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Blacktail Deer Plateau cruel angel's thesis - Printable Version

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cruel angel's thesis - Kaworu - August 03, 2014

All Welcome!
For now, Kaworu is around here, as a reference.

The borzoi took long easy strides. He followed the river through the night, as he had since entering the Wilds. It would lead him to the shore, to the edge of the world as he knew it. For he did not know anything beyond the ocean, so he sought the conclusion to his travels. He did not yet understand what it would mean when it arrived there, perhaps he merely wished to quench his curiosity having never had the liberty to do so. I no naka no kawazu taikai wo shirazu, a frog in a well does not know the great sea.

The rush of water to his left kept him company, as did the quiet murmur of his stomach. He was not starving but transitioning had been hard, he no longer hunted solely for the amusement of his previous God; it was now a battle against his high metabolism. Honey gaze having been fixated at the ground below him, he lifted his long nose and noticed highlands in the distance. He was coming to a cross roads, either brave crossing the river or climb up and over the plateau. With the decision to be made he came to a halt.

RE: cruel angel's thesis - RIP Fox - August 28, 2014

Hi! Hope you don't mind if I bump this up to present-day. Shouldn't change her interaction with borzoi dog. :)
Edit: Tacking on an ending for archival purposes. :)

Fox had traveled down the slope of the plateau, following the river. She thought of Junior, but she thought more of Bones. One day, somehow, she would find a way to get her. It wouldn't be now, of course, for she had other duties to attend to, but Fox really did believe that she would meet the Tortuga wolf again. She wondered if Junior would ever return to the plateau at all, or if she would feel bad about doing so. It was obvious that Peregrine was less than pleased with his daughter's decision, but Fox really didn't care either way. She just didn't have the same connection to Junior that Perry had.

The young Alpha knew she was getting toward the outer limits of their broad, fuzzy border, but that didn't make her any less alert to the world around her. If anything, it caused her to be more alert to any dangers. This far out, things weren't protected as well. She was not surprised to catch the scent of a creature lurking nearby, and she immediately alerted to it by raising her hackles and looking on with wide eyes.

It was unlike anything she had ever seen. A tall, gangly creature with long flowing hair and the most hideous face she had laid eyes upon. She greeted the dog with a defensive and aggressive, “What are you? And what are you doing here?”

But her voice and posturing scared the odd creature off before it answered, and Fox huffed in the direction that it fled. Not in the mood to chase after the beast, Fox watched as its bright white form disappeared into the distance.