked at her and then back at Ferdie mentally much like ferdie going over the caches in his head he had made many in his time here and figured they'd be fine even with pups if that was the reason he was here. you called sky blue eyes looked at the femme

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Erika - August 02, 2014

"My name iz Erika de Les Fantômes. 'Of Ze Phantoms' iz ze translation." She said as an introduction. "My mate's pack was Wheeling Gull Isle, but ze pack disbanded after ze second alpha, Ypres committed suicide." She thought back to the day she saw the firey female leap from the cliffside. It was horrible, since she heard the blonde female yelp before splashing into the water, as if she had second thoughts about jumping. It was too late for her.

The marred female's attentions turned to the black male that responded to the alpha's call. She pressed a little lower in supplicance to him. Her hawk-yellow eyes flickered to them both, trying to read them. Would they accept her? Pups were a big responsibility for a pack, and they were quite new...

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 03, 2014

wow crap......... *Sighs*

Ferdie glanced at Jace, suddenly uncomfortable, one wolf that was about to divide into more. Jace, where would she den? who would help her raise the pups? it's a pack effort to raise pups should we ask the pack their opinion? Or should we do what we deem is right? What do you think?

Ferdie was turning into a puddle of wolf mush as he almost always did around pups or in the case of this pups to be...

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Jace - August 05, 2014

Jace chuckled and said quietly deep breath Ferdie. he then looked at the female and spoke softly I’ll get Summer to help me dig her a den, until then she could sleep beneath the willow tree in the oasis the leaves make a cover around it like a small little paradise she would be close to water and food. You and I are law Ferdie so whatever we decide the pack must go along with it, so if you want their opinion asks, but you can also simply tell them we are taking her in. I would help her, as would you and Vienna and Nightingale. We have enough food, I was able to make quite a few caches before this and we have prime hunting grounds further up near the springs come winter. It will be fine my friend. he looked at Erika and spoke Where is the father? And why is he not with you? And if it is a case of abandonment will he be back and will we have a fight on our hands?

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Erika - August 05, 2014

She sighed, knowing how much of a big deal this was for them. They were young and most likely stressed about the coming winter. Pups were for the stronger, older packs that were sure they could sustain themselves. "I am sorry for being such a burden." She murmured.

Erika looked at the dark male, prepared to explain her predicament again. "My mate was Majesty, ze alpha of Wheeling Gull Isle. 'e disappeared one day without a trace and 'asn't come back since. Ze female who took over after 'im, Ypres, committed suicide and 'as since disbanded." She sighed, shifting her paws, feeling her pups moving inside. "Zough to be 'onest, I was ready to leave anyway."

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 06, 2014

Ferdie Von pelt paused mid step, Placed his feet upon the ground and drew himself up. With a deep calming breath and Jace's affirmations he nodded to himself. He regained his regal composure resisting the urge to lick his lips.

I have been looking to take an alpha female and raise my own pups, though this year was not a thought of mine. Ferdie paused to looked over the scared female, could he see running the pack with her? he had no idea if she would make a good leader so far Ame had proved herself more then any other female. His breath hitched when he thought of Ame almost picturing her next to this female.

Ferdie blinked then cleared his throat It is the job of the Alpha's to raise the pups, I don't know you well, but perhaps over time... Ferdie glanced at Jace then continued Erika de Les FantômesFerdie spoke her full name imitating her accent nearly flawlessly even though he did not understand a word french. If you wish to stay here and whelp the pups in this pack, You are welcome to, We will take take care of you as Jace as said BUT... Ferdie puffed his chest his tail curling just that much higher over his back and his tone held a more commanding edge to it Then they are my Pups and I will treat them as such. They will know, no other Father then myself. Ferdie did not glance toward Jace this time, his decision was final and though he wanted to see Jace's reaction he needed to stay focused on Erika. Ferdie's voice softened What is your decision mi'lady?

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Jace - August 08, 2014

Jace stared at Ferdie though he agreed that they should raise the pups, he did not agree with never telling the children who their father was, especially when they were older. He had no qualms about Ferdie taking them as his own, it was to lie to them out of omission that caused him irritation. What if once they were old enough and someone saw them that knew the mother or the father and they found out Ferdie was not their father, it could breed such discontent within the pack and discord it made him slightly ill.

He tilted his head and looked her over, keeping his words to himself, he would talk to Ferdie later, it did not good to show anything but a united front when at the borders with anyone.

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Erika - August 08, 2014

The part of her that still clung to her love for Majesty protested loudly at the fact. Majesty was her pups' father! But she thought rationally. She would probably not see him ever again. While he was their biological father, they would never know him. They needed a paternal father to feed them, teach them, protect them. Ferdie was offering to do that. It was the least he could do, even if he was using it for his own gain in a way.

The Frenchwoman sighed, looking up at the alpha. "I accept, monsieur." It was that or risk losing one of her pups, left out to defend herself. At least here, they would all be fed and taken care of. It was for her babies' best.

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 08, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt nodded solemnly the skin below his pelt shivered, this was probably a bad idea but he had promised now. Was he so desperate to have pups that he'd steal another's? He was not asking much in return for the pack raising the pups and yet he was asking everything at the same time. Would he accept Erika as Alpha? only time would tell, If he did not this would be the only way a female other then an alpha would raise pups here. He would not support one of his subordinates raising pups in his pack. he'd' drive the female out without a second thought; Why then was this one different? Was it because she was so heavy with pup or his desire to have his own?

Ferdie frowned, not liking delving into his psyche so much. He detested den digging so much so that he still did not have a den for himself yet, though delaying that was really a bad idea a warm place to sleep was going to very very valuable in the wintertime on the mountain side.
I will take her to the oasis if you want to start on the den with Summer, I'll be there shortly to help. We need to hurry Where do you think is the best place?

Ferdie moved to Erika's side and ushered her to stand up as he looked at Jace awaiting the answer. Before guiding Erika toward the oasis.

RE: A new beginning (IC Joining) - Jace - August 16, 2014

Jace was not very happy with the turn of events right now, but he kept quiet about it, after all Ferdie was the alpha he was merely a beta. It wasn’t that he didn’t mind taking the femme in, it was how Ferdie was handling it. He had known that Ferdie wanted children, but to take another mans when that man could potentially show back up, something serious could have happened to him and he was not there just yet but would be. It did not Jive with the dark angel boy. He was also being rather unfair to the pups, not allowing them to know who their real father was, what if they looked exactly like their father when they were born, they would begin to ask questions, and if they started out getting lied to they would trust no one. This had severe potential to be really bad. Jace shook his head to dispel the thoughts and then listened to the questions asked of him.

I will gather Summer, I think he will enjoy doing this work. Near the Oasis is probably best, but I will ask Summer see what his input is too. Then Jace dipped his head to Ferdie and the femme. We will see you soon Ferdie and well met Erika. Welcome Home. Then with a quick turn, he limped away towards the youth he had grown to love as a brother.