Wolf RPG
Stone Circle Ashes - Printable Version

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Ashes - West Tyree - October 20, 2019

36˚ Foggy light snow mixed with the ash fall from the sleeping dragon. A week or more since @Clay 's disappearance all welcome! bonus: some background music

It's been days since Clay left home, days since ash had fallen over his home and days since the food had begun to run scarce. Whatever was happening was beginning to feel like the end. He knew his parents were stressed between the food and Clay. He knew they didn't want to show it, but it was clear from the similarities to when Leta was injured.

The boy wandered near the borders, the invisible line more boding than ever. Where did Clay go? They tried tracking him to no avail and not even Valette had picked up on his scent after a while. Was it his fault? He had always been...well...him. He still loved his brother though, even if he called him uptight or boring or a stick in the mud. He couldn't help but wonder...could this have been prevented?

His paws itched, desire to make it right. To find Clay. To bring home food for his family. But that would only be possible if he too left...he was aware of the rule. Everyone was to be at the stones by nightfall and the last thing he wanted was to make things worse by disappearing or coming home late or injured. So there he stood, green eyes gazing into the abyss of trees that stretched out before him.

RE: Ashes - RIP Fury - October 21, 2019

Nyra tilted her head slightly, swiveling an ear to the side, then forward again. A child, this close to the border of a pack's territory? She furrowed her brow some, curious. This was an uncommon sight for her, though, many occassions around this place were. The snow-furred she-wolf stepped out from the thicket and trees she had been hunkered in, staring at the youth as she tilted her head again. 
"Hello, young man." She greeted softly, padding forward so he could hear her, though letting her ears and tail relax to try and show she wasn't a threat. 
"Do you belong to the pack that owns the lands beyond the scent marks here?" Nyra inquired, her tone genuine, fiery yellow eyes equally honest. The white she-giant was nervous, to say the least. She wanted to make a good impression, especially if adults were around...especially alpha wolves. 
"I ask, because I am looking to join a pack. Loner life is difficult and harsh, and I would be beyond grateful if you might escort me to your leaders?" She swiveled her ears back, slouching her shoulders from the straight, tall posture she had before 

RE: Ashes - West Tyree - October 21, 2019

A light rustling alerted the boy as he quickly moved back, standing taller with his tail out, eyes scanning until they picked up on his visitor. A white woman almost as tall as his father stepped out slowly, and while she seemed nice, he wasn't about to put his guard down. Not after Leta, not with the quakes.

West racked his brain trying to recall the time his father encountered a wolf at the borders. He had only seen him handle it once and...that wolf was strange. Um...This is Easthollow. The stones are our home. My parents have been very busy lately and I do not think they would like a trespasser, but I can call them here? His response was almost robotic compared to the powerful authority his father held. He was sure his mom would include something about the stones since they were so important, but after that, he was at a loss on what to do.

RE: Ashes - RIP Fury - October 21, 2019

Nyra offered a kind smile "That would be lovely, if you don't mind?" 
She swiveled her ears a little, but didn't pull them forward. This was Easthollow? And this brown male was the son of the alphas? 
"I hope I didn't tread too far over the border...I tried to stay close to the edge in hopes it would be more respectful to the inhabitants... Please accept my apologies?" Nyra bowed her head deeply, keeping her tail low, almost completely tucked between her thighs as she lowered her body to the ground in an acknowledgement of West's position.
"Oh...my name is Nyra, by the way. You're not obliged to give me your own, but it's a pleasure to meet you, whether I am accepted into your home or otherwise." She kept her gaze averted as she spoke.

RE: Ashes - West Tyree - October 21, 2019

The woman lowered herself, much like the other wolf he encountered with his father. That meant he was doing this right...right? West titlted his head to the side watching the woman's posture, but ultimately would tip his head back to call for @Greyback to handle. He didn't really have a say on if she could join anyways. Nyra? It was a funny name, but it also sounded pretty.

The woodland colored boy's tail wagged as he slammed his front paws against the ground in front of him. I'm West Tyree! I haven't spoken with many outsiders before, but here we're one big family. One day I'm gonna be strong like my Dad and protect everyone!

