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Broken Antler Fen The nights are colder now - Printable Version +- Wolf RPG (https://wolf-rpg.com) +-- Forum: In Character: Roleplaying (https://wolf-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=5) +--- Forum: Archives (https://wolf-rpg.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=11) +--- Thread: Broken Antler Fen The nights are colder now (/showthread.php?tid=37402) |
The nights are colder now - Pool - November 05, 2019 It was too much for her. The earth's rage was immense, shaking and destroying much in its path. She had seen so many bodies, heard many cries of loss in the distance of her travels. The prey was scarce, so scarce that for a lone wolf it was near impossible to feed themselves. She had lost much weight, she was already a smaller wolf and now it was truly her thick fur that was keeping her warm, for beneath it all you could see her bones. Despite how weak she had gotten she continued to travel, keeping to one general area and familiarizing herself with the land. There were two packs, the one that had the stench of the man she had lain with and one that held no familiar scent. It was on her way back through the territory, pondering exploring somewhere new that brought her to the borders of Roangeda. There was one scent that was familiar and she kept her distance, sniffing it and trying to place where she had met this wolf. She recalled the young girl who had helped her with her shoulder, the one who was to grow up and become the leader of a pack called Roangeda. She remembered the invitation to become one of them, the girl had said she would fit in well. It didnt take long to decide and she groomed at her fur, trying to fluff it up so she didnt look so scrawny and sickly before she called for the leaders, specifically the girl herself. RE: The nights are colder now - RIP Praimfaya - November 05, 2019 the call rose, the sound unfamiliar, seeking praimfaya specifically. her guard hairs bristle, thinking that it is one of the rusalkan crone's wolves having found them. yet still, the worlida makes her way towards where the call come from: steps quieted in an effort to mask her initial approach. yet, her hostility is proven unwarranted as frostbound gaze searches through a gap in the thickening underbrush to the familiar form of pool. though their encounter had been brief, praimfaya remembers assisting the older woman with her shoulder and the attempted recruitment. the tauntness in her shoulders melts away as she shrugs thru the thick bramble and makes her presence know with a proud, imperious tilt of her muzzle. hei pool,praimfaya greets the woman, ears alert for the sign of dacio's — whom was never too far away — potential approach. you've found roangeda,an amiable wag of her tail is given. what brings you to our borders?the worlida inquires. words: 167
RE: The nights are colder now - Pool - November 07, 2019 Her heart thrummed inside of her chest in the silent moments that stretched before Praimfaya's arrival, the exhaustion of surviving everything that had happened in the past month alone hitting her all at once. What if she was turned away and had to face it again? Pool wasn't sure that she could handle another series of quakes alone, all the running and dodging earth, rock, and trees. As the girl arrived she gives her the proper respect as she notices the posture, one of a leader. She lowers her chin briefly, dropping her head toward her paws in a quick bow before standing up "Hei Praimfaya" the foreign word brought a quick smile to her maw "I would like to join Roangeda" she took a moment to figure out the right words but she had gotten better, meeting enough wolves to have a better grasp on the common language. "I can do most everything. Hunting and healing are best" she listed her skills, eyes dropping for a moment. To Praimfaya it may not seem odd, that hunting and healing were her best skills but back home it had been seen as almost shameful that she didn't fight. It wasn't that she couldn't, it was that she did not like having to spill the blood of others. RE: The nights are colder now - RIP Praimfaya - November 07, 2019 pool greets her, returning the greeting in trigedasleng. it brings a small smile to the corners of the worlida's lips. the attempt is always appreciated by the eyjolfur girl. pool's purpose follows soon after: that she wishes to join roangeda. praimfaya's frostbound silver gaze slides over the woman in a quick assessment — mostly looking to make sure there are no visible signs of injuries or illness. the famine is sickness enough, praimfaya thinks. pool appears as most of them do: gaunt ( perhaps a bit more so than a pack wolf ) and hungry but otherwise healthy. i am glad you have came to us,praimfaya tells her earnestly, though she keeps to herself that it comes as a bit unexpected. some surprises, praimfaya knows, can be extremely pleasant and she doesn't deny that roangeda could use pool. not to mention, praimfaya had already attempted to recruit her once. you are, of course, welcome.an offer made is one that still stands. praimfaya was a girl of her word, after all. we could always use another hunter and healer. before i officially welcome you into roangeda, do you have any questions for me?praimfaya inquires, ready to answer them if there are. nanowrimo: 206
