Wolf RPG
Overture Downs Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Printable Version

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Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Pygmalion - November 25, 2019

Backdated to after this!

Pygmalion was over the moon to have @Lolita with him here. His enthusiasm was only slightly dampened by the fact that she'd have to stay elsewhere for the time being, but at least Bhediya said the two places weren't far apart. He bid his love adieu and then the two arctic wolves headed out into the open field. 

Pyg broke into a gallop, tail flagging, tongue lolling, and threw his head back to stare at his sister. C'mon, sis, he egged her on, grinning. Race me. See if ye can beat me on a surface other than ice. Lolita was built much more for speed; he had no doubt that the girl would overtake him easily.

Even so, he increased his pace, not even bothering to give her a head start. Hell, with her skills, he deserved the head start. He laughed, the sound carrying on the wind that whistled past his ears. God, this felt great!

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Lolita - November 25, 2019

Lolita was ecstatic to be with her family again. She had really thought she would never see them again, when suddenly Pygmalion had appeared from seemingly no where. Now they were headed towards Easthollow, and though the two would have to depart from eachother soon, this journey would give them plenty of time to chat. 

In Pyg's typical lighthearted and playful way, he challenged her to a race. Before Lita could even agree, Pyg was off, giving himself a head start by zooming ahead of her. She laughed as she began to race after him. "Hey, no fair! Ye started early!" Despite her complaint, a huge smile filled her face. She too, knew that she was a better runner of the two. Broad shouldered Pygmalion had more of the brawn, but Lita's long legs held the speed. It was not long, before she was tailing him closely, threatening to overtake him.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Pygmalion - November 25, 2019

Of course she'd cry foul, the little witch. It wasn't fair—but to him, not her! She caught him up easily; he felt her bearing down on his heels with every stride, her breath steaming up his tail (as one Bugs Bunny might have said). 

Ah, shite, Pygmalion muttered mock ruefully, smirking. Still, he was enjoying the run. It had been a while since he had really gotten his blood pumping like this. Patrols and hunting small game were fine, but there was nothing like vigorous exercise.

He was born for this. They were born for this.

Despite all but admitting defeat, he didn't slacken his stride, continuing to zoom over the meadow like a bolt of white lightning.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Lolita - November 25, 2019

do u mind if I pp her winning? :"D if you mind lmk and I'll edit!!
Lita's smile stretched ear to ear as her breath was on his neck. Her long legs propelled her lean form forward as wind blew her snowy fur backward at high speed. She would never admit it to him, but she was impressed- he had become a better racer since the last time the two had seen eachother. She was working harder to pass him than she was used to. 

She was behind him, then beside him, and finally she overcame him, glancing backward to give him a cheeky grin. "When's the race oover, Pyg? Ye know I'll win anyway!" She laughed, still running at full speed, hoping her voice wouldn't get lost in the noise of the wind.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Pygmalion - November 25, 2019

no problem at all!

Sure enough, she sailed past him eventually, tossing her head back to shout something at him. He only caught the words "over," "Pyg," and "win," but that was really enough to get the context. He slowed his pace bit by bit, until he found himself at an easy lope, then an ambling trot.

He was a wee bit winded, and panted, eyes sparkling as he waited for his sister to circle back and meet him where he drew to a stop.

God, she was fast! Good luck any boy trying to chase after her; she'd leave them all in the dust, and good riddance. No man on earth was good enough for lovely Lita.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Lolita - November 25, 2019

As he slowed, Lolita did too, turning back and taking a few steps to meet him where he stopped. He was panting with some exhaustion, and though she was too, she laughed at the sight of her big brother all worn out, the loser of the race. "I win!" She teased him through heavy pants, giving him a playful wink. 

As the two were about to continue again on their trek, she decided that it was a good time for them to discuss what they had missed of each other's lives. She hesitated for a moment before speaking up, "Pyg... so... how have things been fer ye? Yer journeys? Yer new home?" Lolita couldn't help but ask several questions as her curiosity took hold of her. And, she wanted to ask about the girl who seemed like she might be Lita's new sister-in-law too. She had caught the way her big brother looked at her, and the pale girl was ready to tease him about catching feelings.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Pygmalion - December 03, 2019

Of course ye do, he retorted breathlessly, grinning. He stepped forward and gave her a gentle shove to the shoulder, nipping briefly at her cheek. Ye should be thankful I challenged ye to a race and no' a wrestling match, Pygmalion chuckled, knowing full well his strengths would outdo hers in that particular competition.

He gave a brief shrug at her queries. It's been fine, he said easily. Been adjusting to the warmer weather, aye, and trying tae find a home fer winter. I saw a lot on the way doon. Mountains, prairies, huge forests. . .but I imagine ye did as well, since ye followed me.

He was much more interested in her adventures. Never would he have dreamed that Lolita would have followed him here! Pyg knew there was always that sort of energy within her, but he simply figured she'd stay to the north, like everyone else had. What aboot yerself? Get into much trouble? he asked with a wink.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Lolita - December 05, 2019

She laughed heartily at his joke of a wrestling match- aye, she was glad that hadn't been the proposal. As he spoke, she listened, nodding at his comment of adjusting to warmer weather as well as the strange new landscapes she had discovered. 

Then she giggled as he asked her about what trouble she got into. "Aye, perhaps... just a little bit. Ye wouldn't want tae hear aboot it, Pyg. Had tae be real sweet tae some bastards tae wiggle my way out of some situations. Those assholes would probably make yer head burst." She laughed as she explained. 

