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Sequoia Coast Walking to the shore. - Printable Version

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Walking to the shore. - Thistle Cloud - August 04, 2014


Thistle strode from the territory borders, her downy ears held erect and high. For there was a small body close next to her that she had to believe in and keep safe. She did not travel from the borders very often with her children in tow, but Tveir was being good thus far and she would protect him with her life. She was secretly hoping to see Sveinn, Ein was with Ragnar and Gyda was doing what it was she did best, and of that Thistle wasn’t yet certain. Her daughter was an interesting character all in her own right.

Thistle looked both ways, but she stayed near the beach and not far from the borders so that if she were to call someone could come quickly. Tveir kept pace with her easily.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Gunnar - August 04, 2014

Tveir kept close to his mother, unsure what they were doing or where they were going. Steel gray eyes took in the world around him as he stayed near his mother, his darker brown fur on his body a distinct contrast to her, whereas the lighter fur that made up his legs and his mask were her distinct coloring. He was a strange looking wolf, he knew this, but he didn't mind. It made him different. He frolicked in and out of the water's edge where it was shallow, letting the water wash up over his paws and then take the sand and go back down followed by all the water leaving furrows in it's wake and he giggled a high boyish giggle and continued this new game, making sure to keep his mother in his eyes view.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Tezcacoatl - August 04, 2014

Týr had on an impulsive decision decided to remain in free territory near Stavanger Bay after he had met his step mother, unaware of the drama going down within it's borders and that he now had not just one step mother but two of them. He had no tangible proof that Thistle would attempt to find him again though it was a suspicion he ran on. In reality, it was a front for the real reason he had chosen to linger nearer. He was hoping that Thistle might tell Ragnar of his re-appearance and that Ragnar himself would come out to reunite with him. Of course it was a vain hope the chocolate colored Rekkr knew for his father made no attempts to communicate and Týr was left with nothing but bitter disappointment and reconfirmation that his father had moved on to hiwith his new children. The jealousy was an ugly feeling that rose within the warrior's battle hardened heart as he stared coolly at the lands he knew to be Stavanger Bay in the distance.

Surprise flitted across Týr's face when he saw a wolf nearing him in the distance, though the shape of what he had assumed was one morphed into two as Thistle and one of his replacements drew nearer. He glimpsed to the lands that stretched from the shore line wondering if he had time to escape before they noticed him. Though he had spoken with amiability about meeting his half siblings (or so he thought anyway), as the situation came closer he felt a sharp pang in his chest that came bearing the heavy burden of uncertainty with it. However, Thistle and her child were drawing closer and it much to late for likely one of them had already seen him. Slowly, he glimpsed back at the approaching woman and child and swallowed against the metallic taste his jealousy had left in his mouth as they neared and put on a soft smile that did not quite touch his eyes. Hello Thistle Cloud, Týr greeted her before his gaze flickered to the child near her. And what is your name? It was painful but he would prove he was the bigger man.

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RE: Walking to the shore. - Thistle Cloud - August 04, 2014

Thistle had every intention of telling Ragnar that Tyr was here and looking for him, but she hadn’t had the chance. She felt bad for it, she should have approached him and told him as soon as she found out, but her own hurt feelings got in the way and that wasn’t fair and it wasn’t right, especially to Tyr. If he had mentioned his Jealousy Thistle could have talked to him about, being accustomed to the feeling herself intimately.

Thistle cloud smiled and dipped her muzzle hello Tyr. I’m sorry I wanted to find you and let you know that I haven’t spoken to your father yet, he and I are at the moment in a small disagreement and I have not approached him yet, by my own stubborn design. I will today though. I am sure he will be pleased though he won’t say it, I know he misses you, but he’s to stubborn to admit that he has feelings . she smiled again and looked down at Tveir and wondered what he would tell him. It was not a small disagreement it was a large huge disagreement, but she wasn’t going to sully her husbands name to his son nor was she going to make a scene it wasn’t fair and she wouldn’t do it.

She imagined that the youth felt jealousy at his brother, because she would. It was a natural response to something like this, and she briefly wondered if he had no reason to worry that he needn’t feel jealous of her own, since they were not technically his father’s by blood. She shook her head to dispel such terrible thoughts again.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Gunnar - August 04, 2014

Tveir had frozen as another wolf came near him, and he studied him. His mother had told him this wolf was his brother, she did not go into detail of how or why and he didn't care, he had a few siblings at this point even a foster sister who he had just seen the other day. He stared at this big male, in wonder. The other male had his brother's pelt color and this one had his brother's markings under his eyes, even though he wasn't sure if Ein would keep them as he aged.