RE: Ashes - RIP Fury - October 21, 2019

Nyra jumped a little as the boy's paws hit the soil in front of her. Slowly, her own tail started to wag, and she smiled again "West Tyree, huh? A noble name, for a noble youngster like yourself. I bet you'll be even stronger than your dad when you're full grown." The white woman kept her belly on the ground, but looked up at him unlike before, watching excitement peek out of his guarded response to her approach. 
"Honestly, I'm not familiar with these lands. It's such a large place.... I don't even know any other outsiders, as you call us!" Nyra chuckled softly, slowly pulling herself into a sitting position after a few more moments. 
"Thank you for not attacking me, and thank you again for calling your parents to see if I'm worthy of joining your family." She bowed her head again, this time with gratitude instead of apologetics.

RE: Ashes - Greyback - October 21, 2019

Greyback, hearing the familiar tone of his son's call, returned his own with a booming echo—it pitched upwards; crescendoing, only to lower and follow flat. But despite this, his baritone never faded, it vibrated through the lands, spooking the animals around, and making his presence known far an wide. He was a protector through and through, and his call naturally fit into that role.

He made haste to meet his son, surprised to hear him towards the border. And as he followed the young boy's scent he grew curious as to why he was there. His mother had ordered everyone to keep within the circle, and even though Greyback did not adhere to her words, he expected his son to do the opposite. Clay had gone missing for not following those orders. Merrit too. Indra as well.

As he approached the border his stride steadied, his gate composed, and his posture tall. His ears stood erect, and behind him his tail lifted to signal his rank. He was no longer hurrying, but he walked with a presence that emanated a purpose.

The mammoth of a wolf stood beside his son, in front of the lady, and looked down upon her with an expression of stone, his eyes raking over her. His son barely came up to his shoulder, but this lady—this abnormally large female came to his chin. It surprised the Patriarch internally. So many wolves around Rising Sun were growing larger with the coming years, and there was no doubt in his mind that a rising threat also accompanied it. But that was a thought for another time. Another place.

"Where do you hail from, stranger?" He spoke, his voice heavy and loud into the stilled air.

RE: Ashes - West Tyree - October 21, 2019

The young boy's tail wagged excitedly as his father approached, but for the most part, would not say anything letting Greyback take over. He wasn't scolded for straying this time, and he hoped by the end he might even be praised. You didn't do anything wrong, there was no need to fight. This is my dad! He's the Patriarch here.

"Where do you hail from, stranger?"

West lowered his rear to sit, tail still wagging lightly causing some ash to dust up into the air around him.

RE: Ashes - RIP Fury - October 21, 2019

Nyra's ears perked to the responding boom of a howl. She felt chills going through her body as West's father came into view.
Ho-lee SHIT. 
The lady flattened her ears again as he came and stood beside his son, staring at her. 
She jumped as he asked the question: 'Where do you hail from?'
in his loud voice.
Taking a moment to gather herself in the presence of this -very- intimidating male, she rose from her sitting position and bowed her head as low as possible before raising it again to respond "I am not from here, your grace. My birthplace is far away from these lands. I've no idea how far. All I know is I have traveled a vast distance from the South. And, as I have extended to your son, I extend to you my name - Nyra." 
Her voice wasnt nearly as loud or as booming as his, but she tried to be as audible and as clear as possible in her words.
"I wish to join your pack, sir, if at all possible..." The white lady added, tucking her tail fully between her legs. 
She was also forcing herself not to cower as much as she felt the need to.

RE: Ashes - Greyback - October 21, 2019

He watched as the woman laid her ears back and bowed to him, a gesture that pierced through him, bringing him back to the time he also came upon the borders and had given the same grace to Valette in eagerness. Many other wolves, much like himself, much like this woman, had been on these same markers, upon Easthollow seeking refuge. And just like before, Greyback and Valette would test her.

He spared a glance to his son as the woman—Nyra introduced herself. He seemed to be engrossed in the conversation, drinking everything in attempt to learn. It warmed Greyback's heart, knowing that his son was taking after him. He would grow up to be a fine young man in a matter of months. One that would hopefully take up his mantle in due time.

He looked back to Lyra, still looking upon her with a stoic expression. "Lyra," he tested the name on his lips as he always did. "of 'not from here,'" he continued. He was humbled by her presence, of her understanding of dues. Not many wolves had bowed to him, and while it didn't irk the Eastholloian, it still was a nice change. She knew rank. She knew her place.

"Winter will be upon us soon, and the quakes of the earth have left very little prey on our land," he said cooly. The bison had fled sometime ago, leaving very little for Easthollow to take and survive. Even he had lost some pounds from the shortage, opting to give his rations to his whelps. He wondered if Valette had noticed... If his kids had noticed.

"You will likely starve here." He admitted. "You will be hungry."