It was something she'd gotten used to a little bit, even though she knew it probably wasn't the best. Flirting with men who she didn't like, to get something out of them, to reap some benefits- safety, food, shelter- whatever it took for survival. She did not know yet, whether the same would be necessary here- especially since she intended to settle nearby, she would have a home soon, she thought. 

"Anyway, though, it was fun! Just like ye, I saw so many new things on my way down." And she smiled as she spoke, for some of the unfamiliar sights had truly filled her with awe, even if she had heard stories of these things back in Nunavut.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Pygmalion - December 05, 2019

He grimaced at her brief recollection. Ye're right; I dinna want to know, he shot back, not without humor. God help the puir bastards. I'll smash heids if anyone gets too close tae my wee sister. She was supposed to be sexless, right? Beautiful, sure, pretty and funny and witty—but not an object of desire.

Eugh! He recoiled at the thought.

It's grand, aye? Pyg continued, his smile growing much more genuine now that they were off the subject of strange, random men. He glanced back toward where they'd been, and then returned his eyes to Lolita. Listen, Lita. . .I dinna ken whether it's really true or not, about the woods being too crowded. Can ye return in a moon or so? Perhaps things will have changed.

Because he was selfish, and he didn't want to have to split his time between Bhediya and Easthollow.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Lolita - December 05, 2019

ok im not a wee bit scottish so I gotta know- what is "dinna ken" TvT sorry lmaoo cuz I have no idea
She noticed that his response did not have a hint of humor in it at all- and he agreed, saying that he'd hurt the man who touches her. She decided it was best, too, not to discuss it more. But it warmed her heart to see the protective side of her big brother, willing to stand up for her as if she was still a little girl. Perhaps he did not fully realize that she had grown up- but she would not refuse the help of the broad-shouldered family. 

Then he suggested that she return, in a moon or so? Her brow furrowed a bit. Did he not trust that girl who he had seemed so enchanted by? "But... are ye sure, that Bhediya is wrong? Either way though, brother, I'll absolutely do it. Ye can expect me to pay ye a visit in a month or so. Maybe a spot'll be open then..." She replied in thought, while continuing her stride.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Pygmalion - December 05, 2019

Neither am I, haha -- just an Outlander nut! It means "don't know" :)

Nay, not at all, he rejoined quickly, shaking his head. God, imagine him contradicting Bhediya! But. . .I just—I just want ye there with us, Lita. Not wi' Easthollow. I havena really noticed the woods being all that crowded, but I could be wrong, aye?

Pyg sighed through flared nostrils, glancing down. Just come in a moon's time, aye? Gie it another go. Perhaps some of the wolves living there now will've scattered. Wishful thinking, and of course he didn't wish that on Ibis and her burgeoning pack. Again, just selfishness rearing its ugly head.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Lolita - December 05, 2019

ahh ok I see lol! thanks :P

"Aye, I want to be with ye too, Pygmalion. Let's see how things go. Ye will barely even notice the month go by." She said, a seriousness marking her voice. She nodded as he said that perhaps some people would scatter. She was confident that some may- it was the way things went. People would come and people would go. 

She was quiet for a few moments more, but she felt the atmosphere was a tad too serious. Then she recalled what she had witnessed earlier, that made her brain itch with question. She could have mistaken that look in his eyes- but she had caught something there, she was sure. "Soooo Pyg... earlier, that Bhediya lass? Ye two are good friends, are ye no'?" She inquired, obviously eager for his response, as if ready to tease him, lest he admit what she suspected.

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Pygmalion - December 07, 2019

I hope so, he muttered, stubbornly squaring his shoulders, and then found his humor again when Lolita mentioned Bhediya. Weel, I hope we're a great deal more than friends, he remarked, chuckling. I'm steering it that way, aye. Just takes a wee bit o' patience.

For Bhediya, he had all the patience in the world.

Pygmalion gave Lita another gentle shove, laughing. As if ye had enough sisters a'ready, he added. What's one more, aye? The dark-furred woman would stick out tremendously in the sea of plush white that was the Pangloss clan, but that was what made her special. She was different. Unique.

Sighing slightly, he brought himself back to the present, nodding in the direction of the standing stones. Shall we? he asked, with some reluctance.

Wrap this here?

RE: Hold your horses, honey; I've got coupons for the Pringles - Lolita - December 07, 2019

sure!! thanks for the thread!! :D now, to find a reason why lita wouldnt get into easthollow...  hmm :thinking emoji:

She grinned cheekily as he admit it, his feelings for the petite doggish lass. "Aww, Pyg's got a little crush!" She teased him with a hearty laugh and a little shove. She nodded at his next comment. "Aye, I've got plenty. One more, what's the difference? I'll barely even notice." 

"Aye. We shall."

She too felt some reluctance, as the pair arrived to their destination. Lita assured herself that it wouldn't be long- and decided to reassure her brother too. "Pyg, don't ye worry aboot me one bit. I'll be back in no time, and hopefully yer pack'll have room fer me then," She sighed. She approached him and- well, she did whatever was the closest thing a wolf could do to a hug, laying her head on his shoulder for a moment perhaps. She was not one for overly emotional goodbyes, and so she pulled away, grinning at him again. "Seeya later, Pyg." And after the two said their farewells, she headed into Easthollow, glancing back over her shoulder every so often to watch the white speck of Pyg fade into the distance.