Tveir looked up at him and smiled and spoke wondering if this brother preferred old norse like EIn he would try and see. "Ég er Gunnar, en allir kalla mig tveir. Þú bróðir minn Tyr? Ég er fús til að hitta þig"

RE: Walking to the shore. - Tezcacoatl - August 04, 2014

Chocolate brown brow creased in confusion when Thistle admitted to him that the reason Ragnar hadn't visited him was because she had not told Ragnar that he was in the Valley, in one of the free territories near Stavanger Bay. I see, He was not sure how exactly he was supposed to take that, though he appreciated her honesty on the subject. Even so he could not see how a small disagreement was being taken out on him by not informing Ragnar of his presence and leaving Týr with the thought that Ragnar didn't care. What happened? The Ironside inquired figuring if it dealt with his father and his new step mother than it was his business even if he did not live in the Bay. Halló Tveir. Já ég er hálf bróðir þinn The young Rekkr spoke to the child, offering a soft smile because it wasn't the child's fault. His jealousy was nothing more Týr's own demon that he had to face on his own.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Thistle Cloud - August 04, 2014

Thistle did not know how to answer this question, because she knew if she spoke of the situation it would color her negative thoughts about his father and possible turn him away from her as well and she did not wish to add anymore discord into the midst of her family, however he also deserved to know the truth. Simply, because she wasn't sure what she was going to currently and it may end up affecting him anyway. It is a disagreement of heartbreak I suppose, but it is my problem it is not yours and I refuse to mar this day with such tales, and i also refuse to speak about your father at the moment for fear my anger with him will cause me to speak harshly and perhaps unfairly, and though I haven't spoken to your father your siblings know you are here unfortunately only Tveir accompanied me today. She bent her head and shot her middle son a smile and then backed up so he could get along with his brother she was content to just sit and watch, her step son and her own son find out about each other.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Gunnar - August 04, 2014

Gunnar stood and pushed up under his brother's chin and giggled. He licked his shoulder and giggled and batted at his bigger paws, bending into a play bow inviting him to play. He couldn't wait to play with the male that was his brother, though older. He liked having others to play with it made him feel better.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Tezcacoatl - August 06, 2014

There was silence for a while, likely while Thistle debated if he had any right to know what family drama was happening within the borders of Stavanger Bay. He might not have been a member of the Bay but he had been a member of Ragnar's family longer than her by all technicalities and anything that was going on with Ragnar was Týr's business; however, the Rekkr did not feel like arguing with her over it. She blatantly told him that she refused to speak of it, and though it left him with a slight swell of irritation — if something happened to his father he had an equal right to know — he let it go out of cordial politeness. He offered her a smile though the corners of his lips were tight. Very well, He would figure it out eventually, whether she told him or he had to step around her. He would approach his father if need be, or someone else that would know in Stavanger Bay.

Týr glimpsed down at Tveir when the boy pushed up against his chin, batting at his paws, body bowing with an open invitation to play. It had been quite some time since Týr had played and even with the boy glimpsing up at him with eager eyes he was not sure he remembered how to play. His mind was clouded with what was happening with Ragnar and he glimpsed up at Thistle Cloud for a moment before his eyes flickered down to Tveir. How old are you? It could have been said that Týr was Ragnar's son but his obsession with proving himself to Ragnar and the Gods to remember what it was like to be a child.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Thistle Cloud - August 08, 2014

Thistle looked at him and said softly you're father is not hurt or going to be hurt that much I can promise you. It is something personal between him and I and someone else. You are more than welcome to ask him if you wish. I am just not going to speak of it, because I don't like to be mean and I'm still upset about it. That was the best she could do, Thistle did not like to speak ill of others, and if she spoke right now she would be speaking ill of him, because her irritation and hurt and anger would color her words.

She looked at the boys and wondered if the older boy could play? Surely he could still play, is this the fate her own sons had coming that they couldn't even play?