RE: Ashes - West Tyree - October 21, 2019

The boy noticed the glance his way drawing out another tail wag to his father, but he would not interrupt. He mentioned winter and food, to which he did not understand fully how harsh the upcoming season would be. He was aware of the lack of prey, and while he was still fed, it was less than before. Would it really get worse from here?

RE: Ashes - RIP Fury - October 21, 2019

Nyra nodded a little at the large alpha's statements. Winter was indeed coming, and she hadn't caught many a scent of prey in the area. 
"I understand. And, I am willing to do my part, even go hungry, to make sure others are fed and safe first." The snowy lady responded softly, offering her gaze to show earnest and honesty in the bravery of raising her head.

RE: Ashes - Greyback - October 25, 2019

sorry for the late reply! My other one didn't go through.

"I understand. And, I am willing to do my part, even go hungry, to make sure others are fed and safe first."

The man continued to stare down at her, his scruitnizing orange gaze looking over here face and eyes—studying her silently, taking deep sniffs until he puffed one out of his nose and into the criusp autumn air. She didn't carry the scent of any of the lingering packs, and her posture and gaze seemed true to his nature. But Greyback knew better than to take appearence as a judge of character.

"Have you killed another?" he asked shortly, his tail flicking behind him. "Can you hunt?" Another question. "We don't tolerate those who wish to vex our hollow. I hope for your sake that you aren't one of those few."

RE: Ashes - West Tyree - October 25, 2019

There was a drawn-out silence and for a moment, the boy thought Greyback might turn her away. Then he began questioning her. So long as she wasn't a bad person she would be allowed in right? It only seemed right to stick together when food was hard, at least that's what his mother had said. He had never really met a bad wolf, but he knew they were out there. What happened to Leta was proof.

RE: Ashes - RIP Fury - October 26, 2019

"Have you killed another? Can you hunt?" 

Nyra furrowed her brows a bit at the first question, about to answer when the large alpha added "We don't tolerate those who wish to vex our hollow. I hope for your sake you're not one of those few." 

The snow-white lady's gaze didn't waver, nor did her stance when she answered "I have not killed another wolf before. I have not tasted the blood of anything, save for prey. To answer your second question, yes. I am able to hunt. Save for the occassional picked carcass from other predators, I haven't hunted large prey on my own, but I have hunted rabbits, occassionally caught birds, and taken down mountain goats as well." 

Nyra met Greyback's orange gaze with her fiery yellow, adding to her genuine statement "I haven't any idea about the packs around here, including your own, sir. I have no intentions of harming you, your son, your mate, or any of your packmates. I will pull my weight as much as possible. That, next to my previous answers, I can promise." 
She held her tail mid-height now, still lending him her gaze and full attention as a continued offer of her honesty.

RE: Ashes - Greyback - October 26, 2019

When Nyra finished talking Greyback gave her a nod, his gaze somewhat softening at her words. She seemed, once more, to speak true to her words. And the fire that burned so brightly under her tone did not go unnoticed to him, nor did his raising tail. He admired that. Someone of her size willing to talk to him and no longer cower.


Winter was near, and Easthollow could not spare more mouths to feed. The little prey on their lands did little to feed them, and soon he feared they would have to hunt elsewhere. He looked to West once more, and winced slightly on the inside at the thought of whelp not having enough to eat. For his family to eat. He stared for a long moment, and then let out a hefty sigh.

"I admire your courage and willingness. You have a good heart, but we cannot spare what little prey we have," he turned back to Nyra. "I have a daughter, far to the west. No—not you son. Her name is Ira, she is the constable to a pack— Kaisteloki. I urge you to head there, they can take you in." at that he turned to leave, chuffing for his son to follow him.

"Tell her you have passed my test. I bid you farewell, Nyra of not from here."

RE: Ashes - RIP Fury - October 26, 2019

Nyra perked her ears as the larger wolf's face softened after a time. She also noted his consideration, then the note of something else, before he spoke again "I admire your courage and willingness. You have a good heart, but we cannot spare what little prey we have," 

The pale she-wolf tilted her head a little, nodding a couple times before Greyback continued

"I have a daughter, far to the west. No—not you son. Her name is Ira, she is the constable to a pack— Kaisteloki. I urge you to head there, they can take you in."

As the grey male turned away and said his last sentence to her, Nyra called to him as she turned "Thank you, Sir Greyback. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Good luck to you, your son, and the rest of your pack." Nyra smiled before sprinting off into the trees opposite the Patriarch and his son.