Wolf RPG
The Sunspire Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Printable Version

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Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Raven Nightclaw - August 03, 2014

For anyone at The Sunspire :)

The dark agouti female walked, a paw after a paw. Her current destination was The Sunspire, after some years of traveling as a loner she felt it was time to settle down and find a pack. And she seeked a pack who's territory was in the mountains for she had been birthed in one and wished to continue living in one.

A rabbit wandered in her path, a quick lunge and she had ended its life, quickly eating it, she continued on her way to The Sunspire. It was night by the time she arrived and the stars shone across the night black sky.

She stood at the edge of the border and waited patiently for a wolf to find her.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Aleera - August 04, 2014

Aleera had found herself traveling the edge of the territory mapping it mentally in her brain for future reference. Following the scent markers closely her silver orbs would catch the sight of a silhouette in the distance. Slowly making her way toward them, she would scent the air to see if she could find the scent of any she could recognize. Finding no such smell, Aleera was on alert, while she was still new here there was common sense in the fact that strangers were not always welcome. With and icy stare Aleera would watch closely for any movement on their part. "These borders are protected. State your business or leave." She did not wish to be rude yet there were some logistical conversation points that had to be met before she would be willing to show leniency toward this fae.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Fang - August 04, 2014

Get all the warden threads!

Fang had been spending the early hours of the evening watching the night sky, his golden eyes would often become fixed on random flickering candles in the indigo night for hours on end. Some time had passed whilst he sat and watched, minutes, hours, he want sure, but by the time he was deciding to call it quits and head to his home he was stiff, and cold.

No sooner had he began to make his way back to his empire of dirt, he caught a strange scent on the air, an unfamiliar smell of strangers. What was with the sudden influx of interlopers all of a sudden? He quickly made his way to the source to find a female on the outskirts of the mountain wolves territory. Aleena had already made her approach known. Personally, he was getting sick of the constant influx of new members. A few more steps and he stationed himself on the edge of their territory alongside his pack mate, he stood firm, ears forward, tail held over his back. He fixed her with a questioning look and waited for her response this time. If it satisfies the half-breed he would summon Ferdie or Jace, to make their decisions. Inwardly he admitted it was very unlikely Ferdie would knock back another female.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Raven Nightclaw - August 04, 2014

"These borders are protected. State your business or leave." Two pack wolves approached her, her golden eyes flicked from one to another and the two scars that marred her face twitched as her eyes moved. She tilted her head as she took in the scent of the male, he wasn't pure wolf. A half-breed then. But that didn't matter, as long as a half-breed chose the life of a wolf, she had no problem with them.

"I wish to join this pack." she stated, meeting both of their eyes. Her tone was calm and even, possibly even friendly. If they were like the packs she had visited before, they would ask what did she have to offer to the pack and then she'll be stuck, or maybe not.

She smiled.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Aleera - August 04, 2014

Aleera had felt Fang come up behind her, but would not spare him a glance until she had heard the other fae's words. Looking at the smaller wolf for a moment before raising her muzzle to the sky and parting her jaw. The sound that came forth was a song of sorrow not mournful yet a tone of haunting beauty, it was only unique to her. Her voice would carry on the wind to the one she summoned, @ferdie von pelt the only one on the upper tier that could accept members. "I have called our Alpha." Was all she said, it was all that the other fae needed to know, looking to her pack mate, waiting to see if he had anything left to say. If not then it was a waiting game now.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Fang - August 04, 2014

Fang turned his gaze from the encroacher to his newly found pack-mate. There was a slight ruffling of his hackles at her summons. It seems everyone has a different approach, Fang opted for being a pain in the ass, tolerance was a nice factor, Ferdie stood dominant, this female just called immediately for help.

He kept his dominant pose for the moment, he watched this seeker with golden eyes, seemed the fun was fading quickly when others beat you to the punch. Instead he questioned firmly, flatly. why? Until Ferdie turned up, Fang was in charge, he might as well act like it.




RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Raven Nightclaw - August 04, 2014

"I have traveled alone for a long time and wish to join a pack so I can stand for something, have loyalty towards something and so be able to regain some pack pride that I have lost." she replied to the halfbreed's question. She turned her gray gaze to the female before turning it back to the male again, wondering if he had any other questions.

The other female had most likely called for the Alpha or someone responsible for recruiting members. So she waited patiently.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Aleera - August 04, 2014

sorry for the shortness I'm on my phone.