RE: Walking to the shore. - Gunnar - August 08, 2014

Gunnar looked at his big brother and spoke up Daddy has two wiffesss Mommy and Nerian. It makes mommy sad. he sidled up to his brother and spoke quietly in Norse "Tveir líkar það ekki mamma er sorglegt, og Nerian er hræddur við okkur, og pabbi heldur its allt í lagi, en það er ekki ... of mikið breyting." As was usual for children he just spoke up all holes unbarred, it didn't bother him there were two woman it bothered him that there was soo much change, his life had been going fine in the ridge and then they moved and then mommy was sad cause Pump died, and then she got sad cause of daddy and he just didn't like it. His other brother and sister didn't want to play with him. "Fyrsta Pump deyja, þá erum við flutt, þá var allir dapur, þá pabbi fékk priestess og þá mamma var sorglegt aftur og einn og Gyða var ekki að spila með Tveir og nú er allt bara breytt."

Tveir panted after that long speech and then he looked at his mother's horrified expression and at his big brother. i'm puppy

RE: Walking to the shore. - Tezcacoatl - August 10, 2014

It seemed that just because Thistle did not wish to speak of it did not mean her son would harbor the same restraint. Like most children he did not have the necessary filter to keep things hidden and informed Týr of what was happening that Thistle refused to speak to him of in their native tongue. Nerian? Týr inquired, though he had heard Tveir very clearly. My father is in a polygamy relationship with you and the Priestess? I thought she had taken an oath of celibacy..., Týr glimpsed down at Tveir wondeirng if the child knew what that word met. It was why she had refused his father so many times before, after all. To hear that she was now his second wife was mind blowing but his attention went back to his half brother when the boy began to explain that he didn't like it, that it made Thistle sad and that Nerian was afraid of them. He doubted that particular part, after all, why would the Priestess be afraid of harmless children? She had never been afraid of Týr and as far as he was concerned he could do much more damage than the child before him.

Why do you think the Priestess is afraid of you, hmm? He inquired of the boy wanting to hear Tveir's theory. Tveir, things change. But it doesn't mean your family loves you any less, and just because our father has two wives does not mean that he loves Thistle any less. He loves you and your siblings but he also loves me. I am still his son even though he has you and Ein and Gyda, right? Change isn't bad, Týr told his half brother softly, trying to make him understand. It was likely a futile attempt given the boy's age — though 'puppy' was obvious and not the specifics he'd been looking for; he looked to Thistle then for clarification of her children's age, but took a deep breath and spoke quietly, At least father loved you enough to not sneak around as he did with his other wives. It probably wasn't much of a condolence but Týr found that he had none. He did not understand why she was so upset about it and did not like that it seemed as if she and her son before him were turning against Ragnar.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Thistle Cloud - August 10, 2014

Good gods Thistle just can't win for losing against you vikings lol i give up

Thistle stared at her second born embarrassment and pride on her face. He was knowledgable that was obvious. Her embarrassment was mostly born as she did not like everyone to know her feelings on the matter. I do not know what Nerian did before this, apparently she is in love with your father though and your father in love with her.

Thistle wanted to growl in frustration these two were so much alike it made her uncomfortable because she would not win and he would not see her side and she was tired of trying to explain herself to the males in her life, they were mean and hurtful at times and she was tired of it, just tired of it, but she kept herself calm and her expression neutral. Your brothers and sister are 10 weeks old. SHe stared at the ground then and looked back up He may love me, but clearly i am not enough at least that is how i feel and i am tired of broken promises. That is where my issue lies. I love your father, i will not do anything to hurt him never would never will. And this venom you hear is exactly why i didn't wish to speak of it, because i am hurt and I am upset, and when i am those things i tend to be harsher than i mean to be but I am trying to get over it, I am doing well so far I still have some emotions to plow through. I was not raised as you and Ragnar I was raised where you were in love with only one person and you never hurt them...or at least you tried not too. I have even asked for help from the gods to calm my ire, but I cannot help what I am feeling just as I am sure you cannot help feeling a little jealous of your brothers and sister. You can't help what you feel Tyr and I hope that you remember that. She sighed then adn shook her head This is terrible I meant for this day to be a good day, so you could meet at least one of your siblings. And it has already gotten off on the wrong foot, I am going to go over here away from the two of you so I don't mar this meeting anymore or perhaps make you dislike me I would not want that. She looked down at tveir and licked his downy head, I'll be right here son. She then moved away and sat down in the sand to watch.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Gunnar - August 10, 2014

