Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Treading lightly - Printable Version

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Treading lightly - Aquilo - August 02, 2014

Aquilo was new to this pack so he was exploring the territory that he would be defending and living in. His blue gaze scanned the area around him, taking in the places and remembering them because they will come in useful later. After sometime of exploring, he was hungry. And at that exact moment, a rabbit bounded past. Immediately the white wolf was after it, stretching his limbs in pursue.

His jaws snapped at the rabbit's back, snapping its spine. It went limp in his mouth. He found a patch of sunlight and began chewing on the rabbit meat. His white pelt glowed brightly in the sun as he ate.

RE: Treading lightly - Peregrine Redhawk - August 02, 2014

I'm gonna play it like Perry was the one to accept him, if that's okay. If not, I'll edit. :)

Peregrine woke late that morning, a lazy grin arcing his lips. Between his mate and his lover, he was keeping pretty busy at night lately. It was daytime now, though, which meant duty called. Pushing himself onto all fours, he shook out his pelt, groomed himself quickly and then began to trot through the pack lands, head and tail held high.

The first wolf he came across today was one he'd only just welcomed into the ranks a day or so ago. "Aquilo," Peregrine greeted the white wolf as he strode nearer, nostrils flaring at the smell of blood. "Good morning... or is it afternoon yet? Good day," he said decisively, lips twitching. "How's the plateau treating you so far?"

RE: Treading lightly - Aquilo - August 03, 2014

That's fine. :)

Aquilo looked up startled as Peregrine, the pack's alpha who had given him a place in this pack greeted him. "Good morning... or is it afternoon yet? Good day," A small smirk found its way onto the white wolf's lips. "How's the plateau treating you so far?"

"Fine, its actually amazing." Aquilo admitted, his blue eyes flashing merrily as he tore off a rabbit leg and offered it to Peregrine. It wasn't much but it was all he had for now. "Still trying to meet more pack members though. I haven't met most." Admittedly it would take time to meet the others. Pack territory was big after all.

RE: Treading lightly - Peregrine Redhawk - August 03, 2014

Aquilo offered him a piece of rabbit but the Alpha male shook his head and said, "Nah, man. I'll grab something later. Thanks, though." Although he was hungry, he didn't have any interest in hounding in on his subordinate's kill. He was a Gamekeeper and could feed himself.

"Yeah, those things take time," Peregrine said in a tone that indicated the white male shouldn't feel bad about it. "I'm glad things are going well, though. Have you given any thought to a trade or any other pursuits?" he wondered conversationally.

RE: Treading lightly - Aquilo - August 03, 2014

Aquilo was an impatient man and hated things that took time but whatever. He'll meet all of them eventually, right? When Peregrine asked him if he had given any thought to trades or other pursuit, he had wondered about what trade he could go at but hadn't come to any conclusion yet. But currently the main trades on his mind were Gamekeeper and Warden.

"Yeah, I was thinking about Gamekeeper and Warden, what trades do you do?" he was a rather good hunter and Gamekeeper was a good trade for the white wolf.

RE: Treading lightly - Peregrine Redhawk - August 04, 2014

As ever, it pleased Peregrine to hear when a new recruit aspired to become a Gamekeeper. "My primary trade is Gamekeeper," he replied, "and I've obtained a Warden mastery purely because of how much time I spend on the borders as a leader. I'm a Caretaker also. I was and still am very involved in the pups' lives here."

Although it was clear Aquilo had already hunted this morning and may not want to make a repeat performance so soon after eating, the Alpha male said, "I'd love to hunt with you. Maybe sometime this afternoon?" Secretly, he hoped Aquilo would insist the sooner the better, yet he could wait if that was what the Nu needed.

RE: Treading lightly - Aquilo - August 04, 2014

"I'd love to hunt with you. Maybe sometime this afternoon? The white wolf gulped down the remains of the rabbit and turned his blue gaze onto the Alpha. He wanted to hunt with him? A new recruit? "I can hunt now if you want, I don't mind. But if you want to wait until afternoon...."

The white prince rose onto his paws, wondering what the Alpha's answer would be, he had planned to continue exploring after the meal but hunting sounded good to him.

RE: Treading lightly - Peregrine Redhawk - August 09, 2014

Concluding this, since Aquilo's been removed.

When Aquilo seemed ready now, the Alpha male decided to seize the opportunity. "Now is good," he replied with a nod and a twitch of his tail. "You've already had some rabbit. What sort of prey would you like to track next? I'd like you to take the lead so I can get a feel for your strengths and weaknesses," he explained, motioning for the white subordinate to lead the way and then falling into step behind him.