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The Sunspire how their discord came to be - Printable Version

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how their discord came to be - Amekaze - August 04, 2014

here ya go @Fang
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Fair skies, negligible winds, no rain in sight and a tired mood, the dark wolf moved slowly. Her gait was lacking the degree of fluidity she normally possessed, instead replaced by the delicacy called for in light of such aches. As to what exactly the trespassing Swiftcurrent wretch had done to her shoulders in smashing her rotten paws down upon them so viciously, she could not say, but damn, it had long since grown tiresome.

The fact that every time she groomed near her wounds, or so much as moved to spur the ache into reality, she was reminded of them... when all she wanted was to forget about the pack of halfwits and will them into nonexistence. This needed to heal up and be done with. At least her scabs were looking good.. and beginning to slough off at the edges. But the hidden bruises were what bothered her the most.

This led her to not be the most sociable of beasts lately, even though the mountainside thrummed quietly with new activity and scents. She had holed up near the upper reaches but now, she headed back down towards the forests, and joined her path up with a small creek. Amekaze stole a quick drink, then ambled on carefully.

RE: how their discord came to be - Fang - August 04, 2014

He had been wandering alongside a nameless stream when he spotted a familiar site, the dark fae who explained to him some of the pack history when he first arrived, as well as followed suit when they returned the captives. Ame! He barked in greeting, quickly trotting up to the female. His tail giving a happy flick behind him. Haven't seem you since that mess. He was of course referring to the captive and swift current drama. Everything alright on your end? He questioned, with genuine concern.




RE: how their discord came to be - Amekaze - August 04, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

Her ears pricked forward and her senses keened onto the familiar sight of Fang. While she did not know what to make of him entirely just yet, she did appreciate that he had stayed with them so far so that she may know him better, and made himself awfully present upon the boundaries. She was blissfully unaware of all else, namely anything that transpired between he and Ferdie or Jace or anyone else for that matter.

She swayed her tail in greeting and regarded him coolly. Mhm, I cannot say I have been the most sociable as of late, she replied simply. She had been laying low, observing happenings quietly and keeping to herself. Well enough. A Swiftcurrent intruder left me bruised up some, but I heal... and how are you? What did you think of.. all that? As she did not want the conversation to linger on her aches (despite appreciating his concern), she provided her question in return. Fang had come to them at a curious time, what with the Swiftcurrent drama reaching a peak then, so she was interested in his thoughts on it.

RE: how their discord came to be - Fang - August 04, 2014

He looked over the dark female quickly when she explained the intruder incident, though nothing seemed immediately out of place he could only assume she faired well. Yeah, They pack a punch from all accounts, Jace got an ass-whoopin form one of them and all. Casual disregard for the fact that saying the beta was on the ass-end of an ass-whoopin' just emphasized more of his feelings for the current leadership, though he kept any real comments out of the conversation.

He let out a slight laugh at her questioning his opinion, Had she been observing that much she might have heard his feelings on the matter, of course that wouldn't stop him now from telling her how he thought of it. That mess? That was just stupid incarnate, I think. I don't know who was more idiotic, Fox or Ferdie. She had it coming, but I can't say I approve of taking juvenilles captive. Otherwise I'm alive and kicking. He finished with a shrug, Truth be told he was feeling rather joyful, his recent encounters with Ferdie, his ongoing relationship with the coywolf, all pooled together to leave the half-breed in a rather cocky, happy mood. Easily visible in the half smile that planted itself on his face, and the gentle flick of his tail behind him.




RE: how their discord came to be - Amekaze - August 05, 2014

spotted haku in your profile and the urge to watch spirited away is very Strong right now D:
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Amekaze rumbled thoughtfully. Jace had been roughed up like no other. She had heard it was Scimitar's doing, and she had suspected him to be a formidable wolf. True. She did not leave without her own share, though.. I wonder if Jace's foe suffered too, she smirked. It had been well-matched, but the dark female believed she had perhaps come out on top by a narrow margin and hoped the other ached even more deeply than she did. She wondered if she would ever cross teeth with the tan-furred Creeker again, and perhaps trump her more properly then. Although the wounds were annoying and she hated that it made her think of their pack, deep down, she had enjoyed it to a certain degree.

She took in his answer with an amused look as she settled into a sit, unwilling to irritate her still-sore shoulders too much. His response was interesting, no doubt. Ah, yes.. the juvenile's involvement was far from ideal, but they had little business being brought here anyway. Fox, that wily bitch, should have been in their place.. had we truly got our way. Contempt touched her tone when she spoke of the former Creek queen. She had few qualms about it all as a whole, as taking them captive for a bit was better than killing them. How convenient that one of the two was tangled up in Jace's feelings, too.. she twitched her lips thoughtfully, having always found this tidbit fascinating enough. Amekaze had been vaguely interested in the female as well, but had not known she had been with the Creek until that day. The younger one, the one that she had personally manhandled the most (which was for the best in her opinion, she had aimed to be purposeful yet delicate..), was just a stranger.

RE: how their discord came to be - Fang - August 05, 2014

Dooo eeeeeettt. I always figured the voice actor suited fang, so yeah.

Fang followed the fae's lead, choosing to lower himself to a casual sitting position too, his tail continued its little side to side thumping as she spoke. If you hear Jace's side, he gave him a thrashing too. He didn't doubt the possibility, but after seeing first hand the betas condition he was uncertain that the other wolf came off much better.

His head tilted to the side, ears perked as she mentioned the relationship between Jace and leaf, his half smile turned into a sly grin. Indeed, I heard of that little sorted affair. He didn't explain his offer to the beta. I'm not sure what will come from that, seems it's going to cause more than a few problems in the future. He shook his head slightly, this was adding more reason for him in wishing to leave the mountain. His thoughts of leaving trailed off for a moment as he let out a single hmm to his inward thoughts.



RE: how their discord came to be - Amekaze - August 06, 2014

verrrry soon. i'm due for like.. a whole ghibli movie marathon, especially as soon as i can get my paws on the tale of princess kaguya one *wiggles*. spirited away is a forever fav though
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She had no doubt of Jace's supposed thrashing he had dealt out and wondered if Scimitar had ended up worse for the wear. While she had never seen him during a spar or a fight, the agouti Creek wolf had cut an impressive figure that she had suspected he could put to good use in combat. Had she stayed in the Creek longer, she could have very well sparred with him once, but it had just not been in the cards.

Nevertheless, his outlook for the future of it all seemed vaguely grim. Amekaze, too, was unsure. She was wary of it. It seems plausible that more trouble will come in time. Without Fox at the helm, it may be.. different, though. Ame could not say how exactly. Would their bad blood really be settled so easily? I am curious to see how this.. truce will work out in the long run, she said. Cooperation is merely a quiet form of conflict, came with half a shrug. How long could the Creek stay quiet?

Either way, it is history, and there is no denying ours to be so linked to the Creek whether we like it or not, Ame grumbled. So long as the two packs existed, she suspected they may be at odds, at least vaguely so.

But as it seemed, she was not keen on a lengthy span of conversation today. In so many words she drew this towards a close and left Fang to his own devices, with her own path heading towards the borderlands to vent her energy there -- for she might as well do something productive with her time.