Tveir stared at his brother as he spoke, he didn't say anything about love he knew his daddy loved all of them, why was everyone taking everything so badly and then his mommy walked away upset again. he huffed in irritation at all of them Ugh Tveir is tired of growed ups. he shook his little head. Nerian doesn't play and she is always looked around like we are going to jump and hurt her. She always looks for mommy or daddy when we play like she is afraid. Tveir stared at his brother again and snorted TOO much change Tyr too much! He said it with all the innocence of a puppy could with wide beguiling eyes and innocence stamped on his head not understanding anything that was going on on such a level to him his mom was just sad, and Nerian was afraid and his dad was aloof it wall all really simple for a puppy like him.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Tezcacoatl - August 11, 2014

I think the Amazon is merging with the false Vikings in Tyr and it's making something interesting. xD Last post for me because he's grumpy, irritated and needs to leave before he does something he'll regret, lol.

Týr had no opinion on if Ragnar loved Nerian, or vice versa really because last time he had known Ragnar had wanted her only to sate his manly needs and the woman had hated him. Týr listened to Thistle's long winded rant, ears slicking back against his skull in veiled irritation at her assumption that Ragnar didn't give two shits about her when Týr, who as far as he was concerned knew Ragnar better than she did, wanted only to argue with her that it wasn't the case and since she considered that obviously did not know her husband as well as she liked to claim. If you were not enough for him he would have never spared you so much as a second glance, Týr told her simply, tone stiff. He felt that she had grown irritated at him that he had not jumped to take her side but idly the heathen Rekkr couldn't help but wonder what it was she had wanted from him. He wasn't going to logically side with a woman he didn't even know, over his own father. My father is a man of his word, He wanted to argue that Ragnar's ambition got in his way. He would always strive for more. How did she think Týr felt being pushed aside by his father's ambition? One son wasn't enough. He wanted more. Yet, Týr did not think of Ragnar as a bad man for it. It hurt, of course, but he could not change Ragnar. Even if he had a choice — which he didn't.

You do not know how I feel, He told her harshly, eyes narrowing despite that she had hit the bullseye dead on. It was immature and not one of Týr's finer moments. The instant she turned from him and walked a good distance away leaving him alone with Gunnar the guilt began to roil in his stomach. Way to mess up whatever potential good relationship you had with her, as it was he felt a great shame swell in his breast for disrespecting her as a woman (a inkling of his past life). He did not understand what her gender had to do with anything and yet it was there like a festering wound nevertheless. Týr glimpsed down at Gunnar when the boy spoke why he thought that Nerian feared them. That isn't fear, Týr told his young half brother simply. She is not used to children, is all. When the child screamed at him that the change was too much, Týr let out a low warning growl at the boy's disrespect. It would be easy to kill him, Týr realized during a terrifying moment. He had the motive...the child was competition, and belonged to another woman. Why was he supposed to give two shits about him? He wasn't his brother — not really. The world is always changing, Gunnar. If you cannot adapt then perhaps you have no place in this world. Týr spoke quietly to the child with narrowed eyes, before he turned stiffly and walked away without so much as a goodbye knowing that he needed to leave before he made a further mess of his step family, or worse yet hurt the child.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Thistle Cloud - August 15, 2014

Thistle sat still refusing to listen and refusing to be hurt by the younger Vikings words. She had enough heart ache and enough tears to last her a lifetime just from his father. She wasn’t about to let him affect her negatively either. She was tired of the Viking males walking all over her, one of these days one of them was going to see a very angry very irritated Thistle Cloud and they were not going to like it.

Thistle watched him walk away and she wanted to rip him apart as she saw the dejected expression on her son’s face, how dare he take his anger out on her son. She hadn’t heard what was said, but clearly that was what it was, or Tveir would not be so sad and forlorn. Come Son we will go home. She spoke softly. And turning with Tveir at her heels with a smile on his face again, she went home.

RE: Walking to the shore. - Gunnar - August 15, 2014

Gunnar heard his brothers words to both him and his mother and a small puppy growl came forth from his maw. He’d not let anyone say mean things to his mother, it was bad enough he couldn’t do anything about it when his parents fight, but he’d be darned if his older brother did it too. He loved his mom, and he respected her why was that so hard for everyone else to do. Then at the words spoke to him it cut his tender youthful heart up and he bowed his head laying his ears tight to his head. He didn’t completely understand the entire context, but he did understand the stance and the body language.

He shook his head as his mother called and it was soon enough forgotten, being as young as he was. There was more important things to do throughout the day. He followed behind her happily playing.