Interesting reply, although it brought a question to the front of her mind. "Why did you leave?" Slowly she would sit back on her haunches, her tail wrapped around her paws, flicking every so often. She would look between Fang and the female, awaiting her answer.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Fang - August 04, 2014

The half-breed looked on the female with indifference, it didn't matter to him why she wanted to join, and frankly didn't matter to Aleera either, ultimately it was up to Ferdie if she was allowed to stay. He gave a short sideways glance at Aleera's question, before adding his own.

Your name? Not that his own question mattered anyway, she could be called pond-scum and as long as she was female, Chances are their alpha would let her join the ranks. It seemed accumulating females was a hobby of his.




RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Raven Nightclaw - August 04, 2014

The dark female looked at the silvery eyed wolf "My pack was wiped out," was her simple answer. They did not need to know the details, there wasn't much to say about her life to be honest. Death, wandering could conclude it, that was partly why she was joining a pack in first place! She wondered if the Alpha was going to accept her or not. Finally she turned her gaze back onto the male halfbreed.

"Raven, Raven Nightclaw," not that it mattered anyways, telling them her name did not change whether or not she would be accepted into this pack. If she didn't, she would have to move on. Though she doubted there was any more mountain packs.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 05, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt jogged up his tail high over his back as he got nearer to the small gathering his puffed himself up a little, it seemed every time he wanted to enjoy the company of his pack mates lately there was some one new in the mix. Although that was fine for him, more pack members meant more wolves to help feed puppies.

Ferdie nudged each of his pack members affectionately, even Fang as he passed by confident in the fact Fang would lower himself or leave now that he had arrived as was hat Fang usually did.

Ferdie Von Pelt drew a deep breath and stood over the female that had just called herself Raven and waited patiently and silently his head and tail high and proud

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Aleera - August 05, 2014

Aleera would shrug at the question, it didn't really matter, she more curious than anything. Turning slightly as she heard the approach of Ferdie, she would lower herself just enough to be seen as submissive, backing up slightly so the Ferdie could speak with this new fae. She stood just off to the side, waiting to see if her Alpha had any more use of her.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Fang - August 05, 2014

Of course Ferdie arrived in his grand style, preventing any further questions for the female. The gentle nudge from his effectively knocking the posturing out of Fang, as was his normal approach to these situations he chose to move a short distance off, close enough to overhear, or protect if need be, but far enough away to make it clear this was now Ferdie's business. His golden eyes turning back to the interaction, mild curiosity in his features, though he knew what was going to happen.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Raven Nightclaw - August 05, 2014

The Alpha of their pack came, his head and and tail held high as a sign of dominance. Raven felt if she wanted to join this pack, she would have to do something. The dark agouti's tail lowered but not between her legs, her head dipped and crouching down. While her posture was submissive, it wasn't one that said you could just walk right over her. She wasn't that type of wolf, she hated submitting but she would do it for this one time to get accepted into this pack. "I wish to join your pack," she said.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 06, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt glanced at his other pack mates they were not to ruffled by her presence here, and if he had bothered to ask what her skills were he'd get the same answer he always got from every wolf. No he was not about to waste time. Ferdie walked around her nudging her shoulders, her hip, her side as he passed by them, she had no injuries to speak of she seemed fit and since she hadn't upset his fellow pack mates he was secure in the thought that'd she'd prove herself useful.

As he made it up to the other side of her head, He gently gripped her ear, not in any sort of painful way and huffed; this was a dominate action but not one that forced her to move into any more of a submissive pose. Provided she kept her teeth to herself he'd let her ear go. If she bared her teeth or pulled away, well, he waited with her ear in his mouth to see her reaction.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Raven Nightclaw - August 09, 2014

@Fang and @Aleera, just wondering if you guys are fading so we could skip you? If its not okay, I can delete. :)

The Alpha walked around her, nudging her body as if to see if she was fit. Suddenly he gripped her ear, and she was filled with the urge to pull away or something but she didn't, instead stood, stock still as he did what he did. Perhaps if she didn't move, she would pass whatever test he had for her.

Her gaze on the ground, never moving, wishing that she could get this over with quickly and find a place in this pack soon.

RE: Well, what now? [IC JOINING] - Ferdie Von Pelt - August 09, 2014

Ferdie Von Pelt felt her stiffen under his hold, but she didn't attack, this pleased him she knew her place and he was impressed by her composure. Letting go of her ear he slid his body up alongside hers more dominance but this one had a reason beside it. He marked her as 'his' with such a heavy scent of him upon her none would question her presence.

Welcome Home Raven Nightclaw, There is one law that should you break it, the penalty will be very high. You as a member of our pack shall NEVER venture to Swiftcurrent Creek He did not give her reason just the command. With that he turned nodded to Aleera and Fang and trotted away more business to attend to, the pregnant female that showed up on there boarders needed a den and a safe place to whelp the pups