RE: The nights are colder now - Pool - November 07, 2019 The little curve on the girl's lips brought a small one to her own, her tail swaying limply behind her as a blossom of hope began to quiet her fears. The searching gaze caused her to flinch for a moment before she stood taller, flexing her more lean but still toned muscles ever so slightly. It wasn't to posture as she pinned her ears back and extended her neck, lowering herself but put on display as a nervous mare might to a head stallion. It was how her people showed respect, by displaying their deference and offering their strength. When Praimfaya said she was glad that Pool had come it ended and she perked up, eyes softening relieved that she had found a new home. The girl asked if she had any questions and she paused thinking about it. " perhaps....Laws, current needs, enemies, other packs?" she cringed a bit as she realised it sounded more blunt than intended and gave an apologetic wag I wish to be useful" RE: The nights are colder now - RIP Praimfaya - November 08, 2019 praimfaya notes that pool straightens beneath her gaze, though she does not see any signs of challenge in the display, proven as pool lowers herself in submission. an imperious lift of praimfaya's chin is given in acceptance — she would not ward away signs of submission. she may not yet hold the title of wanheda but she would one day; and regardless her place as worlida might have her beneath her klikalida in the ranks she was still a leader, albeit in training. they are the same as you'll find in any other pack, i am sure,praimfaya speaks. contribute. don't betray the pack or your kru. wanheda's word is law.she trails off here not thinking that it needs further explaining. she expects everyone to be familiar with the basic laws of a pack and order within the hierarchy. we will always welcome hunters, warriors, medics, scouts...though she doesn't particularly see the use in the naturalist trade she wouldn't scoff at anyone who pursues it with honest passion. just contribute what you're skilled in.trades wasn't something that praimfaya intended to police. we have an enemy with the pack rusalka, and their leader she is still at large —for hunting isi. my klikalida, dacio, calls her blackhead but i do not know her actual name. though she is a crone she is sly and cunning.and not to be underestimated, praimfaya adds on silently. praimfaya doubts that the rusalkan crone will show up at their borders but ...then again, she'd doubted the woman was telling the truth about verx and had been wrong. anything was possible, praimfaya supposes. if you patrol the borders, or venture out to hunt or scout keep a sharp eye out for her.a warning she passes along to each of her wolves. if you see her or a wolf you think might be her do not engage. let dacio and i know. as for other packs: as far as i know we share this area with two others.but for now, that is all praimfaya gives pool. not out of distrust but because mochi doesn't want to assume anything because the thread with a potential alliance with moonspear is still on-going. nanowrimo: 384
RE: The nights are colder now - Pool - November 08, 2019 She listened intently focusing so that she would be able to memorize or at least recall most of it as best she could. It was the piece about the enemy pack, especially a woman called Blackhead. She felt a small piece of interest and flicked an ear, but said nothing instead nodding silently "I will be careful. Is there anyone ill or in desperate need of food?" she asked ignoring the fact that she looked in need of nourishment. "Kru is family?" she asked after a beat if silence. "My family ran our Khalasar but everyone was family to us." she wasn't supposed to ever speak of it but the chances of them finding her here were very slim. Her eyes were sharp with interest in the culture, hoping for a similarity to home. RE: The nights are colder now - RIP Praimfaya - November 09, 2019 the assurance that pool would be careful soothes the worst of praimfaya's worries and the worlida acknowledges her words with a sage nod of her head. though praimfaya has yet to cross paths with the rusalkan crone again ...it doesn't mean she isn't out there lying in wait. and she still sought isi. even now, there is the hint of absolute recklessness in praimfaya that thinks she should lie, she should tell the crone that she is verx's daughter. ...would she have not had roangeda it occurs to praimfaya that she would've done it in a heartbeat to protect her bloodkru. dragomir and isi have suffered enough without the rusalkan crone adding to it. but the worlida cannot afford to be so reckless, even if it was to protect bloodkru. roangeda needs her just as she needs them and she must prove to them and to dacio that she is capable of being the wanheda they deserve. no,praimfaya responds. thankfully we are all in good health and as full as we can be.an almost sardonic curl of praimfaya's lips is given. in the throes of famine they scrape by — same as everyone else. yes,praimfaya responds. kru is family. we take care of and protect each other and if the need arises, we avenge each other.kru was sacred, praimfaya thinks, as they should be. nanowrimo: 238
RE: The nights are colder now - Pool - November 16, 2019 crappy post sorry.
She was glad to hear that they were all as good as was possible in these times. It brought a more lively expression to her face, tail at ease and head raised as Praimfaya explained Kru. It was so similar to the Khalasar that she already felt sure that this would be her new home. "Then I will try to see Roangeda as Kru. I am sure I will fit in" she took a step forward and then paused, looking questioningly toward Praimfaya to be allowed in. RE: The nights are colder now - RIP Praimfaya - November 17, 2019 praimfaya watches the way that her words appear to cause pool's countenance livens and it brings a small smile to the worlida's lips. followed, as it was, by the words of assurance praimfaya does not think she's made a bad choice. in attempting to recruit pool the first time nor in accepting her here and now. good,the young leader-in-training says with a soft wag of her tail. come,she invites pool in with a beckon of her muzzle. i will give you the tour.and when the woman finally crosses into the borderlines as an official kru, praimfaya will rub her scent on the woman's muzzle and flank so she is not mistaken as an intruder before giving her the tour of the fen, as promised. nanowrimo: 132